Chapter 999 Griffon (12)
These thirty flashes of lightning are exactly the same as the first ten flashes of lightning. Avril has somewhat experienced the power of lightning. She has no idea whether the master can resist thirty flashes of high-level magic.

The giant dragon also widened its eyes. It has a deeper understanding of the power of lightning than Avril. Seeing that the lightning instantly drowned Li Feng, the giant dragon was somewhat gloating. This guy was blackmailed by Li Feng, and even gave away the starry sky ring , it has absolutely no liking for Li Feng.

But soon, a scene that stunned the dragon and made Avril cheered appeared.

The lightning all over the sky disappeared, and Li Feng half-lyed on the Thunder Beast, holding the 'soil' on the top of the Thunder Beast tightly with both hands, and slowly bowed his waist. Although his movements seemed a little stiff, he didn't hang up anyway.

Withstanding so many lightning baptisms at once, even with Li Feng's deep qi, he almost couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, Li Feng's zhenqi has been circulating at the fastest speed just now, and the electric magic is condensed with pure elements, so it is relatively easy to disperse the zhenqi, otherwise Li Feng would have made Thunder Beast's snack early.

However, Li Feng is not completely fine. He has some slight convulsions all over his body now. The power of the thirty bolts of light from the Thunder Beast was driven away by the true energy, but the remaining power has already made Li Feng very sad. Terrible.

Moreover, Li Feng's image was completely ruined. He was originally made into an explosive lion hair style by the powerful static electricity, and even his skin was burnt black by the electricity. He used his body to perfectly interpret what is called 'Rainbow'.

Li Feng also deeply understood why the color of the land around here is scorched black.

Most likely the Thunder Beast was idle and used its endless lightning to bring out the thunder.

Before Li Feng came back to his senses, another gorgeous flash of lightning shot out from the purple crystal diamond, instantly submerging Li Feng's figure.

Li Feng's "I rely on" was held back in his throat. The Thunder Beast seemed to be completely irritated by Li Feng. There are more than 300 purple crystal diamonds, each of which can emit a gorgeous electric light.

All the more than 300 flashes of lightning were accepted by Li Fengzhao.

Looking at this magnificent scene in the sky, the giant dragon almost couldn't help shouting 'Damn', what kind of person is this pretending to be hacked like this?

Shining electric arcs danced all over Li Feng's body, and intense pain hit his brain. Under this continuous electric shock, even with the support of deep qi, Li Feng could still feel that every cell in his body seemed to be Moaning under the strong current.

It's such a cool electrotherapy, the sky full of electric light disappears, and Li Feng can still smile.

Chapter 296 Thunder Robe

Li Feng raised his head and took a deep breath. After being baptized by such a powerful thunder and lightning from the Thunder Beast, his action should have been a declaration of victory. Impossible to act like an overcomer.

(End of this chapter)

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