The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 199 [Tiga World] Suspension Notice

Chapter 199 [Tiga World] Suspension Notice
Kallen gritted her teeth, stepped up her offensive, and at the same time became more cautious, intending to invade the opponent's mainframe without a trace.

"Reading progress 10%... 30%... 60%..."

Kalian's head is full of dense data codes. Ever since Lin Yuxin transmitted the data to her, she felt that the data in her database had been completely refreshed.

She can fully feel the difference. Compared with this world, the information transmitted by Lin Yuxin is several times ahead of this world!
No, it should be said to be a technological leap of the century!

After this crisis, she will have a big harvest.

"The reading progress is 100%, the reading is successful!"

Kallen was overjoyed, and immediately fiddled with the opponent's mainframe to erase her traces.

"Is it... an illusion?"

A Muzhen star frowned inexplicably, the black shadow that flashed across the screen just now, could it be! ! !

He immediately checked the system and data inside the host, and found no signs of being browsed or stolen.

It's impossible for the other party to have the ability to do something under his nose, not to mention, he doesn't think the other party has such ability.

However, he still calmed down and prepared to check carefully. At such a critical moment, there is no room for chaos.

the other side.

Karen breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily she was not found.

She implanted a special virus into the other party's operating system. This virus is not easy to find. It will be integrated into one of the codes, like moths, and slowly eat away at the core.

It then automatically generates the programs it uses.

It is no different from the original.

The only difference is that Karen can use this to control the entire operating system!
This virus is the medium through which Karen controls the opponent's operating system.

In a way, it is equivalent to the significance of the Shenguang stick to Dagu.

It's just that there are not so many restrictions, because Karen is the matrix from which it was split, so one thought can control it.

the other side.

The corner of Lin Yuxin's mouth curled up. She knew that Kallen had succeeded. After this battle, she would completely transform Kallen!
Fortunately, Kallen was kept at that time, and she will be her own artificial intelligence in the future.

"Dillahme shoots, fires!"

Zong Fang ordered that there was a ray of light burning fiercely in his eyes, which was called a light of firm belief.

Rising immediately pressed the launch button, and a dazzling beam of light gathered at the barrel of the Artdis, gathering huge energy!
A blow full of energy, the power is huge, the combination of speed and strength, many fleets of the Bank Hunting Club were shocked by this scene.

Many fleets were hit before they had time to react, and the spaceships were blown to pieces, and some even had nothing left.

Some of those who survived were also afraid for a while. The terrifying high temperature almost roasted them all.

If the spaceship is not made of special materials, which can prevent heat, heh, otherwise it is all dried meat now.

"This kind of power..."

Fitel squinted his eyes, and couldn't help being surprised for a moment. It seemed that there was a reason why other forces in the universe couldn't get the Earth.

They all thought that there were two guardian gods guarding it, but they ignored its own power. The blow just now was enough to kill a monster.

So to say……

Fidel's mind was working quickly, but the fierce war at the moment prevented him from really calming down and thinking so much carefully.

Putting this aside for the time being, looking at the burning battlefield, Fidel said coldly, "Adjust the formation!"


After receiving the order, the team captains of the Muzhen Stars responded separately, ordering their teams to form the formation that is most conducive to combat. (Don't take it seriously, it all depends on your brain)

Each of the 8 fleets formed a spear and shield and aimed at the Atdis at tricky angles. The shield was in front and the spear was behind. The fleet that formed the shield was scattered in front of the spear. The distance between the two was calculated. No accidental injury.

A total of 12 spears and shields are formed, and the rest revolve around TPC fighters, ready to attack at any time.

"This attack mode?"

In front of the computer desk, Ye Rui couldn't help but wondered at this scene. Is there any special significance?
He decided to take a look before talking.

and many more!

He suddenly noticed something was wrong, and immediately zoomed in on the image, looked carefully, and found that the fleet surrounding the Artdis seemed to have some rules!
"They..." Ye Rui's pupils shrank for a second, and he murmured, "Aiming at the weak point!"

They, of course, refer to spears.


Fidel's thick voice came from the communicator, and all the Muzhen people exhaled heavily, operating the instruments with precision.

(End of this chapter)

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