The best bandit in another world

Chapter 901 Blood Elf Magic

Chapter 901 Blood Elf Magic (22)
Even with these restrictions, divine punishment is still the ultimate deterrent force possessed by every sect on the mainland. Except for holy wars between rival sects, few strong ones are willing to provoke the priests who serve the god's mansion.

After the God's Punishment is activated, it is absolutely irreversible, because no one can stop the God's Mansion from showing its powerful power. This is the iron law recognized by the Titan Continent.

Today, this iron law was broken, and Li Feng, in front of everyone, interrupted the divine punishment that the Great Elder prayed for the goddess to bring down. This scene made all the elves who knew about divine punishment almost freeze their brains. Unable to think.

Li Feng can interrupt the divine punishment sent down by Goddess Anayi, so who is Li Feng?When the elves regained their ability to think, this idea immediately rose from their minds irresistibly, causing the elves to almost fall into a state of brain stagnation again.

Of course, Li Feng is not a divine mansion. He was able to stop the divine punishment of the Great Elder, but it took a lot of effort, and the true energy in his body was almost exhausted. It is simply unimaginable, because one of the most basic characteristics of the Innate Realm is that the real energy is endless, and it is in the most direct dialogue with the spiritual energy of the world all the time, and the speed of recovery is even faster than the speed of consumption.

Li Feng almost exhausted his true qi, it was only because his output of true qi at that moment was too violent, even with the super recovery speed of the innate realm, he couldn't catch up with the consumption speed, but this was only one of the reasons, the more important The reason is that at that moment, he hardly felt the aura of heaven and earth.

Li Feng secretly wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. He was extremely adventurous just now. As soon as he touched the body of the Great Elder, he realized that something was wrong. The nearby aura was absorbed, creating a vacuum of aura.

The tyrannical aura rippling on the Great Elder's body came from the influx of spiritual energy. Li Feng absorbed the spiritual energy and transformed it into his own true energy. The large amount of spiritual energy absorbed by the Great Elder turned into vast fluctuations of magic power.

Li Feng had just tapped the Great Elder's body all over, opening holes for the aura so that all the aura absorbed by the Great Elder would flow out. In the end, he pressed the palm of his hand on the Great Elder's chest, squeezing out the pure Qi. Squeeze the aura in the elder's body and speed up the loss of aura.

As soon as the aura dissipated, the Great Elder immediately turned into an ordinary blood elf, and a blood elf whose vitality was about to be burned out. His body was crumbling, and it seemed that he had difficulty even standing up.

The elder's eyes were a little dull, as if he couldn't accept the fact that God's punishment, which was absolutely irreversible, was broken by someone. I believe that anyone who understands God's punishment can't easily accept this fact.

"Great Elder..." The blood elves in the distance finally came to their senses, seeing that the situation of the Great Elder was not good, they ran over exclaiming.

Li Feng thought for a while, then took out a Biqing Pill and stuffed it into the mouth of the Great Elder, the old guy was no longer a threat, but Li Feng couldn't let him just hang up like this, otherwise these blood elves would blame Li Feng, that would be terrible Li Feng is about to scold her.

(End of this chapter)

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