Chapter 1

?Savage Secretary (Devil's Secretary Series Part [-]) (Zi Xin)

Little princess

Hello everyone, I am the little princess (bow).

Sorry, the little princess is here again! (^__^) Maybe everyone is familiar with me, because I only appeared in the prefaces of the previous books.

I still remember that in the last preface, I vowed to say that I will never do this kind of preface that looks simple but is very difficult to write!Unexpectedly, he immediately slapped himself, and soon appeared again!

However, I am still very happy to have this opportunity to meet you here again.

When it comes to writing a preface, I remember my little aunt said that the preface should be used to talk about the content of the book, or to talk about the author's opinion.

But, the content of the book... Uh, please forgive me, because this time my little aunt did not talk to me about her creation this time, so, hehehe, the content can only be taken home to read, because I don't even know about the little princess.

So, let's talk about the author!

This... (>_<"Light sweating) Have you seen how pitiful I am as a little princess?

Think about it, can you say it?Can we chat?Woo... I still think it's better for me to come up less in the future!

So... what should I say?Well, let's talk about the little princess's recent moving experience.Except for going to work, sleeping, eating, bathing... etc., poor little princess, I spend almost all my time organizing moving things. (_……Pitiful……)
Now I finally know that the reason why the little aunt mentioned in her book that she moved to another house made her three years older, because the little princess also felt that she was aging in an instant!
Now, at the time of writing this preface, even though I have moved into a new home, I still can't help feeling frustrated in retrospect.

This is my moving experience. I hope this is the only time left in my life. Of course, it’s a different matter when I get married. It must be moved, everyone, right? ^___^
The female secretaries club, this is not a real, physical existence, or a club that is only for female secretaries to spend and socialize.

It is the name of a blog.

In the past six months, it has been popular among the Internet community, sparking heated discussions, and a blog that has been viewed by more than [-] people every day, filling the message board.

As for the reasons for its popularity, there are three points:

First, because the three moderators are all charming, beautiful and capable female secretaries; second, they all serve domestic leading large companies, or internationally renowned multinational companies; as for the third, they are messages from the female secretary club In the forum, there are many secretaries from major companies or consortiums. They not only complain and give advice to each other, but sometimes criticize their bosses.

Therefore, this blog, in addition to gathering secretaries, also attracts many women who dream of flying on the branches and becoming phoenixes to join, because here you can collect more or less information about various wealthy Shaodong, just like this moment——


A long yawn sounded, and Hua Ping'er was sitting at the computer desk next to the sofa in the living room, yawning, while reading a boring message in the message board that could be called the most boring of the century.

Excuse me, how can I become a wealthy young mistress?
Become a wealthy young lady?
Hell, how come there are so many wealthy young wives in Taiwan, watching serials or novels, just imagine it faster!

"Why don't you just ask, how to catch my boss? Isn't it more straightforward!" Hua Ping'er spat.

She stretched her waist, twisted her stiff neck, raised her slender green fingers, and tapped lightly on the keyboard.

You mean, under what circumstances can you meet those boss-level characters, right?
Press the Enter key with one finger, behind the living room, the first room on the left side of the corridor, the door slams, and someone pulls it open from the inside. The woman in pajamas with a cartoon mouse came out, she came to Hua Ping'er, rubbed her eyes, and bent over to stare at the computer screen.

"Another stupid woman who wants to enter a wealthy family?" Yu Rong sneezed while talking indecently.

Can't blame her, the season has entered autumn, and her nose is prone to allergies.

"What happened? You two were kept in front of the computer early in the morning."

Before another row of new messages popped up on the message board, the door was pushed open with a bang, Jiang Qien held the breakfast in his hand, hooked the door, kicked off the flip flops on his feet, and entered the living room.

"Thank you, do you want my breakfast? Mandarin duck milk tea with sesame seeds?" Seeing Qi En appearing, Hua Ping'er ran over to take the breakfast from Qi En's hands, ignoring the new line of words on the message board.

After searching for a while, I found the one that belonged to her.

"Oh my god, Qian, you are really my benefactor."

After having breakfast, Hua Ping'er didn't mind being dog-legged at all, and hurriedly took a bite of the sesame seed egg. Tears welled up in her eyes on the spot, and she barely hugged and licked her excitedly.

