The best bandit in another world

Chapter 819 Extravagant Bait

Chapter 819 Extravagant Bait (12)
The three of them were walking at the front of the line. Li Feng was sitting on the Silver Wing Crystal Pegasus, and Jessica and Cindy were on the backs of Feifei a few meters high. From time to time, girls would send flowers and kisses to Li Feng. They were dying, but Jessica and Cindy curled their lips inwardly. The two women's mounts were too high, and even if someone gave them flowers, they couldn't hand them over.

Li Feng waved to the crowd in style, and even more enthusiastic cheers erupted from the crowd. The civilians didn't know Li Feng's name, so they all shouted long live the patron saint of Sunset City.

Li Feng became even more proud that his buddy was upgraded to the 'Long Live' level by accident.

Lord Raymond and Commander Ryan walked behind Li Feng and the three of them. These two people also received a lot of voices. Obviously, these two people are still very popular in Sunset City. This time, it is no doubt that they repelled hundreds of thousands of enemy troops. It further strengthened the glorious image of the two in the hearts of the city residents.

The students are also very popular objects. There are many beautiful girls who offer kisses to them. Li Feng is too unattainable, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jessica and Cindy's eyes are glued to Li Feng. The spring heart is sprouting, and they can't compete with Jessica and Cindy. The rest of the students are all young talents, and they are more attractive to enthusiastic girls than the elusive Li Feng.

The City Lord's Mansion had already prepared a grand banquet, and the students and a few senior generals filed into the City Lord's Mansion, and the cheers outside the mansion took a long time to gradually dissipate.

When entering the City Lord's Mansion, Jessica and Cindy were obviously hesitant, but Li Feng didn't care, jumped off the Pegasus and called Jessica and Cindy to go in together.

Since Li Feng is not afraid, the two girls can only turn over and jump down, and enter the mansion together with Li Feng. Both Da Fei and Fei Fei are guided by servants. The City Lord Mansion is very thoughtful and has prepared the most beautiful Qingcao also prepared a pond full of silver scale fish for Feifei.

"Thanks to all the students for their help, Sunset City was able to successfully repel the enemy's 40 troops," Raymond raised his glass and said loudly, "Let's toast to the victory..."

"Cheers to victory..."

The students suddenly raised their glasses and drank it down. The light brown golden rum is a special wine for celebrations. Drinking it makes people feel a burst of blood boiling in their mouths.

Li Feng also drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. Although this kind of wine is not high in alcohol, it seems to be able to ignite people's blood, which is very evil.

Li Feng had a slight change in the wine culture of the Titan Continent. The ale confiscated last time obviously did not represent the wine-making skills of the mainland. Compared with the fine wine drunk by the upper-class nobles, there was still a big gap.

"This glass of wine, I want to respect the patron saint of Sunset City, student Alan," Raymond walked over with two wine glasses in his hand, handed one to Li Feng, and raised the other hand high, Loudly said: "If it wasn't for Student Alan's efforts to turn the tide several times, Sunset City would have been captured by the enemy long ago. On behalf of all the people of Sunset City, the owner of this city would like to express his most sincere thanks to Student Alan. Student Alan is the patron saint of Sunset City , as long as it is within the scope permitted by the laws of the empire, classmate Alan will always receive the highest respect in Sunset City."

(End of this chapter)

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