The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 132 [Tiga World] Can she do it?

Chapter 132 [Tiga World] Can she do it?
Lin Yuxin smiled: "Obike, you have caused me a psychological shadow."

Obike swallowed, feeling a bad premonition in his heart, just as he had this thought, he saw her say maliciously: "So, you have to pay."


Dagu couldn't hold back his spray, his eyes twitched twice.Yuxinsang, do you know the meaning of this sentence?Is it serious to say such unclear words to an old monster?

I misread you...

Aubic wiped the soup off his face with a dark face.

Yin smiled, his face darkened, and his tone was strong: "It's not that easy."

Lin Yuxin's eyes turned to Dagu, the light in her eyes flickered, and the stars suddenly appeared, flashing with a hint of danger.

Dagu nodded, and immediately understood Lin Yuxin's meaning. He quickly stretched out his right hand to gather energy, and a golden light shot out from his hand.

Otto binds the light, the golden paralyzing light released from the left hand, which is used to attack the enemy who is about to flee.

In the original book, this move made Kiranbo and Huranus stand still in the air, and calmed the violent King Morab.


Obike's body froze, and he completely lost consciousness. He looked at Lin Yuxin with uneasy eyes, and when he saw the golden light emerge from her palm, his heart skipped a beat.

Neither she nor the winning player is human!

The light whip turned into a light rope, and was tied around Obike's body.

Obik tried all his strength to break free, but the more he struggled, the more he struggled, the light whip cut his skin, and blood spilled from his clothes.

The tingling pain made him stunned, and a sense of powerlessness surged in his heart, no matter whether it was physical struggle or chemical change, he couldn't escape.


Obviously trying to do something to attract people's attention, but it's still useless. I really failed.

Was caught easily.

My own village is no longer there...

The beautiful lotus pond, the fragrant fragrance, the clear lake water...

It's all gone.


It has been transformed into other buildings, and the traces of its existence are completely gone.

Then what's the use of using that piece of land?

Obic smiled sarcastically, his eyes filled with sadness and silence.

What are you, an ant?Poor wretch who can't get up a little bit of trouble?Like a lost dog, without a home.


When I uttered this word desolately, my heart was covered with sadness, astringent and uncomfortable, tears ran down my cheeks weakly, is there really nothing I can do?

Humans, you are so selfish and self righteous.

Why! !
My homeland was just taken away by you. Obviously I am the owner of the village, but I am homeless and unable to return home.

Tiga, what is your reason for guarding this group of humans?Is this group of races really worth your protection?
His eyes were gray and he couldn't see any color.

"Kill me."

Obike stared fiercely at Dagu and Lin Yuxin with his bloodshot eyes, choked up his voice, and his eyes showed the determination to risk everything.

His world no longer makes sense.

Lin Yuxin picked out her ears, and looked at him expressionlessly when she heard this:

"Want a village? I'll satisfy you."


it is more than words.

Obike looked at Lin Yuxin's bleak back, and felt a strange feeling in his heart, this guy, just let him go.

She is obviously not a good person.

"Master Ayan..."

Shadow called Obic's former name suspiciously, but didn't know what to say.

"That guy..."

Obic put away the stall with complicated eyes, sighed, and disappeared into the darkness.

The next day, when passing by the street, I heard a news by accident.

The former village, that place, no longer needs to be built into a paradise, and the people in the town have received a notice to relocate.

Such a result, Obike never thought of it, his head was lowered, his eyes were dim, and he didn't know whether it was disappointment or joy in his eyes.

Hearing that the group of humans were about to leave, I was not happy, but rather, I felt a little indescribable.

That person, is he really going to return the former village to him?However, the former village has long since disappeared, no matter what, it just disappeared.


"Yu Xinsang, why did you do that?"

In the victory command room, everyone in the victory team was boiling.

Just suddenly bought that piece of land at a huge price, regardless of whether the residents agreed or not, directly and forcefully made the residents move away.

Dagu was silent, he didn't really understand why Yuxinsang did that, but if it was because of Obike...

That's very possible!
However, he always felt that what Yu Xinsang said was to satisfy Obike, it was not that simple!
"Dagu, do you know why?"

Lina looked at Dagu with probing eyes, and asked in bewilderment.

"I think,"

Dagu paused, with a serious face, and said earnestly: "Everyone, go and learn about that place."

Everyone was stunned by Dagu's serious expression, and Zongfang gave Ye Rui a look.

Ye Rui immediately searched for information on the computer.

"Is there Obic in Yanye Street?"

Horei opened his mouth wide in surprise, frowned and thought: "What does that have to do with Yuxinsang?"

"Have you ever heard about the past of Yanye Street?"

Dagu said with a deadpan expression, with a dignified expression, not at all as stupid as usual.

"In the area of ​​Yanye Street, Obic lived. He used to live in the village that made him miss..."

Dagu's voice carried memories, as if he was talking about the past, his eyes were shrouded in white mist, and covered with a veil of mystery.

Following this magical sentence, everyone substituted themselves, their eyes were in a trance, their minds went blank, as if they had left the role of the listener, and as the protagonist in the story, they experienced everything he had ever experienced.

"So, is that so?"

Zong Fang was filled with emotion, complex emotions flowed in his eyes, and his tone was calm but with a trace of sigh.

"Poor Obik."

Lina's voice was nasal, and the moment she spoke, she lowered her wet eyes, not wanting to be seen by others.

So, does Obik have such a past?Living alone in a dark corner, that kind of feeling, probably no one can bear it.

"It turns out that Yuxinsang is to return Obike, the former village."

There was a huge wave in Xincheng's heart, she was really willing to do that for Obike!But then Xincheng frowned, with an expression of disbelief:
"But no matter how she builds it, the old village will never come back..."

This is also a question that Dagu was thinking about. Yesterday, her tone was unquestionable and decisive, giving people a strong sense of trust and seeming very determined.

But how can she do it?
"Let's go and have a look at night."

Zong Fang spoke lightly, not only Dagu and Xincheng were curious, but he also really wanted to see what Lin Yuxin was going to do.

A day, whether it is long or not, or short, is not short, just like that.

Standing on a high place, Lin Yuxin looked down at the unpopular land below, Qing Jun's face was a little pale by the cold wind, tinged with a sense of coldness.

Obike next to him pursed his lips and looked at her with an unclear expression. Why did she do this?Is it pity for him?
"I didn't pity you."

Lin Yuxin suddenly spoke out as if she knew what he was thinking, her voice was as cold as an emotionless machine without the slightest fluctuation.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Obike said a little upset, he couldn't see through this person, the whole body was filled with endless strangeness and evil, which was shocking.

Lin Yuxin didn't speak, she glanced at him faintly, and jumped off the cliff, her figure suddenly disappeared into the air.


Dagu's heartbeat stopped suddenly for a second, and his steps suddenly stopped because of the blockage, the blood on his face faded instantly, the strength in his body was suddenly emptied, and his body fell down uncontrollably.

The sudden change caused him to stabilize his body in a hurry, and half-kneeled on the ground with one hand on the ground, breathing rapidly.

As if sensing something, Dagu raised his head and saw Lin Yuxin's huge body floating in the middle of the town.

What is she going to do?
A hint of worry appeared on Dagu's bloodless face.

(End of this chapter)

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