The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 115 [Tiga World] I am Lin Yu

Chapter 115 [Tiga World] I am Lin Yu
Dagu became Dijia, which Lin Yuxin had planned a long time ago, but he just took advantage of this incident to make him Dijia.

Lin Yuxin sat cross-legged on the bed, sorting out the energy in her body, and now she recovered so much after being absorbed by Zaki, her body was a little uncomfortable.

But when she thought of Zaki absorbing so much energy from her, she wanted to laugh, and she couldn't digest it in ten days and a half months.

What are you doing tomorrow?

Accompany Asuka?Or go to Maya?Or go shopping with Mayumi?

Forget it, let's play with Asuka. One of these two is a singer and the other is a nurse. They are very busy all day, and they rarely have time off.

The next day, Lin Yuxin left the TPC base and returned to the villa.

As soon as she entered the villa, an orange cat rushed towards Lin Yuxin. Lin Yuxin subconsciously stretched out her hand to catch it and held it in her arms.


Yili hummed happily, and kept rubbing her soft head against Lin Yuxin's shoulder, pouting her pink lips.

Lin Yuxin lowered her eyes and smiled, her eyes twinkled like starlight, and her voice was seductive, "You have gained a lot of weight recently."

Yili's body trembled twice, and the fur all over his body trembled. The owner wouldn't despise it, would he?Don't! !It just needs to eat less in the future.

Lin Yuxin felt the little guy's emotions, and smoothed its fur with her fair fingers, "It's good to be fatter."

Does it really have the gene of big orange?
Asuka came down from the downstairs and immediately saw Lin Yuxin holding Yili. He was overjoyed and shouted loudly, "Sister Yuxin!"

Lin Yuxin looked at him when she heard the words, the corners of her lips curled up, "Bird."

"Sister Yuxin, you're finally back, I'm so bored!" Asuka was very happy at first, then he sighed after thinking of something, and pursed his lips in depression.

Lin Yuxin rubbed Asuka's head, and said softly: "Today I specially took you out to play, tell me, where do you want to go?"

"Oh sister Yuxin, don't rub my head," Asuka looked at Lin Yuxin dissatisfiedly with her mouth pouted, then her eyes lit up, and she said with a grin, "Then play baseball with me!"

"Okay." Lin Yuxin agreed without hesitation, "Let's get ready first."

"Yeah!" Asuka cheered and went in to get something.

As soon as Asuka left, Lin Yuxin's body emitted a wave of energy, and her figure suddenly began to twist.

"This image has been useless for a long time." Lin Yuxin curled her lips into a smile, her brows and eyes were smiling, as if she had thought of something interesting.

After a few minutes

Holding the baseball and baseball bat, Asuka opened her mouth wide, and swallowed back the words she was about to say just now.

The next second, he looked at the man in front of him and burst into tears without warning, "Wow! Sister Yuxin lied to me again! 5555"

Lin Yuxin's forehead twitched, why did Asuka react like this?She turned around and looked at Asuka and said, "Little brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying so sadly?"

Asuka saw the person in front of him startled, sniffed, and said in surprise, " are you?"

"Hello, it's our first time meeting. My name is Lin Yu." Lin Yuxin stretched out her hand to Asuka, and Asuka stretched out her hand in a daze and took Lin Yuxin's hand.

"Why do you look so similar to Sister Yuxin?" Asuka frowned suspiciously. This person looks so similar to Sister Yuxin, and his surname is Lin?
Asuka tentatively said, "Are you a relative of Sister Yuxin?"

Lin Yuxin was silent for two seconds, and then replied: "I am her brother."

"She left temporarily, let me play baseball with you."

"Cut!" Asuka pouted, "Are you skilled?"

Lin Yuxin: This guy has slowed down so quickly?

Lin Yuxin raised her eyes and looked at him: "Do you want to try?"

"Okay!" Asuka looked at her disdainfully, showing a malicious smile, "Look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, how powerful can you be?"

When the two of them entered the yard, Asuka looked at Lin Yuxin sharply, "You've got it done, I'm going to start!"

After finishing speaking, Asuka tossed the baseball, then bent his right leg slightly and kicked off the ground, took a deep breath after finishing the foreplay, held it in again, and threw the ball hard!
Lin Yuxin kept her eyes on the baseball, estimating the ball's landing trajectory, then ran to her expected position, and stretched out her hand swiftly after the baseball reached above her head!
With a soft sound, Lin Yuxin firmly caught the baseball in her hands.

"How could it be?" Asuka opened his mouth wide, in disbelief: "You actually caught it!"

Lin Yuxin smiled, "You still need to work hard!"

"I don't believe it, come again!" Asuka stared at Lin Yuxin unconvinced.

So, after twenty innings...

Asuka covered her chest and panted, sweat dripped on her face, "Well, it seems that my skills are really far behind."

"By the way, you are sister Yuxin's elder brother?" Asuka then remembered Lin Yuxin's current identity, and suddenly felt that both of them were so powerful, and that he lost to both of them, which was really embarrassing.

"Ah! I'm going shopping!"

Technically, he couldn't compare to this person, Asuka decided to give him a good meal, the villain in his heart laughed loudly, seeing that I won't let you spend money.

Lin Yuxin smiled: "Okay."

The two of them were strolling in the street, and they attracted attention without any accident.

Among them, several girls approached Lin Yuxin.

Asuka: Evil Yangou, can't you not see the equally handsome me next to him?

(End of this chapter)

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