The best bandit in another world

Chapter 846 Planning to Rob the Palace

Chapter 846 Planning to Rob the Palace (3)
When I stopped yesterday, the light was already very dim, and the environment on the ground could not be seen clearly at an altitude of several thousand meters. At this time, I took a look and found that this was already the border of the Abbasid Kingdom and the birthplace of the dispute between the two empires.

After flying for a while, Li Feng suddenly saw that a scene of sending troops to catch thieves was going on below. He couldn't help being a little curious, and lowered the distance, only to find that the clothes of these 'thieves' seemed familiar.

Below are seven students from the Magic and Martial Arts Academy running wildly. There are more than 200 pursuers behind them. Li Feng didn't intend to pay attention to them at first. He cares about those bird people, but his heart is always not very happy. In addition, there is still half a day at most before he can reach the blood elf chick's tribe, so he doesn't want to be troublesome at this time.

However, just as he was about to leave, he accidentally saw the face of one of the students. Li Feng shook his head helplessly, and swooped down. Adversary?

Chapter 252 Planning to Rob the Palace

Among the students below, there was actually a rich chick named Joyce, but she was so desolate at this time, her clothes were in tatters everywhere, and she seemed to have rolled in the mud. It was pitch black, and her face was painted into a big face. If Li Feng hadn't met people who changed their faces several times one after another, and paid special attention to this aspect, he really wouldn't have recognized her at this time.

The other six students also have the same virtues as Joyce. They seem to be beggars in a team. They are all ragged and unkempt. These people look like swordsman students, but they are all unarmed, not even armor. I know where I lost it.

At this time, the pursuers were less than [-] meters away from the students. Fortunately, these pursuers did not look like Parthian warriors, and they did not hold bows and arrows in their hands. Otherwise, these students would have already been trapped into a hornet's nest.

The situation of the students looks very bad, all of them are walking in a vain manner, and it seems that they may fall to the ground at any time, and the distance from the pursuers is rapidly closing, I don't know how they got into such a mess.

At this time, nearly ten days have passed since the sneak attack of the Parthian Empire. Why are these students still running for their lives?And what's weird is that this is the border of the Abbas Kingdom. Even if these students escaped for their lives, they probably wouldn't have fled to Abbas, right?Don't they know that Abbas has already broken with Atlantis?

Li Feng didn't have the time to guess so much, anyway, save people first, when Da Fei swooped down, a burst of crystal blades shot out, and at the same time, Li Feng's Black Moon Knife also shot out.

Joyce was on the verge of despair at this time. The city she was in was successfully attacked by Parthia. All the dozen or so students with them were captured. Fortunately, she painted her face black in time before being captured. And pretended to be a male student, otherwise he might have been ruined by those animal soldiers. Joyce had seen the ugly faces of Parthian soldiers more than once.

(End of this chapter)

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