"Vase, don't you think you're so dirty?" Yu Rong couldn't bear it, and also left the computer and walked over.

"My name is Hua Ping'er, not Li Ping'er from Jin Ping Mei, nor a vase!" Hua Ping'er turned her sideways warningly, expressing that she didn't like the nickname "Vase".

Who taught her father to have the surname Hua, and even gave her the name Ping'er, causing her to be nicknamed "Vase" all the way from junior high school.

"Who cares if you are Li Ping'er or a vase?" Yu Rong walked over, took her breakfast from Ping'er's hands, snorted, and walked back to the computer.

"Hey, hey, Qi'an, look at her, look at her attitude!" Seeing Yu Rong's arrogance, Ping'er screamed. "How can I say that I'm also the second landlord of this house? She is a tenant, and she treats me..."

Time flies so fast, the three of them have been living together for almost three years.

That year, Hua Ping'er had just graduated from university, and was hired by her father's friend to work in Huaxia Construction, and provided her with free accommodation. Because she felt that the house was too big, and it was insecure to live alone, she rented it out. Yu Rong and Jiang Qi'en live in.

Coincidentally, the three of them happened to be working as secretaries in a large company. After a few years, they developed a feeling similar to relatives, but not related by blood.

"How about you?" Yu Rong turned his face and cast a blank look at the same time. "Other second landlords have to pay rent to the big landlord, but you, the second landlord, don't have to pay a dime to the landlord, and you can also charge me and Qi'en's rent to buy cosmetics."

Forgetting for a moment that she had just woken up and hadn't brushed her teeth, Yurong picked up the breakfast in the plastic bag in her hand and was about to bite——

"Hey, you haven't brushed your teeth yet, have you? It's so dirty, eat breakfast without brushing your teeth!" Ping'er screamed.

Yu Rong put down the breakfast in his hand.

"That's right, I haven't brushed my teeth yet. It's all because of your vase, I almost forgot." Turning her face away again, she glanced at the computer screen, and suddenly she laughed.

On the message board, such a line of words appeared——

Excuse me, if I also become a secretary, if I get along with my boss day and night, will I be more likely to marry into a wealthy family?

Her laughter attracted Qi En, who came over and lay down in front of the computer.

"Oh, why do some people always think that the secretary will definitely be with the boss?"

Based on her background and experience, the boss might not like a female secretary. If they wanted to play a love game, it might be possible, but if they considered marriage issues, they would usually find a well-matched wealthy lady to marry.

"Yes." Hua Ping'er seconded her proposal while eating her breakfast. "If I were to be with that pig in our family, I would definitely get vaccinated first!"

The pig, of course, refers to her boss, immediate superior, and the president of Huaxia Construction—Xia Zeye.As for vaccinations...

Hua Ping'er suddenly thought of it, and stopped chewing in her mouth.

"Hey, Yurong, there should be no vaccine for AIDS yet, right?"

"No." Yu Rong turned around and glared at her.

"Who got AIDS?" Jiang Qien was puzzled.

Yu Rong and she looked at Hua Ping'er at the same time, only to see the corners of Ping'er's eyes twitch, and the line of her lips trembled a few times.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just making a bad joke, how should I put it, as secretaries, we will never hang out with the boss.

It’s not that we’re blind, we spend 24 hours a day, and spend more than a dozen hours together. We can see all the advantages and disadvantages, so how can there be beauty?Without aesthetic feeling, where is the intersection?There is no intersection, where is the spark?Without a spark just..."

Without sparks, of course there would be no further action!
At the end, she did not forget to add one more sentence——

"It's not a sow, so we absolutely, absolutely look down on our breeding pig bosses, you say... right?"

Hua Ping'er's smile bloomed brightly, Yu Rong only glanced at her coldly, making it clear that she would not comment, and as for Jiang Qi'en, she rolled her eyes with a guilty expression.

To be honest, she admired her boss very much, and even regarded him as an idol.

So, to be a sow, Hua Ping'er, go yourself!

Sitting in a room less than five pings in size, Yu Rong looked up at the green shade outside the window and let out a deep sigh.

It's late autumn.Although the autumn in Taiwan is not as red as maple leaves in autumn in some high-latitude countries, how should we say it?Looking out of the large green through the glass window, it is a little less angry, and it reflects the gray sky, which makes people feel depressed unconsciously.

