The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 172 [Tiga World] Understand or not

Chapter 172 [Tiga World] Understand or not
He doesn't care about the affairs between these two people, he believes that Dagu knows it well, but it's a little troublesome right now, Tongye frowned, this person is not an easy role to deal with.

"Come on."

While thinking, Dagu took a casual glance and saw the figure of Haifeng approaching him. Before he had time to think about it, Dagu reminded Tongye, and then the two speeded up, and they threw away Haifeng in a short while.

Could it be that he was installed with positioning?Dagu couldn't help wondering why Captain Haifeng could find his trace. Thinking of this, he immediately scanned his whole body with mental power, but he didn't find anything like a tracker.

There was a glimmer of light in Dagu's eyes. If there is no tracker installed, there is another thing that can locate his tracks, PDI!

It should be that Captain Haifeng got something that can locate his PDI position. Dagu thought of this and took out the PDI, without even looking at it, he just threw it in the opposite direction from his own position.

"Is it really okay for you to throw that thing away?"

The corners of Tongye's lips curled up, he didn't expect Dagu to be so sober after drinking, oh, I almost forgot, he was completely integrated with Di Jia.

Shaking his head, the temperature on his face was still there, Kirino couldn't help laughing, he was a little unconscious.


Dagu was speechless, and what Tongye said made him feel like a good student skipped class for no reason, but fortunately, he had panicked a lot before, and he believed that he could successfully get over it.

Dagu said to Tongye, "Let's leave here first."

Tong Ye nodded, and followed Dagu to quickly shift the location. Not a while after they left, a tall man walked in the opposite direction to them. When he came to a place, he saw a foreign object on the ground and reached out to pick it up.

He held it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully, Gaifeng half-closed his eyes, the PDI was too damaged, either it was deliberately thrown on the ground, or it was accidentally dropped while running.

Compared with the latter reason, Haifeng is more willing to believe the former. If it was Dagu before, he would not hesitate to believe that Dagu accidentally broke it, but now, this is simply impossible.


Haifeng laughed lightly, without any disappointment in his eyes, he was not surprised by such a result, paused for a while, put the PDI in his pocket, and Haifeng left here.

On the other side, Dagu sat down on a bench in the park and looked at the surrounding scenery. Seeing this, Kirino also sat down and looked at Dagu with a sigh.

"Dagu, do you still remember your original intention to protect the earth?"

Dagu was taken aback, his lips moved, "Protect the earth."

"Protect the earth?" Kirino's eyes changed in an instant, his eyes turned slightly, he lowered his head and smiled silently, and said in an unclear tone: "I hope you can stick to your original intention."

It is no longer possible.

Dagu twitched his lips in a self-deprecating manner. Since he had the darkness, this original intention has been buried in his heart, and he will never see the light of day again.

Kirino's fingertips trembled, and he sighed, "Look, everything around is so beautiful."

His eyes turned to a small tree beside him, and he was about to reach out to touch it, but he suddenly thought of something, his fingers suddenly stopped, and then he took off his glasses.

"I really want to see it so clearly and truly," Tongye's eyes subconsciously half-squinted because he couldn't see clearly after leaving the glasses, and his hand caressed the emerald green leaves, looking a bit pityful.

But the next moment he put on his glasses, his tone became calm, with a trace of coldness, "But my eyes don't allow it."

Dagu's heart skipped a beat, Tongye's words were very meaningful, was he hinting at himself?
Da Gumin lowered his lips, "Actually, you can feel it with your heart. Even if you can't see its beauty, don't hate it or stay away from it for this reason. To understand it, you don't just need to see it with your eyes. "

"That's true." Tong Ye nodded in agreement, lowered his eyes, unable to see the emotion in his eyes, "but I have lost interest in understanding it."

After the words were finished, the leaves fell in response, and landed lightly on the ground, but it would take a long time for them to rot and be dealt with by the decomposers.

Da Gu's eyes moved, this person gave him a bone-chilling indifference, that was indifference to everything, completely different from Yu Xinsang's feeling.

If you use indifference and indifference to describe the former, then the latter is complex and changeable, moody, and has no fixed temperament.

But it seems that Mr. Kirino is also a person with a story.

Thinking of this, Dagu felt a sudden sting in his heart, "Mr. Tongye, I want to ask you a question."

"Oh?" Tong Ye glanced at him casually, "What's the problem?"

"A person's mask has been worn for a long time, can he still take it off?"

Dagu wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but the target was not Tongye.


Tongye's eyes froze, and then returned to normal in the next moment, looking at him with playfulness in his eyes, "You shouldn't ask me that."

"Tell me what you think."

Dagu's fists were clenched quietly, with undetectable tension, his eyes flickered.


Tongye smiled lightly, very satisfied with Dagu's reaction, his voice was hoarse and meaningful, "It's not a question of whether you can pick it off or not."

The words are clear: "But, is he willing?"

Dagu's pupils shrank, and something burst in his heart. Before he could say anything, Tong Ye had already got up, and his voice gradually faded away, "Dagu team member, I hope you can understand."

do you understand?Dagu also wanted to ask himself, does he really understand?

(End of this chapter)

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