The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 99 [Tiga World] A Good Show

Chapter 99 [Tiga World] A Good Show

"Hey!" Lina stopped, turned her head to look at Dagu, and said briskly, "Dagu, I'm tired from playing, let's go to sleep!"

The pretty face is reddish, very playful and cute.

Dagu smiled silly and nodded silently.

Lina and Dagu entered the room.

The lively night passed, and soon it was morning, and everyone woke up one after another.


A scream that resounded through the sky came from a certain room, Lin Yuxin frowned, got up and got out of bed and rushed to that room.

Lina patted her chest to suppress her shock. She couldn't recover from everything in front of her eyes. She was sleeping on a strange bed, and there was a man lying next to her! !

She hurriedly checked the clothes on her body, except that they were a little messy, but fortunately they were intact.

This shock was too great for her, and she had to leave this place.

She hurriedly got out of bed, and when she was about to open the door, the door suddenly opened.

"Where are you going?" Lin Yuxin stared at Lina, and seeing Dagu lying on the bed from the corner of her eye, she couldn't help feeling a little subtle.

"Yuxinsang..." Lina lowered her head guiltily, blushing more than half, rubbing the corners of her skirt in bewilderment.

Lin Yuxin stared at her for two seconds, but before she said anything, a hoarse moan sounded suddenly on the bed.

Lina was embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

The person on the bed got up, and just as Dagu got out of bed, he saw two people standing at the door.

Yuxinsang and Lina?

Lin Yuxin glanced at Dagu subtly, then left.

Dagu:? ? ? ?

What is Yu Xinsang's look?

Dagu looked at Lina who was frozen at the door, and his heart skipped a beat. Coupled with the look in Lin Yuxin's eyes before he left, he had a guess in his heart.

He slept with Lina.

Although it is very pure, it is still too sudden, and he and Lina have not yet expressed their relationship.

It was so embarrassing, Dagu's face burned when he thought of sleeping with Lina all night.

When Lin Yuxin went downstairs, Granny Asama had already prepared breakfast and put it on the table.

"Yuxin," Granny Qianjian smiled kindly, her tone was gentle, "Have your friends woke up? If not, please go and wake them up. I've already made breakfast. If you don't eat any more, it will be cold. "

Lin Yuxin nodded, turned and went upstairs, "I'll call them."

Button button -

Lin Yuxin knocked on the door again and again, very rhythmically.

The two people on the bed moved impatiently, and one of them said irritably: "Xincheng, stop making trouble!"

"I didn't make a fuss." Xincheng replied in a daze. The knock on the door outside was really too loud. He resisted his inner discomfort and got out of bed and opened the door.

When Xincheng saw Lin Yuxin's face, he felt a sharp pain in his heart for some reason. This feeling came too suddenly, and he didn't know why.

Lin Yuxin noticed Xincheng's bad face and asked, "Xincheng, what's wrong with you?"

Xincheng rubbed his chest, feeling nothing, was the tingling just an illusion?
"It's okay." Xincheng replied casually, walked to the bed, cleared his throat twice, and shouted loudly: "Hey! Hori, dead fat pig, get up!"

"You are the fat pig!" Hori moved his body, reluctantly got out of bed, and saw Lin Yuxin in front of the door at a glance.

"Yuxin-san." Hori said hello.

"Go downstairs for breakfast." Lin Yuxin replied, turned around and left.

Then Lin Yuxin went to wake up Zongfang, Jujianhui and Zongfang.

At the dining table, an inexplicable atmosphere surrounded everyone.

Lina and Dagu always peeked at each other from time to time, and then turned their heads quickly, occasionally flirting with each other, without any scruples about other people's eyes.

other people:……

The dog food took a bite.

After breakfast, Ju Jianhui asked everyone to go back to the base together, but she received resentful looks from Xincheng and Juejing.

"Captain, my head is still hurting!" Hori rubbed his head with a bitter expression on his face. He didn't know how much wine he drank yesterday. Why does his head hurt so much?
"Me too." Xincheng also rubbed his head and said, and always felt that something extraordinary happened yesterday, what exactly is it?

Really, drinking too much alcohol is not good.

Seeing the faces of the two, Dagu silently looked at Lin Yuxin. Lin Yuxin's face was calm, as if nothing had happened.

Dagu swallowed silently. Fortunately, he had Dijia's energy running in his body, so he recovered much faster than others.

Lin Yuxin smiled softly, and looked at Horijing and Xincheng with special meaning, "When I get back to the command room, I have a big gift for you."

Hori, Xincheng: exmmm?

Seeing Lin Yuxin's smile, the two of them immediately felt their scalps go numb and their bodies covered in goose bumps.

Commander room.


Xincheng and Horei looked at the kiss photo of the two, and couldn't help screaming.

"It's horrible!" Hori's eyes were blank, his mouth was big enough to stuff an egg, and he murmured, "Why is this happening!"

"Ouch!" Xincheng looked at the picture on the screen, his stomach churned, "It's so disgusting."

He is a straight man who can't be straight anymore. Kissing a unimaginable, it feels the same as eating Xiang.

Moreover, he clearly remembered that he was kissed by... yesterday, how could he become Horei?
"Horii!" Xincheng gritted his teeth and shouted, "What's going on here?"

"I don't know!" Horei cried, with a look of "I'm innocent too".

"Yu Xinsang, how could you do this?"

On the psychological activities of the collapse of two straight men.

Lin Yuxin blinked, her clear eyes were black and white, "I thought you two were really in love."

I love a hammer.

Hori and Xincheng felt sick looking at each other's faces now.

"Xincheng, I'm going to spit out my overnight meal!"

"Damn, you're disgusting, I'm going to spit out the food I ate a few days ago!"

"Hmph! I'm going to rinse my mouth!"

"I'm going to brush my tooth a thousand times!"


"What are you!"


Dagulina Zongfang Jujianhui, who was watching the play nearby: Well, it was a good show.

Dagu and Lina were enjoying themselves when suddenly a slender white hand patted their shoulders.

Dagu and Lina stopped laughing, their hearts skipped a beat, and they turned their heads slowly.

The corners of Lin Yuxin's lips curled up, and she looked at them with a smile, "Dagu, Lina, this morning..."

Dagu and Lina: "Ah!! Yuxinsang, stop talking!!!"

Zongfang and Yerui: "Hahahahaha!"

Horei and Xincheng stopped shouting and scolding immediately, and looked at Dagu and Lina with a tacit smirk: "Dagu, Lina, what secret do you have?"

Jujian Hui also looked at them with a smile.

Today, four people lived a day under the strange eyes of others.


(End of this chapter)

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