The best bandit in another world

Chapter 807 Dust Tribulation Pill

Chapter 807 Dust Tribulation Pill (36)
The enemy did not launch another attack. The fall of the dragon knight was a huge blow to Parthia, not only in terms of strength, especially when the dragon knight was killed by Li Feng in an instant under the eyes of everyone. All the soldiers witnessed it with their own eyes. The fall of their patron saint was the worst blow to the morale of the Parthian army.

If morale cannot be restored, Parthia will not attack again for a while.

When the students came to the city wall again, it was almost noon, because at this time the enemy army began to move.

The enemy army has not come over for a while, and the students are talking about it, not when the enemy will come over, but about the two daughters Jessica and Cindy, two high-level magicians who have been promoted suddenly, and the impact on the students The force was too great, and many students were discussing the scene where Li Feng killed the dragon knight yesterday, and the scene of slaying the dragon shocked the students a lot.

Li Feng, the three parties involved in the discussion, all had a calm demeanor, just looking at the enemy army outside the city, discussing something in a low voice from time to time.

The enemy army quickly drove to the city. Countless siege equipment and more than 40 troops spread out in the wilderness. The huge momentum was very shocking.

However, the enemy army did not launch an attack quickly. Among the guards of the army, seven figures gradually rose up. The seven figures stepped on a huge lotus-shaped flame pedestal, hovering in the air more than ten meters above, and the sound of chanting spells When it sounded, every obscure syllable floated in the air, causing violent fluctuations in the magic element.

The seven-star fire lotus pedestal, this is the signature magic of the great fire magician. It can allow up to seven magicians to stand on it and release magic calmly. In addition, the seven-star fire lotus pedestal also has a strong magic defense ability, which is even enough to resist A wizard-level single-target magic attack.

There are quite a few people who know the goods in the city. Even if most of the soldiers don't know the signature magic of this great fire magician, they quickly learned how powerful the enemy is from the exclamation of the students, and they all turned pale in shock. .

A dragon knight was only killed yesterday, and Sunset City added three high-level magicians. Originally, the soldiers were still excited. Unexpectedly, the enemy would immediately show up with a big magician, extinguishing the excitement of the soldiers.

Didn't the great wizard always abide by the magician's contract and not easily get involved in wars?
This great wizard did not show up when Li Feng slayed the dragon yesterday. He must have not been in the enemy camp yesterday, and most likely arrived today. No wonder the enemy is no longer worried about morale. Great wizard The deterrent power is not much worse than that of the dragon knight.

(End of this chapter)

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