The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 67 [Tiga World] The Calamity of Alien Beasts

Chapter 67 [Tiga World] The Calamity of Alien Beasts

And the people around saw that the alien beast was no longer interested in him, and all of them fled away.

The tentacle of the strange beast came towards Lin Yuxin with the strong wind, Lin Yuxin moved instantly, the tentacles of the strange beast hit the air, and she was already tens of meters away, a golden light flashed on her right arm, Lin Yuxin took down the Jayden Galaxy , switched to machine gun mode, pulled the trigger with his right hand, and fired several miracle galaxy lasers. The miracle galaxy laser hit the alien beast, and the alien beast's body flickered a few times, and immediately exploded into molecules.

This alien beast is dead, Lin Yuxin did not let down her vigilance, this is a gas station, alien beasts may come and go in groups!

Sure enough, as soon as this alien beast died, countless alien beasts crawled out from the dark corners in all directions. If people with intensive phobia saw it, they would definitely collapse!
Lin Yuxin's mental power sensed that the mouths of these alien beasts were wriggling, as if she felt that she was some delicious food!

Lin Yuxin kept pulling the trigger, and the Miracle Galaxy laser shot out, killing one after another of the alien beasts.

Transforming into Jayton's form in an instant, Lin Yuxin was running with her legs at a surprisingly fast speed. If she ran with all her strength, even the car would not be able to catch up with her.

And the alien beasts also chased her, and finally came to an open place. Looking at the gathered alien beasts, the golden pattern on Lin Yuxin's forehead flashed, and a huge miraculous one trillion degree fireball was emitted. .


With a loud noise, these alien beasts were blown upside down by the fireball, and they couldn't die any more.

Lin Yuxin changed back to her normal form and teleported away from here.

But after she left, two dark figures appeared, looking thoughtfully at where she left.

The next day, the victory team received a report that 23 people died strangely last night, of which only thirteen bodies were found, the rest were missing, and there were many clothes on the ground, and they were found in a desolate place traces of the explosion.

The victory team Dagu and Xincheng set out to investigate and came to a gas station with a lot of slime on the ground.

As soon as Xincheng arrived here, he smelled a smell, "Dagu, do you smell alcohol?"

Dagu sniffed the air, "Well, I smell it too, but there's still the smell of gasoline!"

The two looked at the disgusting slime on the ground, put on gloves, Dagu quickly collected the slime samples, and left with Xincheng.

"Yu Xin-san, is the test result out?" Hori asked curiously.

"Well," Lin Yuxin replied, "95% of the mucus is water, and it also contains alcohol and gasoline! Last night, witnesses saw monsters haunting, and it was preliminarily confirmed that strange creatures appeared in the gas station in XX area last night, attacking Humans!"

"Alien beast?" Horei didn't understand.

"The alien beast is a mutated creature on the earth. It should be caused by the alien material mixed with other reasons to cause the creatures on the earth to mutate. There are many kinds of alien beasts. There are liquid alien beasts and reptiles. Xenobiotics, plant-like Xenobiotics, in short, there are many types of these guys."

Lin Yuxin explained, "Let's put it this way, the alien beast is a mysterious group of creatures from the universe. Its general characteristics are that it can grow rapidly according to the external situation, grow with human fear as energy, and grow by preying on other creatures. and evolution."

"Yuxin-san, how do you know so much about alien beasts?" Horei asked.

Lin Yuxin chuckled lightly, as if joking, "Would you believe me if I said I met a strange beast last night?"


Everyone answered tacitly. Although there were various guesses in their hearts, they all tacitly did not say it. They knew that Lin Yuxin's identity was not simple, but they never thought that she was Isis.

And Ju Jianhui mistook her for an ultra-ancient human being. She always felt that Lin Yuxin's demeanor was extraordinary, her aura was calm and ancient, as if she had lived for a long time? ?

And she has all kinds of advanced technologies, and she is smart and capable, so she can only meet this status.

"By the way, traces of an explosion were found in a desolate and open place not far from the gas station!" At this moment, Zong Fang suddenly remembered that there was another case, which was very strange.

"Victory team, dispatch!" Ju Jianhui paused and ordered.

Lin Yuxin also followed them to a desolate place. Sure enough, the ground was scorched black. It could be seen that a huge explosion had occurred, and there were some strange slimes.

"There are alien beasts haunting here!"

Dagu was surprised, he found the mucus, "These mucus are the same as those collected this morning!"

"Who fought with the alien beast here?" Zong Fang also guessed.

"It doesn't look like a human being!" Hori sighed softly, pointing to the traces on the ground, "Can a human being make such a big noise?"

Dagu looked at the traces on the ground and thought silently. It should be Yuxinsang who fought with the alien beast last night.

At this time Zongfang's PDI rang, Zongfang turned on the PDI, "I am Zongfang."

The voice of Ju Jianhui came from the PDI, "Commander, there are a large number of alien beasts attacking humans in the D5 area. At present, the headquarters has sent troops to rescue them. The alien beasts have caused a lot of casualties and losses!"

"What? Damn it!" Zong Fang cursed secretly, and said to everyone, "There are a lot of alien beasts in the D5 area!!"

The victory team drove towards the D5 area in a Drum car, and everyone was shocked when they arrived at the location!
many!So many alien beasts! !

It was densely packed, twice as many as what Lin Yuxin encountered last night!The alien beasts continue to feed humans, and there are many strange beasts.

The reptile-type alien beasts kept tearing and gnawing on humans, and from time to time they let out the sound of "Ho Ho~", blood was all over the ground, pieces of meat were everywhere, corpses were everywhere, and the death was miserable!
And the liquid alien beast Pedron stretched out its tentacles to catch humans and sent them into its own mouth!
This scene is comparable to the beast version of the zombie siege!
(End of this chapter)

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