please stop making anime

Chapter 111 Criticized

Chapter 111 Criticized

There is a kind of surprise called "Magic Girl Madoka".

This kind of setting of the same origin of the enemy and the enemy can be said to directly blow up all the audience and animation producers in this world.

This is an unprecedented setting!In Zhao Ran's previous life, such a setting was nothing, but in this world, it can be said that it is amazing!
This is almost like a pioneering of the genre of online literature, coupled with the fact that the Ethics Club is extremely powerful, no matter whether it is the picture or the dubbing, it is the top existence in the country.

As soon as this setting is released, it is conceivable that in the future, those anime will definitely follow suit, and a large number of shoddy anime with the same origin as the enemy and us will be born. However, no matter how these anime are produced, they will never surpass "Magic Girl Madoka". This is a groundbreaker, as well, a peak of satisfaction to cross.

Of course, these are things to follow.

Now that "Magical Girl Madoka Magica" is the latest animation work, those animation producers who are in a state of shock never thought of imitating this animation work at all.

But no matter what, this anime is considered a complete explosion. After the mediocre response of the first two episodes, this anime will completely enter the public's field of vision with the following plot.

However, with the popularity of anime, some things that should come have come.

"President, the magic girl Madoka is very likely to be banned!" Li Tong hurriedly came to the Festival Club, and said to Zhao Ran who was drawing at the table.

"What happened?" Zhao Ran frowned.

Soon, Zhao Ran watched the latest reports on the Internet under the guidance of Li Tong.

It turned out that the parents jointly reported it!Moreover, it was named and criticized by well-known domestic platforms!
It says that the plot of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" has negative emotions such as violence, blood, cruelty, and ruthlessness. The content of this anime is too depressing, and the plot is too depressing. This result made Zhao Ran slightly relieved.

Zhao Ran has already thought about the worst ending of this anime, which is to be banned from the entire network!In that case, not only the beep, beep, and other video platforms would not be able to play it. In such a tragic situation, Zhao Ran could only go abroad to spend money to find a platform to release it!
Being named and criticized, Zhao Ran actually didn’t expect to come so late. He expected to be criticized in the third episode and banned in the fifth episode, but now it’s a good situation to be criticized in the eighth episode. It's too much.

"President, are we still going to continue broadcasting this animation work as originally planned?" Li Tong said with a frown.

In fact, violence, cruelty, depression and other factors in an animation are not the reason for an animation to be banned!Nowadays, all kinds of crime movies and literary films also contain a lot of dark elements, and those literary films can be released smoothly, why can't my own animation works be played on my own video platform?This is also the most fundamental reason why they are only criticized by name but not banned.

In addition, Zhao Ran's animation work clearly has an age limit. Those parents who reported this work Zhao Ran felt that it was purely meddling. Why don't you sue the software that spreads this animation work?They are the source of spreading this animation!

This anime is so hot!
Commentary spontaneously produced and disseminated by the audience can be found on various platforms of long video, medium video, and short video.

And those minors also learned about this animation through these platforms, so, logically speaking, those parents should not only sue the festival club, they should sue all domestic Internet companies.

Of course, this is just Zhao Ran’s excuse for himself. The character design of this animation work can be said to be designed according to the content that children like to watch. It is designed according to children's aesthetic tendency, but in terms of content, adults can't accept it even after reading it!

If such an animation work is considered by those children whose three views have not been formally established, it can indeed have a complete impact on their lives.

But here comes the problem again, isn't Zhao Ran deliberately putting this animation work at midnight to prevent the children from seeing it?Now that they have seen it, can it be said that Zhao Ran is going to add points?
In short, in a word, making animation is a dead end!
In his previous life, what Zhao Ran regretted most was joining the online novel business, but in this life, Zhao Ran regretted joining the animation production business the most.

"Continue to proceed according to the original plan." Zhao Ran gritted his teeth and said, now he finally understands the mood of those creators when their works cannot be played, even if Zhao Ran went bankrupt for the anime "Magic Girl Madoka" Let it play out too.

"Right now, Mama Yang is just criticizing this anime by name, and has not forced us to ban the broadcast of this anime. Moreover, even if we are forced to play this anime, we will let the next episodes of this anime work The content is played on other video platforms. Now this work is very popular. If we let go, those video platforms will definitely fight to snatch us one or two episodes of animation. Moreover, if it is completely banned, then we will pay to let this work The animation is broadcast on the Internet! Remember, for an excellent work, you must be prepared to give everything for it.”

"Is it worth it?"

"It's worth it!" Zhao Ran raised the corner of his mouth, and then told Li Tong beside him: "Now we can't be messed up because of this situation. We will continue to produce and try our best to make this animation perfect. As for the rest, we can only leave it to The money will decide!"


"Yes, hand it over to the money! You have to know that money itself is omnipotent!" Zhao Ran smiled. Now this society is too impetuous, and many regulations seem to be perfect, but as long as "money" is the lubricant, it can be used in everything. Find loopholes in these perfect rules.

"Go and call the people from the important departments. Let's have a meeting." Li Tong took a deep breath. Now his main task is to appease the staff of the morale society and tell them not to panic, everything has the morale society!

In the Internet age, the news of the criticism of the animation "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" was known to the audience in the Two-dimensional circle in just 5 minutes. Similarly, the staff in the festival club should be discussing this matter at this time. It's just that they were discussing in private, and the words hadn't reached Zhao Ran's ears yet.

In order to prevent them from panicking and causing problems with the quality of this work, it is necessary for Zhao Ran to tell them at this time: Don't panic, these are minor problems!

I have never seen such a big storm in the Festival Society!
(End of this chapter)

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