please stop making anime

Chapter 105 The Darkness Has Just Begun

Chapter 105 The Darkness Has Just Begun

"This is probably the darkest anime I've ever seen, and it's also a magical girl anime. It's so frustrating!"

"An anime that constantly refreshes my three views, magical girl anime can be so dark, I have to say, Zhao Gou's heart is not ordinary black!"

"In the beginning, I was steadfastly on Chubby's side, and thought Akami Homura was a big villain! I'm so stupid."

"Don't mention Kewpie to me! God knows how ruthless I am now! I bought ten Kewpie dolls at once, and spent all my pocket money for a month! Eat bear biscuits, but stuff the dolls you bought into the trash with your own hands!"

"Are there still people who say that the magical girl anime produced by the Festival Club is mediocre? Although the content of this anime is dark, this subversive plot directly makes this anime a god!"

"Make a contract with me and become a magical girl." Now, I shudder when I hear this sentence! What kind of shit magical girl, whoever loves to be it!"

"It's too miserable, it's too miserable to be a magical girl! I used to imagine that one day I could become a magical boy, but now I think about it, how miserable my life would be if I met Chubby?"

"Upstairs, when you meet Qiubi, do you think you are still human?"

"Kuppy is really disgusting! Turning a well-behaved person into that look, and putting on a tone of I'm good for you, no wonder Akatsuki Homura chased and killed him at the beginning. I felt sorry for him at the beginning Come on, now I want to push it down the toilet!"

"We were all wrong, we were all on the wrong team! We were all confused by Chubby's appearance! We should have been on Xiaomeiyan's side back then!"


With the broadcast of the sixth episode, Chubby's true face is also slowly unfolding in front of everyone. This anime, which was not favored in the early stage, is now becoming more and more familiar to more and more people.

The Cupid doll was killed and went crazy!The figure of the senior sister was also sold out!Zhao Ran did not expect that someone would buy such a prank-like item made by a senior sister, and the Kewpie doll, which was extremely popular before, was sold at retail within three days. They are all gifts for people, such as ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend.

Some lovers of the magic circle even bought wallpapers of their seniors to stick on the car doors. When the window was pulled down, the seniors would lose their heads. I don’t know who thought of this thing.

"President, someone wants to apply for a patent for decapitation!" Li Tong said to Zhao Ran, who was lying beside the desk, holding the document.

"What are you talking about? Senior sister has a patent for decapitation?" Zhao Ran was taken aback. Someone also applied for a patent for this thing?Should I say that the world is full of wonders?
"Yes, there are quite a lot of them. Many of them are sports equipment, the kind that expands the back, and the head will fall off when the senior is pulled." Li Tong was a little speechless, and reported the situation truthfully: "Do you want to deal with it?"

"Those spectators didn't dismantle the gym?" Zhao Ran was very puzzled. Someone made a senior's fitness equipment and applied for a patent?This operation is too crazy!

"No, that kind of fitness equipment has received unanimous praise! And Kewpie bowling balls are also very popular among audiences recently. According to reports, the number of people who like to go to the gym now is [-]% higher than that of a month ago." Li Tong took out his notebook and described this After a while, the results of her investigation will be reported.

"As long as those viewers don't report me anymore, they can do whatever else they want." Zhao Ran sighed, and see, is it easy for him to make anime?Not only do you have to fight wits with the censorship bureau, but you also have to fight wits with the audience and parents. If you are not careful, you may be put into a sack and face punching and kicking.

Of course, not everyone would choose to do that, most people were sensible, and some people gave Zhao Ran high praise.

All kinds of rainbow farts, Zhao Ran is so thick-skinned that he feels a little guilty and shy when he sees the comments of those netizens?

For example, "This man is so strong!", "Why is he so powerful?", "It's my idol!", "Zhao Ran is awesome!" and so on.

Are these audiences all masochistic? !
Unable to bear the curiosity in his heart, Zhao Ran opened the post with the most comments.

[By the way, haven't you noticed that Zhao Gou's fans are a little too fond of Zhao Gou?Every time he does this to death, there are still people watching the animation he made, and still bragging about it? 】

There are countless replies to this post, and netizens from all over the country have expressed their views on this post:

"The main reason is that the quality of the work is good! If there is no work, who do you think will praise him?"

"It's really too talented, just like that, you clearly know that it will have a bad ending, you know that you may be cheated by him, but you still can't help but want him to cheat, this is probably Zhao Gou's charm! "

"Isn't Shaking M upstairs?"

"How should I put it? Didn't you find out that Zhao Gou is the only one with a lot of profanity in the whole country? If others dare to be so promiscuous, they will definitely be scolded to death. It’s really a bit outrageous, so I just sprayed him, and after spraying, I felt relieved before I went to lick the morality club, and praised the morality club as awesome.”

"Although what you said makes a little sense, why do we always feel that we have entered the routine of having to watch the anime of the Festival Society? I also have a little doubt about life. Why are Zhao Ran's fans being abused so badly? Wait until something happens to Zhao Ran , and one by one tried their best to help him speak, I always feel that this setting is a bit strange!"

"Zhao Ran's works are good! Although he has a bad personality, in my opinion, he is probably the most serious one in China at present when it comes to animation. There is always a kind of spirit in his heart that is devoted to animation."

"Actually, the magic circle is okay. It's not as evil as it is said on the Internet. I watched the first six episodes, and I felt a little sad when the senior sister died in the third episode. Everything else is acceptable, probably because I watched the Essence Society. I am used to the works I made, and I already have the resistance to the works produced by Jie Cao Society."

"Indeed, I also think what those people said is a bit too much. I didn't feel anything at all after watching it. I haven't seen Zhanmei before. When I saw Zhanmei, I felt uncomfortable. This magic circle Where is it, half of the plot has been played, and only one person died."

These audiences probably don't know that the first six episodes are just an appetizer compared to the following plot.

The anime gets more and more depressing as it gets to the end, and the so-called darkness is also presented to the audience one by one in the next few episodes.

Let them doubt life after watching it!
(End of this chapter)

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