The best bandit in another world

Chapter 827 Extravagant Bait

Chapter 827 Extravagant Bait (20)
In fact, Li Feng made too much fuss. Jessica and Cindy didn't show much difference. The concentration of wealth in this world is much more serious than that of China in Li Feng's previous life. Just think about it, Sunset City is so big In a city, except for the taxes paid to the empire, almost all of the rest is owned by the city lord, so this can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

In addition to gold coins, there are dozens of various magic crystals in the secret room, but most of them are elementary and middle-level magic crystals, and there are only a few high-level magic crystals. There are also some weapons and antique calligraphy and paintings. Although the things were not in Li Feng's eyes, Li Feng still put away all the weapons. As for the magic crystal and others, they were all divided up by Jessica and Cindy.

Not only Li Feng was dissatisfied with such a little gain, but Jessica and Cindy also complained: "Sunset City is a large and prosperous city after all, and Raymond, the city lord, is not a newcomer. Such a little thing?"

Getting something for nothing is always the most addictive. The two chicks originally had some complaints about Li Feng's robbery, but after harvesting so many things one after another, the two girls began to feel that they had gained too little.

Li Feng stomped his foot on the ground, and said with a smile: "Of course it's more than that. This city lord is really smart, and he even set up a fake treasure room. If I didn't know the details, I would almost have let this old ghost get away with it gone."

The eyes of the two women lit up, and they kept asking: "What fake secret room? Where is the real secret room? Could it be..."

Jessica's eyes fell to her feet, Li Feng stomped her feet several times in succession, she saw them all, she was still guessing Li Feng's intentions, but now she suddenly came to her senses.

Li Feng walked to the door of the secret room, inspected it, and scratched at the wall next to it, only to hear a cracking sound, and there was a staircase at the door of the secret room, leading to the bottom darkly.

Li Feng smiled at the stunned two girls, and walked down first.

When he entered the secret room just now, he was fully focused in order to guard against the mechanism. He did not expect that by mistake, he did not find the existence of the mechanism, but found that there was an abnormality in the soles of his feet.

There are no traps on the stairs. Li Feng is too thoughtful. Very few nobles have traps in their secret rooms, because in the Titan Continent, thieves are the ancestors of traps. No matter how sharp traps are hidden, it is difficult to hide them. through the eyes of thieves.

Unless there are some magic traps, it is difficult for thieves to crack them, but the price to be paid is not small if the magic traps want to be maintained, especially for powerful mechanisms, most nobles can't bear the magic crystals consumed every day.

The secret room below is more than double the size of the top one, and Li Feng can't fully illuminate it with a single lighting flame. Fortunately, he saw a magic lighting lamp at the entrance. After lighting it up, Li Feng glanced at the secret room, and couldn't help falling Take a breath.

The two chicks were also inhaling at the same time, a blue magic crystal attracted the attention of the three of them, it turned out to be a dragon crystal, and it was also a water-type dragon crystal.

(End of this chapter)

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