The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 152 [Tiga World] is about games

Chapter 152 [Tiga World] is about games
Hope it's not bad for humans.

A glimmer of light flashed in Dagu's eyes, he pursed his lips, then patted Lina's shoulder with a smile, and blinked his eyes: "I believe that humans and monsters can coexist."


Lina's lips parted slightly, what Dagu said was exactly the answer she needed in her heart!
Dagu comforted: "Whether it's Jakuma and Isis, Eblon, Reylos, or Makina who has already left, haven't they all succeeded?"

Dagu smiled optimistically with a sunny face, which aroused infinite hope in Lina's heart, and a smile finally appeared on her lips: "Yes."

Jujianhui's thinking coincides with Dagulina's. She also believes that simply destroying monsters is not the answer. Only by finding out the reason for the appearance of monsters can the problem be completely solved.

But what is the reason?

Ju Jianhui looked at the two of them, resting her chin on her right hand and meditating.

Also, it was obvious that they were discussing Licun's staff, why did Dagu suddenly lead to Lightning Man?Did he avoid this topic on purpose, or was he covering up something?
This matter needs to be investigated carefully, and Ju Jianhui feels it is a headache. The police department has not found anything new, only know that Licun's staff colluded with the monster and wanted to deal with Yuxin.

This person, who was originally in the European branch, was transferred over half a year ago. During the days in the European branch, he didn't find anything weird.

In other words, this incident happened after entering the TPC Far East headquarters.

But, apart from that incident, everything was peaceful.

What's the secret?

He is not human, but has super powers, knows TPC like the back of his hand, and has a high IQ.

wrong! ! !

Ju Jianhui was startled. What exactly happened during the time she was captured by twin aliens?
She had a strong intuition that it must have something to do with it!

And it just happened after the incident of Obike, and the incident on the mechanical island. As soon as Isis died, Yuxin became a vegetable. Later, when Isis was revived, Yuxin also woke up.

Are these things related?

By the way, there is also the relationship between Yuxinsang and Isis, what exactly is it?
Could it be that she was wrong when she guessed that she was an ultra-ancient human?
Now that they are free, everyone is staying in the command room, doing what they like.

Lina felt a little bored in her heart and wanted to go out for a walk. Dagu saw her like this, and thought that he had ignored Lina because of Yuxinsang's many things, so he felt full of guilt in his heart, so he went out with her.

Hori, Xincheng, Lucia, and Zara chatted in their seats, talking and laughing, Haifeng sat aside and fiddled with the Rubik's Cube in his hand, out of tune with other people, Zongfang and Jujianhui were looking down and thinking.

Seeing that these people had something to do, Ye Rui at the computer desk felt extremely bored. Maybe it was because of his young and vigorous age, Ye Rui liked games more than others!
The excitement and the joy of victory made him unable to control himself.

Anyway, it's okay now, Ye Rui couldn't help but curl his mouth when he thought of the game, he felt excited, opened the game directly, and started his game journey!

Similar to casual games like parkour, Yerui has a lot of fun playing it!

But, not only encountered a bottleneck period or something, but suddenly got stuck in a level and couldn't pass it!

As the two big words Game over appeared on the screen again, it showed his failure again!

"What did you do!"

Ye Rui let out a low growl angrily, and his expression became more and more dissatisfied. He had been coveting the tickets to the computer game city for a long time, but he still couldn't pass it.


Ye Rui sighed in frustration, with a dejected look on his pretty face, is it still not enough?
"let me try."

A deep voice rang in his ears, before Ye Rui realized what had happened, he saw a pair of slender white hands operating on the keyboard without hesitation, leaving an afterimage.


Ye Rui's eyes blurred, and when he saw this hand speed, he immediately thought of Lin Yuxin, and she was the only one who was so familiar with the keyboard.

Ye Rui stared dumbfounded at Lin Yuxin's operation. No matter what obstacles were on the computer screen, the characters in the game could easily overcome them without any effort.

She's better than Kallen!
As the words Game clearance (game clearance) appeared on the screen, Ye Rui couldn't help cheering: "Great!"

Excited and happy!
You can go to the computer game city to play games to your heart's content!
"I finally got it!"

Ye Rui yelled loudly, successfully causing Hori who was sitting on the seat to spout.

Xincheng wiped off the tea from his face, looked at Hori with a gloomy expression, and said angrily, "Do you want to die?"

"It's Yerui!"

Horei gave Ye Rui's name without hesitation, his eyes wandered: "He just yelled loudly, which scared me!"

Xincheng heard the words and turned his eyes to Ye Rui, and his voice rose: "Ye Rui!"

"Yu Xinsang is amazing!"

Ye Rui ignored Xincheng, gave Lin Yuxin a thumbs up, and looked at her adoringly.


There is a black thread in Xincheng, Ye Rui dares to ignore him!
Ye Rui staring eyes: "Yu Xinsang, accompany me to the computer game city to play!!"

Lin Yuxin adjusted her glasses and raised the corners of her lips: "Okay."

His eyes flickered for a moment, giving people an extremely sense of danger, but Ye Rui, who was in a state of excitement, didn't notice it.

If Dagu was here, she would definitely be sure without even thinking about it, she was going to do something! !


Ye Rui sat in the co-pilot and cheered all the way. Lin Yuxin, who sat next to him and held the steering wheel, drove on her own as if she didn't see it.

"Yu Xinsang, let me tell you, the computer game city is really fun!"

Ye Rui said obsessively, it is hard to change his excitement, and he wants to introduce Lin Yuxin to this computer city he likes very much!

I don't know if Yuxin Sangxi likes to play games. Today is the first time he has seen her play this kind of game. Although it is to help him, maybe she will like it.

After all, aren't you tired of working on those weapons all day?

After getting out of the car, the two of them looked at the well-designed game city with colored lights in front of them, and they both had ideas in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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