Chapter 771 Hot Blood (36)
Many students saw that Li Feng went out alone with Jessica yesterday, and they saw that Li Feng became more and more distasteful. When joking with Young Master Lei Zhe, they would sometimes show some dissatisfaction with Li Feng, which frightened Lei Feng. City Lord Zhe Shao secretly glanced at Li Feng from time to time, for fear of harming Chi Yu.

However, Li Feng chatted and laughed with the two girls all the way, and was in a good mood, so he didn't bother to pay attention to these bums.

This forest is known as a paradise for adventurers. Of course, there are many adventurers in it. At noon, the group finally met the first group of adventurers.

There are more than 50 adventurers in this team, which is about the same number as the students, but the adventurers are usually strong, otherwise they will not have the strength to hunt monsters. These adventurers are generally at the level of great swordsmen, and there are even a few At the level of a sword master, his strength is much stronger than that of the students.

Moreover, the adventurers are equipped with a complete set of occupations, most of them are swordsmen, there are also a few shield warriors carrying large shields, there are also a few archers and thieves holding daggers, and there is even a magician. Masters generally seldom run around for their lives. It is estimated that this magician should come out for trials.

Seeing a group of ragged students suddenly, these adventurers were obviously also very surprised. Most of the swordsman students had the logo of the academy on their chests, which were easy to identify. Only the magic students wore professional badges.

The eyes of the adventurers fell on Da Fei, and the surprise on their faces became even stronger. The Silver Wing Crystal Pegasus is certainly no stranger to these adventurers who have been dealing with monsters all year round.

It has been a full day and night since the students fled. They have been terrified for such a long time, and when they finally saw their "family" in Atlantis, they were all so excited that they almost burst into tears.

However, the reaction of the adventurers is different from what the students imagined. The adventurers have experienced countless intrigues and intrigues in the forest. warn.

The students were taken aback. The two sides shouted for a while at a distance of tens of meters before the adventurers let go of the weapons in their hands. However, these adventurers seemed to have a dispute, and they gathered their heads to discuss something in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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