The best bandit in another world

Chapter 923 Demonstration of Financial Resources

Chapter 923 Demonstration of Financial Resources (8)
"Great Mr. Achilles, your interspatial ring seems to be extraordinary. Look, I got this one hundred cubic meter ring from the king of a country. I wonder if it can compare to your ring. ?” Li Feng asked seemingly casually while looking through the things on the ground.

A trace of disdain flashed in the giant dragon's vivid eyes, and Li Feng's peripheral vision keenly captured this scene.

Damn, Li Feng almost jumped up, his heart beating wildly like a drum, the dragon's slight disdain revealed an amazing news, this guy's space ring is definitely a starry sky ring.Apart from the Starry Sky Ring, there is no other space ring that can store more than one hundred cubic meters.

Master Dogen is not the inventor of the space ring, but no one can surpass his attainments in making space rings. One hundred cubic meters is already the limit of Master Dogen, and this is also the upper limit of all space rings.

The only exception is the starry sky ring, the treasure left behind by the inventor of the space ring, Master Gabrin.

The Starry Sky Ring is the only one in the Titan Continent. It claims to have unlimited storage space, and it is even said that it can hold the entire starry sky. This is also the origin of the name Starry Sky Ring.

The Starry Sky Ring was surnamed Li from today. Li Feng was laughing wildly in his heart. He was determined to get this ring.

Of course, it would be even better if it ended peacefully.

Fiddled with the ground absent-mindedly, Li Feng didn't even see what was on the ground, so he randomly pulled out a bunch of gold coins, and put away the things on the ground casually.

"Great Mr. Achilles, can you feast your eyes on your Starry Sky Ring?" Li Feng stood up with a smile, and fixed his eyes on the dragon's eyes when he spoke.

Both Harriet and Nana had heard of the name of Starry Sky Ring, and when Li Feng suddenly mentioned it, they couldn't help showing expressions of surprise.

There was obvious shock in the dragon's eyes, and he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to. Along with the shock, there was also incomparable panic. It knew with its butt that Li Feng definitely had bad intentions when he said that.

The expression of the giant dragon was all in Li Feng's eyes. He let out a sigh of relief. Now he can be sure that the Starry Sky Ring is definitely in this guy's hands. Ring to flicker over.

And Li Feng was still thinking about another thing, this guy is a high-quality thug, even if he doesn't take this guy as a hostage, he can get Heimuya to confess, anyway, Li Feng never thought of letting go of this giant Dragons, giant dragons are very vengeful, and he doesn't want this giant dragon to bring his mother to the door to find fault with him in the future.

Chapter 274
"Humans, the Starry Sky Ring is not something you can get your hands on. If your mother finds out that you have snatched the Starry Sky Ring, she will definitely come to chase you down. No matter how powerful you are, it is impossible for you to withstand the anger of a sixth-order giant dragon." There was unconcealable fear in his roar.

(End of this chapter)

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