The best bandit in another world

Chapter 798 Dust Tribulation Pill

Chapter 798 Dust Tribulation Pill (27)
If Li Feng's ideas were publicized, everyone would probably think that this guy was mentally ill. No one would have imagined how much shock Li Feng would bring to the Titan Continent.

Chapter 238 Mass production of high-level magicians
The biggest problem with the United Magic is that magicians cannot communicate with each other. They can only rely on the sensitivity of each magician to magic and the tacit understanding between magicians to adjust the magic elements by themselves. The speed at which each magician gathers magic elements will be There are subtle differences. This difference will not be obvious at the beginning of the alliance, but when the magic elements gather to a certain extent, this difference will be fatal. As long as you are not careful, the elements will be out of balance , the berserk magic elements will erupt immediately.

What Li Feng wants to solve now is this problem. His mental power is already strong enough. Hypnotism can not only hypnotize monsters, but it should also be effective for humans. It’s just that monsters are relatively simple-minded, so hypnosis is easy to succeed, and humans are different. No matter how cowardly a human being is, subconsciously, he will resist more fiercely than a powerful monster. Therefore, although Li Feng has never tried to hypnotize a human being, according to his estimation, even a super-level monster may be easier to hypnotize than a human being.

But Li Feng doesn't need to hypnotize humans, he just needs to use hypnotism to build a communication bridge between the three, so that Jessica and Cindy can communicate with each other while chanting mantras to gather magic elements. .

This kind of heart-to-heart communication is the most intuitive. Imprinting one's own thoughts directly into the other's mind can make people understand one's own meaning more clearly than speaking.

It's like when you want to describe a color to a blind man, no matter what you say, it's better to let the blind man 'see' the color directly in his mind. This is the biggest advantage of spiritual communication.

When performing magic union, the magic element cannot be disturbed. Except for the people who are united with magic, even if someone is watching, they cannot use spiritual power to investigate and then guide the magicians, because the magician's mental power is too high. Miscellaneous, once the mental power moves, it will immediately bring about fluctuations in magic power, which will affect the magic elements and cause serious consequences.

But Li Feng doesn't need to worry about this, his mental power is the purest in the Titan Continent, even some magicians who specialize in the spiritual system, when they usually meditate, they will accumulate some mixed magic power. Li Feng's pure spiritual power can be said to be unique.

This is also the biggest reliance for Li Feng to have the confidence to try the magic-linking technique.

After careful study for a while, Li Feng made sure that there was nothing missing. Li Feng drove away all the nearby soldiers, leaving a large space on the city wall. Alliance with demons is always a very dangerous thing, so of course these soldiers cannot be disturbed. To be on the safe side, Li Feng also put Fei Fei and Da Fei aside as escorts.

Li Feng confessed to Jessica and Cindy for a long time. His whimsical idea made the two girls horrified, but the two girls finally decided to trust Li Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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