Sitting on the rocking chair, Yu Rong gently kicked her feet, making the rocking chair rock back and forth. If she was covered with a blanket and hooked up a sweater with her hands, she would become an old woman [-]%.

A woman who is only 24 or [-] years old and in her prime, should be busy dating and living a romantic life, but her heart is aging prematurely, as old as an old woman, lifeless.

He, her boss, showed his affection to her again yesterday, showing that his willingness to pursue her is still undiminished, but Yurong is still unmoved, and No.20 rejects him three times.

"Love." Yu Rong snorted and snorted, and finally pulled back the eyes that were fixed on the window, but it was because of the sudden knock on the door.

"Yu Rong, I'm going to the hypermarket later, do you need me to help you buy something?" It was Jiang Qi'en's voice, thin and small, just as tall as her.

"Qian, wait a moment, let me take a look." Yurong finally got up, left her rocking chair, and opened the door.

"Oh, good." Jiang Qi'en poked his probe in from outside the room, but didn't go inside.

She has been taught very strictly since she was a child. Under the strict teaching of her parents, she strictly abides by some etiquette dogmas. For example, she would never dare to step outside the threshold until the owner of the house asked her to come in.

Yu Rong rummaged around in the room, looked around, straightened up and turned around, seeing Qi En still standing outside the door in a daze.

"Come in and sit down, I forgot to greet you, so you treat me as a stranger again?" Rolling his eyes, what Yu Rong couldn't bear the most was the pedantic things in Jiang Qi'en's mind.

Her parents taught her really well, too well, at a young age, but her mind is full of things from the old Chinese era, nothing is worse than being still, all women's behaviors should be regulated by etiquette, do not be rude See, hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil, do no evil...

Fei Yurong's head was dizzy.

"Oh, good." Jiang Qi'en was startled for a moment before stepping out to walk into the room.

"Push the door shut for me!" Yu Rong rolled his eyes again and sighed.

Turning around, she continued the inspection work.

Well... there are skin care products, there are cleaning products, there are also cereals that are used as a substitute for breakfast, and there are also; but the sanitary napkins used during the menstrual period every month are just...

"Qian, buy me a pack or two of sanitary napkins." Yurong turned around, looked at Jiang Qien who was standing by the door blankly, and the door that was indeed closed behind him, and let out a deep breath , raised one hand, and slapped it on the forehead.

"Miss, my dear Qien, can you stop being so kind, okay?" I've already entered her room, so can't I be more casual and find a place to sit down by myself?

"I..." Jiang Qi'en pointed at himself with a face full of incomprehension, why Yu Rong would suddenly praise her for being kind.

Facing the ceiling, Yu Rong sighed heavily, walked up to Jiang Qi'en, and took her hand.

"Now, you, sit down in my rocking chair."

"Oh, good." Although he didn't understand her intention, Jiang Qi'en was still obedient.

"You are really a good baby. Have you ever thought that if you are so obedient, you might be sold without knowing it one day?"

Jiang Qien smiled. "Don't worry, I'm not stupid, and I'm not as beautiful as you or as slender as Ping'er, so no one will want to sell me. Even if someone really wanted to, I might not be able to sell me!"

Yu Rong suddenly rolled her eyes when she heard this. "You..." What a rotten piece of wood!

Forget it, Yu Rong didn't want to be angry, she patted her chest with one hand, let go of her temper, turned around, took out a thin piece of paper from the bookcase, and handed it to Qi En.

"In addition to sanitary napkins, I would like to trouble you again, can you drop by and bring back the laundry for me when I come back?"

"The one at the entrance of the alley?" Jiang Qi'en looked at the delivery order for the clothes.

"En." Yurong nodded.

"Okay." Qi En folded the note and put it in the pocket of his coat. "last night……"

She suddenly remembered something. It was not intentional to probe people's privacy, but that her room stood side by side with Yurong, with only a wall in between. Although the sound insulation effect of the wall is not bad, Yurong's phone was talking too loudly last night. It can be heard that the quarrel with people is quite fierce.

"What?" Yu Rong chose to sit down on the bed, propping her hands back on the soft bed, her whole person didn't look as shrewd as usual, but more soft and charming.

