The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 117 [Tiga World] Chrysanthemum Remnants, Scars All over the Ground

Chapter 117 [Tiga World] Chrysanthemum Remnants, Scars All over the Ground

On the dining table, there are several factions.

One is a handsome explosion, and then eating quietly and elegantly, and by the way, a group of fans are harvested.

One is a person who laughs like a fool, has a stain on his body and mouth, and chats happily.

The last one is the person who can't eat, puts his eyes on the person next to him, wipes his mouth silently, and looks at him with affectionate eyes.

After eating and paying the bill, several people walked out of the restaurant.

Lin Yuxin was dressed in white clothes and black trousers, clean and tidy, without a trace of dust, and she was tall and slender.

Just after drinking wine, her skin looks white and pink, her lips are red and weeping with blood, and her eyes are as tender as water, sparkling.

The whole person looks more seductive than before. Before, he felt a little bit ascetic, but now he is full of charm, but not half feminine.

On the other hand, Dagu and Asuka had stains on their bodies, their clothes were wrinkled, and their faces were a healthy wheat yellow.

Lina was much more normal than others, and there was nothing particularly noticeable about her.

As she walked, Lin Yuxin turned around and asked suspiciously, "Where are we going next?"

Several people paused when they heard the words, yes, where are they going next?Won't we just go on like this?
Asuka looked at the people with great anticipation, and suggested, "Why don't we go to the haunted house in the amusement park? I heard it's very interesting inside!"

Lina curled her lips in dissatisfaction, "The haunted house is so boring, it's nothing more than some staff pretending to be ghosts."

Asuka pouted, and looked at Lina with an expression of "I understand": "I understand, sister, you dare not go, do you?"

"What!" Lina stared at him, and the two opened their eyes.

Asuka looked at Lina with a sigh, and sighed: "You just don't dare to go, you don't dare to go even though you know the staff is pretending! I didn't expect you to be so timid, sister!"

"Go, go, whoever is afraid!"

There was a hint of disbelief in Lina's beautiful eyes, hum, would she be afraid of things like ghosts?I'm really not afraid of fake ones.

Asuka cheered in his heart, aggressive method, success!
So Dagu and Lin Yuxin accompanied them to the amusement park, the amusement park where Gadi appeared last time.

Asuka swallowed as soon as he walked into the amusement park, there won't be any monsters here again, right?
The four of them walked in the direction of the haunted house. As soon as they reached the door of the haunted house, they saw a group of people crying and howling wolves rushing out of the haunted house in a panic.

Asuka: I regret coming here, what should I do?
But he still boldly said: "Let's go, let's go in."

After speaking, he first walked into the haunted house.

Then the other three followed.

Lin Yuxin curled her lips and smiled silently, a glint flashed in her eyes, it was so dark inside, it seemed like a good place to do it.

Dagu, who had no idea that he was being targeted, was holding Lina's arm, and then said very masculinely: "Don't worry, Lina, with me here, nothing will happen."

Lina smiled pretty, blushing on her face: "Got it."

Asuka twitched her lips, it's fine for these two people to ignore them every day.

The four of them walked silently in the cold and windy environment, with unknown blood smeared on the nearby stone mountain and various scary props placed.

Suddenly, a hideous ghost rushed towards Lin Yuxin from behind, yelling, "I want to eat you."

Lin Yuxin didn't even bother to take a look. She swept her long legs and kicked the ghost ten meters away with a roundabout kick. Then she lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

Ghost: Did I kill your whole family?

The other three: so cruel
Lin Yuxin frowned, and slowly walked up to the ghost, and then took out a stack of money with one hand from her pocket.

With a flick of the hand, the money fell in front of the ghost.

The ghost who was too painful to speak: ...

Asuka watched this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, why did it feel so familiar?

Lin Yuxin took a few steps back indiscriminately, and said to several people, "Go on."

Asuka nodded, and was about to speak, when suddenly a coldness surged up from his ankles, and goose bumps all over his body.

His voice trembled uncontrollably, and he stammered: "There are... ghosts!"

Then his face turned blue, and he yelled, desperately shaking the foot that was caught by the ghost.


Asuka yelled in horror, the expression on his face distorted uncontrollably, tears were about to burst out in fright.

Lin Yuxin pulled Asuka towards her with a sullen face, and then he fell into a warm embrace.

Asuka: Ma Ma, I was scared to death.

Lin Yuxin squinted her deep eyes and looked at the ghost, her handsome face showed no expression. The ghost was frightened by her eyes, and scrambled away from their sight.

The other three: ... were speechless

Lin Yuxin walked behind the three of them alone, ignoring all kinds of ghosts and ghosts that appeared from time to time, among them, as long as they were female ghosts, they paid more attention to her.

Asuka said that he was so angry today that his stomach was almost bloated, and now his stomach is full.

Dagu and Lina abused dogs every day, Asuka didn't even bother to watch them, the two guys who taught bad children were so scared by ghosts on the way, how could they have the mood to watch them.

Lin Yuxin fumbled in her pocket with her hands, and after a second or two, she took out a silver needle that was shining coldly.

Lin Yuxin's lips curled into an unknown smile, she held the silver needle between her index finger and middle finger, glanced at Dagu, and with a wave of her hand, the silver needle shot towards Dagu.

The speed was extremely fast, and an afterimage flashed across the air.

Dagu, who was looking at Lina affectionately, suddenly felt the chrysanthemum tighten, a sound of piercing into the flesh, and then a severe pain!

Dagu cried out in pain in his heart, his expression changed on the surface, but he still looked at Lina with a smile, and his body froze completely.

Lina glanced at Dagu suspiciously, felt Dagu's abnormality, and said strangely: "Dagu, what's wrong with you?"

Dagu quietly put his hand behind and touched it, and sure enough, he touched a foreign object, and he felt uncomfortable even if he moved it.

Dagu pulled it out directly, the pain made him break out in cold sweat, gasped, and almost let out a cry of pain.

When was he attacked?
Also, who is so dirty and obscene?To poke him in that kind of place.

(End of this chapter)

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