Chapter 95 Space Ring (18)
When the knight walked out of the room, a stern look flashed in the young man's eyes, and a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth, "Adonis, a bum, pestered Jessica desperately, but unfortunately he was castrated before I could do anything, Alan? Hehe, If you don't know how to live or die, Adonis is your role model."


Li Feng didn't know that the little beauty Jessica approached him just to find out his secrets, and he didn't know that there was a young man called His Highness who was about to make him Dongfang's aunt.

Li Feng felt very happy, and when he walked into the blacksmith shop, his face was still full of joy.

After greeting Andre and Algernon, he got into the small room again and started making scrolls.

Li Feng found that when making scrolls, his mental power was also increasing rapidly, but there was one problem. He now had to use his mental power to make scrolls, so he couldn't use his mental power to motivate him when he was practicing. Infuriating.

The world is not perfect, and Li Feng didn't force it. He plans to make some scrolls first, and when he has enough money in his hands, he will focus on cultivating his inner strength.

Li Feng still puts the most importance on the cultivation of internal strength, after all, it is the capital of his life.


Nearly 20 days passed without any surprises. During this period, the relationship between Li Feng and Jessica still did not make any progress. Jessica originally approached Li Feng for other purposes, and even if she had a good impression of Li Feng, it was limited. , what progress can be made?
But Li Feng was not discouraged, and sent Jessica home every day.

Li Feng's spiritual power has also improved a lot. He can now cast two basic magic spells, but they are all single-body magic that consumes less mental power.

Because group magic needs to mobilize more magic elements, the consumption of mana and mental power is higher than that of single-body magic. To advance to a junior magician, at least one must be able to release three single-body magic in a row, or at least be able to succeed. Release a group of magic, so Li Feng can't be counted as a beginner magician yet.

But even so, the speed of Li Feng's progress is still extremely terrifying. When he went to Amos' laboratory and accepted Amos' instructions, Amos always kept his face calm, but his heart was full of turmoil.

Amos was really speechless for this freak disciple.

Fortunately, Li Feng has not asked Amos about the scroll, otherwise Amos would not know how surprised he would be.

Since the scrolls made by Li Feng can be exchanged for money, he didn't bother to bother the instructor. Besides, what Amos taught him every day took him a long time to digest, and he couldn't think of asking for advice for a while. Question about scrolls.

Li Feng's current ability is enough to make elementary magic scrolls. He also bought the materials for making elementary magic scrolls from the item store, but the elementary magic scrolls he made were not in a hurry to sell them for money.

Because the elementary scrolls were already very lethal, Li Feng was a little reluctant to sell them, and he kept all of them for self-defense.

(End of this chapter)

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