The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 50 [Tiga World] Victory Team releases album 2

Chapter 50 [Tiga World] Victory Team releases album 2
Director Sawai had to arrange some newcomers to temporarily replace the work of the victory team.

Kibi Takeri, Koda Toshiyuki, Yumura Ryo, Kariya Yukihira, and Nakajima Tsutomu performed well, so they temporarily took over the work of the victory team.

Everyone on the winning team:
daily shooting

daily shooting

daily shooting

A total of five MVs were to be filmed. In order to make the filming perfect, all the blasting had to be done well, so the staff and everyone in the Victory Team suffered a lot.

Every time it was time for a break, everyone in the victory team always complained a little, collapsed on the ground and lay dead.

"Hey! Why is this more tiring than dealing with monsters!" Hori's facial features were tightly wrinkled, and his face was full of suffering and tiredness!
"It's only the second day, and you can't take it anymore?" Lina glanced at Hori with contempt, and then her eyes were on Dagu.

Dagu took advantage of the opportunity to hold Lina in his arms, let everyone eat a mouthful of dog food, and turned their heads with sighs.

Even the 18-year-old Ye Rui couldn't stand it anymore, and muttered in a low voice, "Do you want to do this, it really invites hatred."

As soon as Ye Rui finished speaking, the corners of Lin Yuxin's mouth curled up, and she looked at him with an aunt's smile, "Ah, so Ye Rui can't stand it anymore? How about I help you find a beautiful woman?"

For Lin Yuxin's joke, Ye Rui was a little flustered, because he happened to have someone he liked.

So he turned his head away in a panic, dodged his eyes, and couldn't choose what to say, "You..., what are you talking about!"

Lin Yuxin looked at him with a smile, and said in a soft tone, "Do you really think..."

"To shut up!"

Ye Rui interrupted her loudly before she finished speaking, her chest was heaving and unsteady, her face was not sure whether it was shame or anger, adding a touch of blush to the original wheat-colored face.

Ye Rui stared at Lin Yuxin warningly, his heart was still beating "plop, plop", unable to regain his composure.

This guy, doesn't he know that he likes Mayumi?
Lin Yuxin, whom he regarded as an object of vigilance, smiled and fell silent.However, it attracted the attention of Horei and Xincheng.

"Ye Rui, you boy, do you have someone you like?" The flesh on Hori's fat face trembled, feeling extremely cold.

"That's right, tell us about it!" Xincheng patted Ye Rui on the shoulder and looked at him expectantly.

"It's really nothing!" Ye Rui looked at Hori Jing and Xin Cheng who were entangled with him, feeling extremely depressed in his heart, and even remembered Lin Yuxin in his heart!
Dr. Yuxin, just wait, don't let me catch you!
Ye Rui stared at Lin Yuxin bitterly.

"Cough." Lin Yuxin coughed unnaturally. Is it not good for her to bully an 18-year-old kid?

She bullied Asuka without blinking her eyes.

"Team Victory, members of Dagu, and Ms. Lin Yuxin, the next shot is starting, please prepare immediately!" The staff kindly reminded everyone.

"Ah? No way!!"



A whimper.

During the filming, everyone took the film with heart, whether it was the victory team or the actors in the leather case, they worked hard!
When the last day of filming was over, everyone took a group photo with all the crew.

After finishing the work, Lin Yuxin led the victory team to a vast grass field, where everyone lay down to rest.

"Ah! The filming is finally over!" Hori was lying on the ground in a large font, looking exhausted.

"Just like you, you still have to record songs tomorrow! Can you persist?" Xincheng said disdainfully.

"Damn it, how do you know I can't persist?" Hori opened his eyes wide and looked at Xincheng with dissatisfaction.

"Looking at you like this, you can't." Xincheng said bitterly.

"You're the one!" Hori said.

The two stared blankly——

"You really are, can you stop arguing every now and then?" Lina was speechless to this pair of love and kill each other, the quarrel was annoying.

The two shut their mouths.

