Chapter 87 Space Ring (10)
Although Jessica has many suitors, they are all noblemen. When they praise others, they are full of colorful and beautiful words. Praising her as a beauty?
However, Li Feng's directness made Jessica have some novel feelings, and asked with a smile: "Bird people? How do they look like birds?"

Chapter 33 Duel

Li Feng was really scratching his head, not knowing how to answer this question, he was stunned for a while, then rolled his eyes and said: "Well, anyway, the people I don't like are all bird people."

Jessica was taken aback, covered her mouth and laughed.

Li Feng disliked those birds, and the birds disliked Li Feng even more.

The few people present, except for Jessica, are all male students. It's not that these people love to study, so they came early. These people came to the trial field early, but because they knew that Jessica Usually come early.

Little Miss Jessica is beautiful, with a good family background, and she has been promoted to a junior magician early on. There are many admirers in the class, but most of them cannot muster up the courage to pursue her under the aura of the little beauty. .

Although I don't have the courage to pursue the little beauty, but I can't see others pursuing the little beauty, especially Li Feng, a fool that everyone looks down on.

If this fool took Banhua away, these people probably wanted to commit suicide to vent their anger.

So these people stared at Li Feng like knives.

If eyes could kill, I'm afraid Li Feng would have been hacked into pieces by now.

But can eyes kill?Maybe it can, but it's definitely not what these bird people can do. Their eyes are not lethal to Li Feng at all, so Li Feng still talks and laughs with Jessica with a smile.

But Li Feng didn't come too early, and it didn't take long before it was time for class.

The teacher of the magic practice class is not Dennis, but a female teacher. Li Feng knows her name is Tess.

The magic practice class is to let the students try out the magic learned in the class, and the teacher will guide them.

But these seem to be useless to Li Feng. It seems that as long as he has learned the magic, he can easily release it. There is no need to experiment, and he does not need others to guide him.

A great mage like Amos is puzzled by Li Feng's situation. This teacher Tess, judging by the professional badge on her collar, is only a high-level magician. How can she be qualified to give advice to Li Feng?
However, Li Feng was probably the only one in the whole continent with such a freak, and the other students accepted the teacher's guidance with an open face.

There were nearly [-] students in the class, but only three were promoted to junior magician, and there were seven people who wore the professional badge of apprentice magician, and the rest were all magic apprentices.

Every student's magic power is not abundant, and often one or two magic powers drain the magic power, and even one or two magic powers may not be able to be released successfully.

(End of this chapter)

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