The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 125 [Tiga World] Meeting Dagu

Chapter 125 [Tiga World] Meeting Dagu
The young Asuka opened a pair of big round eyes, and the black eyeballs rolled around, as if thinking about something, very playful.

Lin Yuxin put the bird on the ground, and said in a gentle tone: "Flying bird, can my sister take you home?"

Asuka bit her finger, looked curiously at the woman in white, and asked strangely, "Big sister, how do you know my name?"

"Because I know you."

Lin Yuxin tapped Asuka's nose, it was moist, smooth and flawless.

"Dad said you can't take strangers home!" The little Asuka didn't know what to think, and suddenly his face turned serious, frowning and looking at Lin Yuxin vigilantly.

"Shouldn't you thank me? I just saved you." Lin Yuxin said to Asuka playfully, this little guy is completely different from before.

"makes sense."

Asuka scratched her head, pouted her mouth, thinking about what Lin Yuxin said just now, and realized that what she said was correct.

"Okay, my house is over there."

Lin Yuxin heard the words, followed Asuka's fingers to look there, and led him over there.

Looking at a slightly old door, Lin Yuxin stretched out her hand and knocked twice. Not long after, she heard footsteps, and then the door opened.

"Is it Ashin?" The man twisted the doorknob to open the door, looking at the door with concern.

As soon as I saw it, it was a woman in white, and it was his son Ashin who was holding her hand.

Full of shock, he held his son in his arms excitedly, his lips trembling, "Ashin, you are back."

"Father." Asuka happily hugged Asuka back.

Seeing this, Lin Yuxin left without disturbing the scene where the father and son met each other.

She decided to live with the house cat, which must be very interesting.

Now, she walked to a simple house and saw a big orange.

Lin Yuxin adjusted her glasses, a faint smile appeared on the corners of her lips, and her eyes turned to Daju.

Big Orange:? ? ?cat face dumbfounded

In the next second, Lin Yuxin's figure turned into a golden light and landed on Daju's body, and she also shrank to the size of a two-month-old kitten.

In the eyes of others, she is a white kitten.

The orange cat didn't react a little, it was thinking in its mind, what is that on its back, can it be eaten?But when I want to eat, I feel my stomach is empty again.

Let's go and find what the master wants to eat!

"Meow~" The orange cat uttered a deep cat-male bass, then started to walk around on all fours, rubbing the tip of its head against the door, shaking its body comfortably, and then easily slipped through the door into the room.

"Xiao Xiao, you're hungry again."

As soon as the familiar voice hit her ears, Lin Yuxin bounced off the cat's back, grabbed the yellow fur, and looked towards the source of the sound.

He was also stunned by the young man in casual clothes with a slightly immature face.

When did Xiao Xiao bring a companion back?
Moreover, the kitten's posture really opened his eyes. It sat with its legs spread open like a man riding a horse, its claws were grabbing its own little tuft of fur, and now it was looking at him with a serious cat face.


Dagu couldn't help laughing, it's too cute, really, it's too anthropomorphic, his Xiaoxiao really looks like a big stupid cat.

But thinking about how this kitten is still so small, it must be hungry. He originally wanted to prepare food for his little one, so he took an extra portion.

But when he put the two servings of food in front of Xiaoxiao, the kitten put his legs together, and then stood up directly on Xiaoxiao's back. With a kick of two cat legs, he jumped into the air.


Dagu's heart skipped a beat, and he rushed forward without even thinking about it, it was too dangerous!


A loud bang.

Dagu's face hit the floor, and his whole body lay on the ground like a cripple.He is still in shock, thinking about what just happened.

The kitten did a chic backflip in the air just now, and landed firmly on the ground!
Then, he threw himself on the ground...

"Ah~ It hurts"

Dagu sat up, rubbed his sore face, and sighed in his heart.

Can a cat play tricks now?

Lin Yuxin glanced at Dagu indiscriminately, then glanced at him contemptuously, then walked to the table and jumped onto the table.

Dagu: ...

How did he see the contempt in the cat's expression?Moreover, why does this cat walk with both legs on the ground?
But the next second he was shocked again. The cat actually picked up a pair of chopsticks, used them with two fingers, grabbed a piece of meat from the plate, and sent it straight to its mouth.

The movements are smooth and flowing, without any hesitation or mistakes.

Dagu swallowed, and looked at Lin Yuxin in disbelief. Could it be that what he met was a magical cat?
He even knows how to use chopsticks, and his behavior is so human-like.

After Lin Yuxin ate enough, she slowly returned to the orange cat's back and lay down.

But she was also thinking in her heart, this Dagu is too stupid, after getting used to the smart Dagu, he changed suddenly, and the comparison came out.

Just say that when she just jumped off the orange cat, his reaction was really stupid, not to mention that she would land safely, even if it was really a cat, it would be fine.

It may also be that her body is too small now, so he is worried.

Well, based on what she knew about him, it should be a desperate worry.

(End of this chapter)

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