Lin Yuxin took off her glasses, closed her eyes and said softly, "Who is the audiophile?"





Lin Yuxin felt her temples were slightly protruding. She didn't expect that the Victory Team had so many sound idiots. It seems that tomorrow's song recording journey is destined to be uneventful. I don't know if they can finish the song smoothly?
The next day, everyone came to Chris Maya's company, and after a detailed discussion with the company boss, they came to the recording studio.

Lin Yuxin sent five copies of the lyrics to each of them, which clearly marked which lines should be sung by whom and which parts need to be sung together.

"Try the sound first." Lin Yuxin said.

Horei: "Dawn quietly..."

Lin Yuxin: "Stop! What are you singing about?"

Xincheng: "The morning light gradually enveloped the earth~"

Lin Yuxin: "Stop! Not only are you out of tune, is your throat clogged with phlegm?"

Lina: "The morning light gradually covers the earth~"

Lin Yuxin: "Pass the test, pay attention to emotional investment."

Zong Fang: "Dawn quietly..."

Lin Yuxin: "Out of tune, practice more."

Ye Rui: "Dawn quietly..."

Lin Yuxin: "Stop, I can't keep up with the rhythm."

Dagu: "Dawn quietly..."

Lin Yuxin: "Not bad."

Ju Jianhui: "Dawn quietly..."

Lin Yuxin: "Pass the test, pay more attention to the adjustment of breath."

Everyone practiced over and over again, I don't know how many times, after a long time, Lin Yuxin finally nodded.

"Okay, let's start recording, the first song, take me higher." Lin Yuxin said.

The passionate accompaniment sounded, and everyone began to sing seriously.

"The morning light gradually enveloped the earth quietly, and the dawn, like usual, continues toward the distant future..."

There were all smiles on everyone's faces. As the singing came and went, Lin Yuxin was of course also singing. Her original clear voice was suppressed a lot, showing a sexy magnetic tone.

A total of five songs have been recorded, and the MV will look like the following.

1. Take me higher
2. Brave love tiga
3. Awaken, Tiga

4. The Miracle Reappears

5. Ultraman Forever

Most of the images in the MV in the first song are when Tiga and Isis are fighting, and some of the rest are the Victory Team (plus Lin Yuxin) driving fighter jets attacking monsters, and TPC fighters attacking monsters from No. [-] The track takes off, and the last picture is the scene of Isis and Tiga flying into the universe together. This song brings a lot of passion!
Most of the images in the MV of the second song are when Tiga and Isis defeat monsters, and the rest are scenes of Tiga and Isis fighting monsters, and fighters attacking monsters. The most classic is Isis casting Purify the light (Noah wave) Purify the picture of Ebolon and Rigadron, this song is more lyrical.

The protagonist of the MV for the third song is Dijia. It tells the story of an evil monster emerging from the Pacific Ocean, covering the whole world with black mist, and the whole world is plunged into darkness.Then Tiga woke up from his long sleep, turned into a powerful type and an air type to deal with the ruler of darkness, and then gained a shining form to defeat the ruler of darkness.Among them, Isis has fewer shots, and this song mainly praises Tiga.

Most of the scenes in the fourth song MV are Tiga and Isis fighting monsters, Tiga and Isis are defeated by monsters and then counterattack, and then there are some fighters attacking monsters, and finally the winning team (including Lin Yuxin ) standing together in solidarity, some holding guns, some not.This song mainly says that if you persist, miracles will appear.

The last song is from the perspective of the winning team. The main scene is the fighting between the winning team and monsters, with Tiga and Isis interspersed.This song is also in praise of Tiga.

OK, after a few days of finishing, everyone went to take photos for the album.Then, the company spent a lot of time making a lot of records, and released the records. Because the victory team didn't want to share, they also made tapes and sold them.

Because of Tiga's popularity, both records and tapes are sold out.

The victory team was also very happy when they learned about it, and each of them bought records and tapes specially.

(End of this chapter)

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