please stop making anime

Chapter 107 Have fun watching "Magic Girl Madoka Magica"

Chapter 107 Have fun watching "Magic Girl Madoka Magica"

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was time to broadcast the seventh episode of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica".

At midnight, countless magic circle powder opened and waited.

It is very confusing. This anime can be said to be an alternative to the magical girl anime. It can even be said that this is a cult among the magical girl anime. It is different from all related anime. It is depressing and dark. Subversion, but it still has too many people chasing after it, and I can't help but want to watch the next content of this anime.

Human beings are curious, no matter how old they are, and this anime completely prevents all viewers from guessing the final ending. In addition, the animation of Magical Girl Madoka is extremely well-produced, and the audience can completely learn from this anime. The full sincerity of the festival society can be felt from the exquisite painting style of the animation, so many viewers are looking forward to what will happen next in this animation.

"Hey, have you watched the latest anime produced by the Festival Club? What? You haven't seen it? That "Magic Girl Madoka Magica"! Hurry up and watch it, it's so good!"

"Brother, may I recommend an anime to you? Just this "Magical Girl Madoka", do you know Zhao Ran? That person who is very good at animation production, this animation is produced by him, hurry up and watch it .”

"Are you still chatting with your girlfriend? Does your girlfriend watch anime? Shall I recommend you a good anime? Huh? How could I recommend Zhiyu Fan? This is a healing masterpiece! "

As the popularity of this animation work rises, students who come and go in universities and high schools see their good buddies and girlfriends in a bad mood and decisively and sincerely recommend this animation work.

If you are in a bad mood, then watch "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" and have fun!

This seems to have become a trend. Adults who used to secretly watch magical girls also began to enthusiastically introduce their favorite anime works to the people around them. If the other party will be very surprised and ask why they didn’t realize that you like watching magical girls before. Waiting for a question, then this person will definitely tell him angrily that he fell into the trap because of this anime, and you will regret it if you don’t watch it!
Time passed by every minute and every second, and the audience moved the small benches and finally waited until midnight. On the beep, beep, the seventh episode of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" was actually broadcast, and countless viewers watched silently with their mobile phones.

"You lied to us." Sayaka threw the soul gem in her hand on the table without turning on the lights in the room, but turned on the desk lamp in the room, then looked at Chubby and said.

"I asked your opinion back then, whether you wanted to become a magical girl or not, although I omitted a lot of truth." Chubby showed a very innocent expression, showing off his cuteness there.

Chubby, who used to be very cute, now showed an innocent expression that looked particularly hateful. When Sayexiang saw it, she was so angry that she overturned her chair, and then asked Chubby, "Then why don't you tell me the truth?" ?”

"You didn't ask me the truth, and if you don't know the truth, it won't affect you, right? Besides, Mami doesn't know the truth, and she doesn't know the truth after she dies." After Chubby finished speaking, he was still in Sayaka's room. Pressing on the soul gem, Sayaka held her stomach in pain, curled up and fell to the ground: "Look, this is why your consciousness and body are not connected together so that you can survive the battle just now, and that was just now Originally suffering, only by separating your consciousness and body can you persist in the battle just now to the end."

"Why? Why did we have to encounter this kind of thing!" Sayaka said with a hint of crying in her voice.

"Haven't you already fulfilled your wish? A wish that you will not hesitate to accept even if you are fighting." Sayaka, who was still crying, was stopped by Chubby's rhetorical question.

"Why is what Chubby said is right, but I just want to beat it!"

"This elf really has a dark heart, what on earth is Zhao Gou thinking? How could he give such a dark-hearted contract pet such a cute appearance?"

"The five senses determine the three views. So, is there anyone still aspiring to be a magical girl? The contract pet is Kewpie."

Countless netizens sighed, and then watched the next content of this anime.

"Even if I tell it, no one will believe me." Xiao Meiyan explained to the heroine, her tone seemed to be the same as what she had done before.

"Why did Chubby do such an excessive thing?" The heroine didn't hear anything wrong from Xiao Meiyan's words.

"That guy's values ​​cannot be applied to human values. For it, it is just the legitimate value of miracles." Akami Homura explained.

"Becoming that kind of zombie-like body is not right at all! Sayaka just wants to heal the pain of the person she likes."

"But, isn't this a miracle? Turning the impossible into a possibility, a miracle is something you can't buy with your life! But it is that guy who sells miracles everywhere, give up Sayaka."

Just after Xiao Meiyan's conversation with the heroine ended, on the other side, Sayaka was having a conversation with another magical girl.

Maybe it's because of the same fate, at this time the two of them are much more friendly, the magical girl took the initiative to show her friendship and told Sayaka about her own experience.

"It's too bad to be a magical girl"

"One by one, how is Zhao Gou planning to abuse them?"

"I'm convinced, this anime is so cruel to me, I want to shut it down and watch it again, it's uncomfortable."

Next, the audience also knew the life experience of the magical girl from this episode, and couldn't help but feel sad for her.

In order to make her father the person he wanted to be, she made a wish with Qiubi so that everyone could listen carefully to what her father said.

And after that, the church was crowded with all kinds of people who came to interview, and the number of believers increased, and she was also very motivated to fight against those witches, because in her opinion, she was just like her father, Save the world in both light and dark.

However, the good times didn't last long, and one day my father learned the truth. The increase of those believers was not because of gaining faith from him, but because of the hateful magic.

He was furious, cursing his own flesh and blood, saying that she was an out-and-out witch, addicted to alcohol all day long, and then the whole person went completely crazy, killed his family and then committed suicide, leaving her alone stay in this world.

Therefore, she had no relatives in this world, she was like a walking dead, and later, she decided to live for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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