The best bandit in another world

Chapter 948 Demonstration of Financial Resources

Chapter 948 Demonstration of Financial Resources (33)
Chapter 281
Li Feng is clearly a guy who lies and never writes drafts, but Avril has no doubts in the promise of the boss, because the boss has never let her down.

In fact, Li Feng is not too bragging. There are many aborigines in Mount Everest. If they can really gather all these aborigines together, their fighting power will be very impressive.

Li Feng's ambition was born in the blood elf tribe when he was chatting with his brother-in-law. When he returned to Heimuya and saw his territory being attacked, his ambition was like a prairie fire, which was out of control. .

Of course, it is somewhat impossible to compete with a human empire. Which great empire has not been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years?That kind of profound foundation cannot be compared by any upstart.

It's impossible to fight head-on, but if Li Feng can get an entire air force to raid the palace, it's still somewhat possible. No matter how many top powerhouses there are in an empire, they can't all gather in one place and wait. Is the enemy coming to raid?

In fact, what Li Feng wanted to do the most was to rob the Holy See's highest holy mountain. He never forgot "Encyclopedia of Other Worlds".

Thinking of "Encyclopedia of Other Worlds", Li Feng looked at the fire dragon in front of him with strange eyes, wondering if this guy could plunge into the depths of the magma?He still has some things that need to be retrieved from the depths of the magma.

Thoughts were spinning in Li Feng's mind, but there was still something to do, so he put it aside for now, raised his head and gave a whistle to the sky, hundreds of purple-crowned eagles swooped down and landed neatly on the edge of the cliff, on the hard stone ground, Grabbed by the sharp claws of the purple crown eagle, it was smashed into pieces of gravel and flew around.

Li Feng waved to a minion, "Go ask the chef to prepare more barbecue, these purple crown carvings all have big bellies."

The food intake of birds is usually relatively large. Some birds even eat more than their own weight in a day. Fortunately, the purple crown eagles are not just birds, they are elementary monsters. Although their food intake is also amazing, they are also It's not so exaggerated that it exceeds its own body weight, otherwise, just these more than 100 mouths will make Heimuya a pauper.

"The boss is really generous. He brought back so many air mounts in one trip. Those who go to rest now will wake up laughing from their dreams at night." Ferdinand arranged a place for the elves and turned back.

In fact, there is absolutely no need for the dignified second-in-charge to do this kind of trivial matter in person, just send a random minion over there, who can still get lost in his own village?

However, in order to show the elves that Heimuya valued them, Ferdinand went out in person.

"Is this called big handwriting?" Li Feng looked at Ferdinand with a half-smile, "Second Master, has the new warehouse been built yet? This big master will let you see the real big hand."

Li Feng smiled in Ferdinand's eyes, and felt a little weird, but he didn't think too much about it. He smiled and said, "Of course the warehouse is built first. Is the head of the house also 'working' outside? What's the gain?"

(End of this chapter)

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