The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 85 [Tiga World] 1 mission

Chapter 85 [Tiga World] Mission together
"You can't keep up with the trend, are you?" The uncle looked disgusted, the fat on his dark face was distorted, and he looked funny, "Tiga is the patron saint of our mankind, isn't it normal to be popular? There is also the latest What about the Ultraman vs. Little Monsters movie, but I'm still looking forward to Tiga!"

Hearing that Lin Yuxin was speechless, it was because she played a prank...

Lin Yuxin shook her head, not wanting that there was nothing left, so she took the things and went home.

"Oye Y(^o^)Y~!! Tiga!! JIA~" Asuka sang and danced excitedly while holding Tiga's doll, very happy.

"I said Asuka!" Lin Yuxin patted Asuka's head, causing Asuka to grin her teeth in pain.

Asuka was about to vent, Lin Yuxin hurriedly said, "Are you over excited?"

"Oh, sister Yuxin," Asuka pouted his iconic sausage mouth, and said dissatisfiedly, "I will become stupid if I shoot again!"

"You are stupid, you are a fool!" Lin Yuxin blurted out very "relentlessly".

Asuka immediately looked aggrieved, "Grandma Qianjian, Sister Yuxin said I was stupid!!!"

"How could it be? Asuka is the smartest!" Granny Asama's eyes were kind, her shriveled mouth was bent into an arc, her clothes were plain, and she looked extremely amiable.

"That's right!!!" Asuka jumped excitedly, looking at Lin Yuxin proudly, with an expression that deserved as much punch as she wanted, "I'm so smart, sister Yuxin, you really have no vision!"

"Okay, mother-in-law, I'm hungry!" Lin Yuxin didn't want to argue with Asuka, so she changed the subject.

"Okay, old lady, I'll do it right away." Granny Asama smiled and got up.

"Mother-in-law, I want fried pork with green peppers, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, mapo tofu, sweet and sour pork ribs, fish-flavored shredded pork, and spicy potato shreds." Lin Yuxin added immediately.

"Eh?" Grandma Qianjian was taken aback, with a puzzled look on her face.

"This is Chinese food?" Asuka asked uncertainly.

"En." Lin Yuxin responded, and smiled at Granny Qianjian, "Grandma, let me cook, maybe you don't know these dishes."

"Yeah, good," Granny Asama nodded, her eyebrows and eyes crooked with a smile, "The old woman is so old, she hasn't eaten Chinese food yet, so she will have a good time today."

Lin Yuxin quickly entered the kitchen, and then held a kitchen knife in each hand, washed the vegetables, put them on the cutting board, and started working with both hands.

So the rhythmic voice of "Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop~~~" spread throughout the kitchen. In less than 5 minutes, Lin Yuxin had already cut all the vegetables, with neat cuts and perfectly balanced sizes.

Turn on the gas, put down the oil after the pot is dry, and then put the vegetables in after 1 minute, then the sound of "cracking" came from the pot, Lin Yuxin took the spatula to stir fry the vegetables, and waited for the vegetables to be cooked properly Then put the seasoning, and after a few minutes of stir-frying, a perfect dish comes out of the pan.

So half an hour later, Lin Yuxin brought the last dish to the table, "Okay, the last dish is fried pork with green peppers."

"Wow! It smells so good!" Asuka smelled the fragrance so much that his eyes were so greedy that he almost burst into tears.

"Yuxin's cooking skills are great!" Grandma Qianjian was full of praise, and her appetite was whetted by the smell.

She has mastered the size, shape, taste, and combination of seasonings of the dishes precisely, and there is no such thing as a bad dish.

"Hi~~~" Asuka patted his round belly, "I'm so full~"

"Aren't you full?" Lin Yuxin glanced at Asuka lightly. This guy ate four bowls of rice and four plates of vegetables. After eating, he still licked the plates clean?Can it not go up?
After washing the dishes, Lin Yuxin went back to her room and entered the system space.

Now that Lin Yuxin's energy source has accumulated to 8000, Lin Yuxin is going to continue accumulating to learn the ultimate skill. Although she was lucky enough to learn a skill of Ultraman Noah, it was just a fluke...

In the evening, Lin Yuxin spent some time fighting other Ultraman, challenged the story mode Jack Ultraman, and defeated Jack Ultraman without accident.

The next day, Lin Yuxin had a rare late sleep, which was very comfortable, but Lin Yuxin would be more comfortable if the sound of PDI was not loud. It made Lin Yuxin bury her head in the quilt, but the sound like a magic sound was always around Lin Yuxin's ears. Lin Yuxin just wanted to smash PDI.

As soon as the PDI was connected, Jujianhui's urgent voice came out, "Yuxinsang, please return to the base, there is something abnormal!"

In the victory command room, Lin Yuxin yawned and said casually, "Tell me."

"That's right," Ju Jianhui signaled Ye Rui to enter the picture on the screen, "An earthquake occurred in China's Kunlun Mountains!"

The surface of the Kunlun Mountains was displayed on the screen. After a while, the mountain suddenly lands and collapsed, making a loud noise, shaking the ground.

"According to the recent situation, I think there must be something abnormal!" I have to say that Hori was finally smart enough to find a breakthrough point.

"Look, what is that?" Lina pointed to a place on the screen, "There seems to be something inside Kunlun Mountain?"

"Huh?" Everyone was confused.

"What is it?" Everyone guessed.


Jujianhui arranged the task and decided to let Dagu and Juejing investigate the Universe Observation Center and the meteorite, while Lucia and Zara investigated the specific cause of the strong earthquake in Kunlun Mountains.

"I'll go with Dagu Juijing." Lin Yuxin silently looked at Dagu and Juijing.

"Yu Xinsang, are you going to go on a mission with us?" Hori was surprised, but the next second his face revealed a smile, "Then we will definitely complete the mission soon!"

Yu Xinsang is such a smart and skilled person, and they can easily complete the task, right?
"Victory team, dispatch!"

 Horrified face: The manuscript is about to be game over. .

(End of this chapter)

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