Chapter 79 Space Ring (2)
Jessica saw that Ode was fine, and then tore open the remaining two scrolls. Ode's body flashed with blue light, and he received the two spells effortlessly.

Jessica breathed a sigh of relief, and walked towards Li Feng, her eyes were full of shock that could not be concealed. She thought that these scrolls were a failure, so she was only angry that Li Feng used these scrolls to get away with it.

But now, it has been confirmed that the scrolls are all successful, Jessica can only be shocked.

Of course, Jessica recognizes the magic of the wind cannon. It is an apprentice-level magic. Jessica can release it without any effort, but making it into a scroll is another matter.

The production scroll can only be made one level lower than her own level. Jessica is already a beginner magician, and the production of the magic scroll of the jackhammer just meets the requirements.

At this moment, she thought that the person in front of her was just a fool a few days ago, but suddenly became a disciple of Teacher Yamos, and now she can even make apprentice-level magic scrolls, that is to say, at least He is also a junior magician at the same level as himself.

Jessica used to be proud of her talent in magic, but now she suddenly discovered that the person in front of her was infinitely more talented than her, and this person was actually a fool a few days ago.

How many people in Titan Continent can advance to the level of elementary magician in just a few days?
almost none.

But there was such a person standing in front of Jessica, how could she not be shocked?

Jessica also remembered that Ode just said that the materials Li Feng owed on credit yesterday were only enough to make more than 150 scrolls, but there were at least sixty scrolls in the cloth bag on the ground. What is Li Feng's success rate in making scrolls? ?This is a [-]% success rate. What an impressive number?Even if a high-level magician is asked to make apprentice-level scrolls, the success rate will never exceed this figure.

Thinking of this, Jessica suddenly thought, Li Feng came here to pick up the materials yesterday evening, and delivered the scrolls early this morning. In one night, 150 scrolls were made. What kind of concept is this?This number was not only prominent, it simply horrified her.

Of course, these calculations are based on the fact that Li Feng is a junior magician, but if Li Feng is not just a junior magician, it will only make Jessica feel even more terrifying.

Jessica has long experienced the difficulty of advancing as a magician. She has been learning magic since she was a child, but now she is only a beginner magician, so the difficulty can be imagined.

Jessica thought so much, but was hardly right.

First of all, Li Feng is not an elementary magician, he has just reached the level of an apprentice magician, Jessica really overestimated him; secondly, Li Feng's speed of making scrolls, he only made more than 80 scrolls in one night, this point, Jessica also overestimated him; in the end, Li Feng's success rate in making scrolls was now as high as [-]%, which was twice as high as Jessica's estimation. On this point, Jessica underestimated him.

(End of this chapter)

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