The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 80 [Tiga World] She is a waste

Chapter 80 [Tiga World] She is a waste
Dagu's thoughts were chaotic, and he felt something was wrong sensitively. When Lin Yuxin trained him, he trained him to be very alert to danger. Dagu's mental power sensed an unusual energy.

Dagu was startled and shouted loudly, "Who? Come out!!!"


A mocking male voice came from behind.

Dagu turned around suddenly, his eyes became sharp, "Who??"


The person who came was wearing a black suit, with a tall and straight figure, a shrewd smile on his face, and a superior voice slowly spit out from his throat, as if saying something to be proud of, "I am the same person as you."

"What?" Dagu was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, "Are you a giant?"

Having seen Faust, he already understood that it must not be a coincidence that the man in front of him appeared here so coincidentally, "What is your purpose?"

"Let me introduce myself," the man smiled slightly, seemingly not caring about Dagu's burning, enigmatic eyes, "My name is Masaki Keigo, and I have super-ancient genetic factors just like you."

"You..." Dagu hesitated to speak, his lips moved, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"I'm telling you!!" Masaki Keigo suddenly grinned triumphantly, his eyes frenzied, "The power I have now has allowed me to evolve from a dwarf human being. Do you think you are the only one?"

"So what?" Dagu's eyes became vigilant, and his tone was flat, "Compared to Ultraman, I would rather be an ordinary person."

Hearing this, Masaki Keigo withdrew his fanatical eyes, became disdainful, and then laughed loudly, "What did you say?"

He looked at Dagu in disbelief, and the pride in his eyes was captured by Dagu, "Do you remember the Gorzan Legion last time?"

Dagu's eyes widened, and anger ignited in his heart, and he said in a calm voice as much as possible, "Does it have something to do with you?"

"That's right," Masaki Keigo said, "I raised the Gorzan Legion."

Immediately, he looked at Lin Yuxin and said proudly, "If it wasn't for that lord not letting me act rashly, I'm afraid Lin Yuxin would have really died long ago."

"To shut up!!"

Originally, Dagu felt guilty because of Lin Yuxin's injury, but now that Masaki Jingwu said it, Dagu felt even more guilty, and said in a choked voice, "It's you who almost..."

Let Yu Xinsang really die...

"Haha," Masaki Keigo laughed and mocked, "Lin Yuxin is a waste!!"

Dagu clenched his fists tightly, and kicked Masaki Keigo fiercely with his eyes, "What did you say?"

"Oh," Masaki Keigo yelled, with a puzzled yet innocent expression, "Did I say something wrong?"

Then his tone was disdainful, and every sentence pierced Dagu's heart like a knife, "She is a complete waste, she has great power but she wants to protect ridiculous human beings, I am really funny, why is a monster Want to protect humans? Protect this greedy, selfish and stupid human!!"

"Shut up!!" Dagu's eyes were red, and his heart hurt, "You have no right to blame her. Yu Xinsang is so desperately protecting human beings. She has always believed that the beautiful side of human beings will definitely overcome the ugly side."

"Whether it's Granny Asama, Asuka, or others, she regards them as her closest relatives, protecting them, and giving them warmth. On the surface, she always looks cold, but in fact, she desires warmth more than anyone else in her heart. , she like that..."

When he said this, Dagu paused, and his tone was firm, "It's beyond your reach!"

"You want me to protect humans?"

Masaki Keigo looked at Dagu with the expression of "are you a fool?" His eyes were full of contempt, "Those mean ants?"

"Human beings are not weak!!" Dagu roared, "How can a person like you who has fallen into darkness understand?"

"In the face of absolute power, saying anything is superfluous."

Masaki Keigo returned to normal, and looked at Lin Yuxin with disdain, "Sure enough, a waste is a waste, and she will only be bound by these humble human beings, get in the way of doing things, and take care of everything. She is really the stupidest monster I have ever seen. !"

"Shut up, you are not qualified to talk about Yuxinsang, that kind of bond..." Dagu's eyes were sharp, and he shouted: "How could it be something you can understand!"

Dagu's eyes were full of nostalgia, and he said coldly, "In the end, you are just a poor creature who was puppeted by power!"

"Power is the master, power is everything," Masaki Keigo looked madly, and slowly walked towards Dagu, "Give Lin Yuxin to me!"

"How could I give Yuxinsang to you!" Dagu's voice was firm, and he took a few steps back. The hand behind him flipped the PDI twice without a trace, and quietly gathered a spiritual force to attack Zhengmu Jingwu.


Masaki Keigo screamed, fell to his knees, covered his head in a deep voice, his eyes were full of tyranny, "I underestimated you! It seems that Lin Yuxin has completely "reformed" you!"

If it was Dagu who was a simple-minded person in the past, it would not be worth mentioning at all.

But now the Dagu in front of him, apart from the same appearance, looks like a different person. If the information is not wrong, he would never have thought that Dagu has been reborn.

And he didn't expect that Dagu would suddenly attack him with a mental attack, and he couldn't guard against Dagu's way for a while.

Taking advantage of Zhengmu Jingwu's stunned, Dagu quickly carried Lin Yuxin on his back and ran away!

"Want to run?" Masaki Keigo noticed Dagu's movement, snorted coldly, jumped up, and appeared directly in front of Dagu.

Dagu's face was covered with sweat, and he was already thinking of a way to delay the time. He had already quietly contacted the base just now, and he believed that someone would arrive soon.

"Hand over Lin Yuxin!"

Masaki Keigo let out a sinister smile, and approached Dako with deadly steps.

Walking step by step, the distance from Dagu is getting closer and closer.

Dagu's palms were covered in cold sweat, soaking the divine light stick in his palms, his legs kept retreating, his lips were tightly pressed, his eyes were firm, without any fear, if he couldn't do it, he would transform himself.

Even if it is seen by the team members, it doesn't matter, as long as Yu Xinsang is fine, I don't know what kind of existence the adult Masaki Keigo was talking about, but definitely, he is stronger than him, and he cannot deal with it. Yu Xinsang was still injured...

Don't let Yuxinsang fall into their hands!

Just when Dagu slowly pressed the transformation button, a cold drink made him stunned.

"Don't move!"

Zongfang and the others arrived in time, looking at Masaki Keigo warily, with his middle finger tightly holding the trigger and pointing at him, as if he would pull the trigger and shoot at any time.

Following his gestures, the victory team members behind him slowly walked out from behind him, and also pointed the victory Haipa gun at Masaki Keigo.

"who are you?"

Zongfang and the others watched Dagu being pursued by Zhengmu Jingwu, and then looked at Lin Yuxin on his back, and the first thing they thought was that the man in front of them must not be an ordinary person!

"I won't play with you."

Masaki Keigo sneered, black air emanated from his body, and he disappeared, but his voice came into the ears of Zongfang and others.

"see you later!"

"Is he an alien?" Zong Fang and others speculated.

"Dagu!!" Lina ran to Dagu and said concernedly, "Are you alright?"


Dagu shook his head to show that he was fine, and suddenly thought of Lin Yuxin on his back, his nose suddenly became sour, and his eyes were covered with mist.

"Yuxin-san was attacked by the demon god."

(End of this chapter)

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