She is beautiful.That fair and beautiful face is by no means inferior to any shining and attractive model nowadays. It is not only beautiful but also has temperament, especially her superior figure, about 170 or so?It's a pity not to be a model.

"You..." Jiang Qien timidly glanced at her first.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say!"

"Did you quarrel with your mother again?" Seeing her calm face, Jiang Qi'en mustered up the courage to ask.

Yu Rong froze for a few seconds, bit his lip, then pulled his eyes out of the window, then pulled back from the window, looked up at the ceiling, looked at the lights, looked at the wall, circled around the room, and finally pulled back.

"Did you hear that?" He sighed weakly.

"En." Qi En nodded, wanting to tell her that it's not good to quarrel like this, but she didn't dare.

"You won't understand my affairs, so don't worry too much about it." After speaking, Yu Rong stood up from the bed, turned around and walked to the closet, and reached out to open the closet.

"I don't understand, but..." Jiang Qi'en murmured, her voice was as thin as a mosquito's gnat, until she saw Yu Rong pulling out a suit of clothes from the closet, as if she was about to go out, she mustered up the courage to speak loudly Wan: "However, I don't think this is good. Arguing with my mother, even arguing so fiercely, will hurt her heart!"

"What do you know?" With a sudden roar, even Yurong himself was startled.

Jiang Qi'en froze, looking at her in astonishment.

Yu Rong's beautiful lips squirmed a few times, her face was very ugly, complex emotions such as apology and annoyance flashed across her face.

"Remember what I mentioned, my father married three wives?" With another sigh, she sat down on the bed weakly.

Jiang Qi'en didn't dare to make a sound, but only nodded his chin to show his understanding.

"Do you still remember what I said about my mother being his second woman?" With a cold snort, Yu Rong said seemingly indifferently.

Qi En nodded again.

"The situation of a family formed by irresponsible men is not as sad as you can imagine."

This is exactly why she hates men, and it is also the reason why her heart is as turbulent as a centenarian old woman at such a young age.

"But, I heard... isn't your father a big landowner in the middle of the country?" Could the life of a rich family really be miserable?
Yu Rong hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled feebly. "Money doesn't necessarily buy everything!"

At least, she knows that there is something called happiness that cannot be bought with money.

"Yeah?" Her words made Jiang Qien look at her in astonishment, "You... really think so?"

Then, on weekdays, why does she regard money as her life?
Yu Rong moved her lips a few times, but said nothing.

Seeing that she was silent, Jiang Qi'en felt inconvenient to say any more, and the doubt in his heart turned into a muttering in his mouth: "Since this is the case, isn't working hard to make money on weekdays a very boring behavior?"

Yu Rong still heard it.

"That's for my relief!" As soon as she said the words, she regretted it. This was a secret she had never told anyone—the promise she had made with her father.

"What?" Relief?There were two big question marks in Jiang Qi'en's eyes.

"It's nothing." With a dejected sigh, Yu Rong got up and left the bed, and walked to the window.

"Yu Rong..." Jiang Qien didn't believe it was nothing, Yu Rong must have something to hide from them.

Yu Rong glanced at the sky outside the window, thought for a while, and the moment she turned around, she had sorted out her mood, and returned to her usual shrewd and cunning Yu Rong, who made her teeth itch with hatred. .

"It's nothing, my mother called my cell phone yesterday, but she came to complain to me again, why did I become a daughter instead of a son. I was tired of hearing things like this, so I yelled at her, telling her not to call again Give me the phone, I don't want to hear her whining, not her punching bag."

"So..." Qi En looked at her sympathetically.

Yu Rong pretended not to care and shrugged. "Hey, what kind of ugly expression is that on your face?" Walking over, he stretched out his hand and pushed her, "Didn't you say that you want to help me with shopping, and help me get my clothes from the laundry when you come back? Why are you still here in a daze? Later I'm going to wear one of them, so don't delay my date at night."

"Do you have a date tonight?"

"Hmm." Yu Rong snorted lightly.

"Then, I'll get it right away." With that said, Jiang Qi'en turned around and was about to walk out.

"Hey, wait a minute." Yu Rong called to stop her.

Qi En turned around, but before she could speak, Yu Rong had come to her side, took her hand, and stuffed two thousand yuan bills into her hand.

