please stop making anime

Chapter 103 The cuter you are, the quicker you die

Chapter 103 The cuter you are, the quicker you die

The magic circle is still broadcasting episode by episode according to the original plan of the Festival Society. Because of the death of the third episode of the senior sister, almost all the viewers who are watching this anime have begun to reject the wish for the heroine to become a magical girl.

All the audience are guessing how many episodes Sayexiang can last without being killed by Zhao Ran.

The fourth episode is mainly about Sayaka, about how she became a magical girl.

In the beginning, she was frightened by her senior sister, so she didn't have the idea of ​​aspiring to become a magical girl, until one day she went to visit that boy again.

"Is Sayaka bullying me?" The boy asked Sayaka, because Sayaka let the boy listen to music when his hand was injured and he couldn't play the violin: "Now that things have reached this point, why do you still let me listen to music?" Music? Did it make me sad on purpose?"

"Because you like music!" The boy's words surprised the girl. It was because she knew that the boy liked to listen to music that she chose to let the boy listen to music. However, she forgot that the boy could no longer play music. Her current behavior Undoubtedly sprinkle salt in the wound of the teenager.

"I don't want to hear it anymore!" The boy was furious, and his injured hand was bleeding. Seeing this, Sayexiang quickly grabbed the boy's hand to stop the other party from continuing to lose his temper.

"I can't move my hand, and I can't feel the pain anymore." The young man cried, while Sayaka comforted him: "There must be a way, there must be a way, don't give up! One day I will definitely get better again of."

"You just let me give up! Don't let me play! My hands can't move at all! The current level of medical treatment can't cure my hands at all! Unless there is a miracle or magic! Otherwise, my hands It's not going to get better at all!"

"Miracle and magic exist!"

Sayexiang looked at the painful boy, and had already made a decision in her heart.

If possible, she made a wish to heal the boy's hand and become a magical girl!
"Fuck, why do you feel more uncomfortable the more you watch this anime?"

"This anime is like that kind of dark fairy tale. It directly subverts our inherent image of magical girls. I always feel that this magical girl is particularly evil."

"Since this anime aired, I've never hugged Chubby again, I'm afraid that this guy will come over and make me sign Magic Boys!"

"Is this a successful wish? Don't! Don't make a wish!"

"Zhao Ran: How is it possible? I want to make them magical girls! Magical girls are so good, others don't want to be her."

"Don't mention Zhao Ran to me! I get a headache every time I hear the word Zhao Ran!"

Surprisingly, no one died in the fourth episode, and there was a new character on the scene.

This new magical girl is just like the villain. Just a few words of dialogue make people feel that this magical girl is very difficult to get along with.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, she wanted to grab the territory, and in the next episode, as expected, she had a big fight with Sayaka. Because Sayaka became a magical girl, she was not her opponent at all. The battle is over.

Homura has been trying to prevent the heroine from becoming a magical girl. When Sayaka lost, Chubby asked the heroine if she wanted to be a friend of the magical girl. Just when the heroine was hesitating, Homura appeared.

"It's still a magical girl, how many episodes do you think she will live?"

"A cute girl like this won't survive three episodes at all, right? So I bet she will die within the next three episodes!"

"This plot is moving in an unimaginable direction. I want to give up this anime, but this plot is really addictive!"

The audience opened the barrage to discuss the plot, and the godly replies from the silly netizens also made those audiences who were depressed by the plot feel better.

If you just feel bad when you watch Zhanmei, and feel teary when you watch Second Five, then when you watch Magic Circle, you will only think in your heart that this plot is really depressing.

Has the author been hit by something?How can such a depressing anime work be created?

In fact, Zhao Ran has shown mercy, and the tearjerker show Xiatu will be played immediately after the sister-in-law, instead of directly going to the magic circle, or some other depressing animations.

The audience continued to watch the plot. At this time, Sayaka was fighting the new magical girl. The new magical girl dealt with Sayaka when Sayaka was dealing with the familiar.

The familiar is different from the witch. The familiar needs to eat four or five people before it can evolve into a witch, and then it can get the seed of lamentation.

The new magical girl hopes that the familiar will eat a few people, and then kill the familiar who has evolved into a witch to get the seed of lamentation, while Sayaka believes that if the familiar is left alone, then someone will die.

The two fought because of this, and the familiar took advantage of this opportunity to escape.

Because Sayaka is a magical girl who prays for healing, she has strong resilience and cannot be defeated for a while. In the end, Akami Homura made a move to stop the battle between the two.

"President, you are still in the mood to comment now!" At this time in the Festival Club, Li Tong looked at Zhao Ran who was lazily brushing comments with a laptop and said: "Now, I finally know why my sister Look at the pity on my face."

When Li Tong went downstairs to Jingani to find her sister for dinner, Li Xuan heard that Zhao Ran had made a magic circle and that the audience had gone crazy, so he patted his own sister on the shoulder with a pitiful expression.

At first Li Tong thought that Zhao Ran had some bad hobbies, but later he found out that Li Tong preferred Zhao Ran to have some hobbies, and the situation turned out to be as bad as it is now!

"What's wrong?" Zhao Ran paused and looked at Li Tong with a puzzled expression.

"My car tire was punctured." Li Tong whispered.

"Oh? What are you talking about? I will give you a subsidy later, but the tires are punctured. It's just a small matter." Zhao Ran waved his hand. This matter is too common. Li Tong has never seen such a big scene.

"Your electric car was also punctured, and the tire was replaced yesterday." Li Tong continued to report.

"Oh, it's a small matter. The tires of my electric car have been punctured at least a hundred times. I changed the tires and continued to drive." Zhao Ran directly praised Xiaodao's electric car, which is of great quality.

"The tires of all the staff members of our festival club have been punctured." Li Tong has already started to cover his face, which is too scary.

"There is a subsidy, there is a subsidy! This is just a daily routine!" Zhao Ran continued to be calm, and it's not like he hasn't been punctured before. All the staff of the Festival Club have been punctured.

"Is it just everyday that someone blows up the cesspit? There was a coax, and then there was a crash. I still can't figure out how they found the cesspit."

(End of this chapter)

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