"I haven't given you the money yet, what do you use to help me buy things and get clothes?"

"I..." Qi En looked at the banknote in his hand. "What does it matter if I come first?"

Yu Rong raised her hand in disapproval, and slammed her on the head hard. "You are such a good person, sooner or later you will be eaten to death. You, you must remember that it is yours and what you should take. It is best not to lose a dime. You must try your best to fight for it. It’s a fool who doesn’t fight for it. Not only will others not appreciate you, but they will also laugh at you for being a fool. You’re going to be eaten up, you know? You’re such a fool!”

It started again, when it came to money, Yu Rong started her endless theory.

However, Jiang Qien knew that Yurong would always only take what she deserved and earn what she deserved, insisting on the principle that a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way.

In the dim light, the sound of music was blaring. On the dance floor, couples of men and women hugged their waists and hips, rubbing their passionate limbs. In the dim space, there was a strong ambiguous atmosphere.

This is a pub, a well-known and secretive membership-based pub located in the Xinyi planning area of ​​Taipei. There are many officials, business leaders, film and television singers, or second- and third-generation entrepreneurs who come and go here.

Tonight, the monthly beautiful leg night is held in the pub. Tonight, as long as women who dare to show off, are willing to show off, and have a pair of well-proportioned legs, they don't need to be members, and they can also enter the pub carnival for free.

Every time this day comes, the pub is full of women, most of them are people who cannot enter here on weekdays. As for the purpose of coming here, of course, it is to see if they can catch some rich men.

Ever since, a game of mutual seduction between men and women has started. No one is right or wrong, and there is no talk about whether there is a tomorrow, and enthusiasm spreads in every corner.

Sitting at the corner of the bar, Sun Funan rolled his eyes at the blond man beside him, turned his head and turned back, and she was the first woman who came up to him to talk to him tonight.

"Brother, why don't you be like this, are you really so determined?" Harry was blinded for no reason, not only did he not care at all, he also put his arms around Sun Funan's shoulders, laughing and raising his glass to drink.

The blond-haired Harry is Sun Funan's half-brother. Because his mother is British and he has lived in the UK for many years, he looks like a foreigner.

"Don't hook your shoulders with me." Sun Funan pushed his hand away, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and took a sip.

If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that he and Harry have a very similar face, with the same three-dimensional features as a chisel, high brow bone, thick eyebrows, straight nose bridge, deep eye sockets, and just right thin lip line, which is very good-looking.

"Come on, brother." Putting down the glass in his hand, the smile on Harry's lips remained undiminished. "Seriously, when are you going to go back?"

"I'm the CEO of HW's Yadong District now, aren't I?" Sun Funan gave him another look, and continued to drink, mourning his No.20's failure to show his love to the woman he loves three times.

"I know you are now. But, grandpa and dad keep asking me, when will you go back to be the global president of HW?"

It has been more than two years, and HW Group, headquartered in London, has been waiting for a successor.Because the successor ran to a small island in Asia called Taiwan, saying that it was to develop the Asian market, and he also demoted himself to become the CEO of the East Asia region, regardless of the position of the head office, and threw the entire group to him.

"Wait until the day my affairs are settled." Sun Funan continued to drink, ignoring his underdog strategy at all.

"Brother, it's been more than two years, why can't you figure it out?" Harry sighed deeply, his face full of disbelief.

Isn't it just a woman?With his eldest brother's ability, appearance, and social status, there is no reason why he can't get along with the other party. How could he be rejected by the other party again and again?
Sun Funan spread his hands helplessly. "I just want to know where the problem is, that's good."

He likes Yurong, his secretary.

He likes her very much, almost from the first time he saw her, he was madly infatuated with her, that's why he chased her all the way from London to Taipei, and overcame all difficulties, opened the first meeting point of HW Asia East District in Taipei, And hired her as a secretary with a high salary, hoping to win the favor of a beautiful woman by virtue of the principle that Chinese people get close to the water first.

However, time flies, two years in a blink of an eye, his love for her has not changed, and the beauty's unmoved also has not changed.

Alas, thinking about it, it's really discouraging.

"You don't know what the problem is?" Harry slapped his forehead hard, his face full of disbelief.

His wise, brilliant, first-rate elder brother, whom everyone would give a thumbs up to praise, is actually so emotionally weak that he can't handle a woman after two or three years?
"You don't understand her at all." Sun Funan sighed deeply with a helpless face.

Yurong is a cunning woman who makes people feel confused from beginning to end, what she thinks, wants, and doesn't want, which makes him... oh, frustrated!

"Why should I know her." Harry murmured, and it wasn't the woman he wanted, so there was no need to know her. "Brother..." Put another hand on Sun Funan's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He glanced at the hand on his shoulder with the end of his eyes, and then Sun Funan lazily responded.

"How did that woman captivate you?" Harry was curious about this.

With his brother's excellent qualifications, there are as many women who are eager to cling to him, but why does he only like one woman?

"Why are you asking so much? It has nothing to do with you!" Sun Funan gave him a blank look, and Sun Funan was not polite at all.

However, speaking of Yurong, how could he have forgotten the first time he met her?
It was midsummer, the weather was a bit stuffy, and she was very absent-minded about a diamond and jewelry exhibition held in Paris, perhaps because of the relationship with the women she was with.He saw her sneaking out of the venue waiting for an opportunity, sitting in a secret corner of the corridor and cursing, her expression was lively and vivid, which was by no means comparable to that of ordinary women, and at that moment, he fell in love with her.

"Yes, yes, yes, it doesn't matter to me at all." Harry looked up to drink, but the glass was empty, he turned around, gestured to the bartender at the bar, and a glass of straight whiskey with ice cubes was brought to him again.

Picking up his glass, Harry took a sip directly.

Seeing him drinking, Sun Funan couldn't help but spit: "You drink like this, do you want to be an alcoholic?"

Harry had a face full of indifference. "When an alcoholic dies drunk, how can it be better than going back to work non-stop and dying from overwork?"

"If you think that way, just forget about being drunk." Sun Funan didn't bother to talk to him.

Harry took another sip of his drink. "Brother, are you really determined not to go back?"

"Didn't I say it? I'm the CEO of the East Asia region now, let's talk about it after I stabilize the market development in the East Asia region!" Look, what an excuse to kill two birds with one stone.

"Go to your Yadong district, go to your fake public welfare!" Harry drank again.

Sun Funan reached out and snatched his wine glass. "Let me tell you first, if you get drunk today, I won't take you home, but just leave you here."

"What does that matter." Harry shrugged with a look of indifference. "Perhaps I should beg you to leave me here!"

Turning his eyes around, he was not surprised at all. Many girls turned their eyes on their brothers, because they had already rejected many of them before, and they were afraid that they would not be able to hide their face, so they waited and watched for the time being, and did not move.

"Want to have an affair?" Sun Funan pierced his younger brother's mind with one sentence, and added a warning: "Be careful of AIDS."

"Brother!" Harry was really frustrated, he had nothing to do when he met this brother. "never mind!"

"It's good to know how to introspect, it's useless to touch women too much."

"What about you?" Harry snorted, "If you're talking about me, you're not the same!"

"I'm different. I'm called Ruoshui Sanqian, and I only take a scoop to drink." Sun Funan raised his face proudly, with a smile on his handsome face.

"Yes, yes, good for your weak water three thousand, just take a scoop to drink." Harry was very unconvinced. "Then I would like to ask, my good brother, you have been chasing this ladle for two or three years, and you are still not allowed to drink it. May I ask you what you drink when you need it in the past two or three years?"

Shouldn't he be living a sexless life for two or three years?

"I have my own solution, don't bother you." He gave him a white look, this time Sun Funan was particularly forceful.

"Could it be..." Harry was stunned for a moment, with a look of sudden realization, he didn't care about being stared at, and burst out laughing, seemingly unable to stop.

"If you laugh again, believe it or not, I'll beat you up." Sun Funan said in a bad tone.

Finally, Harry stopped laughing and raised his head. Although he didn't laugh, there was still a smile in his eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, just pretend that I didn't ask. Why don't we talk about this exhibition? I've been helping you for a long time in Europe for this exhibition. How should I say it? You should thank me too, and..."

Harry used excuses to change the subject, which was his forte.

But no matter what, he always felt that it was a little unhealthy for his elder brother to come here by himself for two or three years, poof...he couldn't help laughing again, hahaha...

*The copyright of this article is reserved. Without the authorization of "Flower Season Culture", please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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