please stop making anime

Chapter 113 Zhao Ran: Your Wife?Well, I killed her!

Chapter 113 Zhao Ran: Your Wife?Well, I killed her!
When it was almost midnight, Guo Meng took his mobile phone and turned on beep, beep, beep.

While waiting for the latest episode of the anime "Magic Girl Madoka Magica", I browsed various forums while being idle.

Among them, there is a forum post that is particularly interesting, asking who do you most want to be your wife among the characters in "Magic Girl Madoka Magica".

Although the animation produced by Jie Cao Club is a bit of a mess, the content is extremely good-looking, and the characters in it are also very popular. It is normal for silly netizens to appear in this kind of post.

Which character do you most want to be the paper man's wife?
Guo Meng looked at the characters who had appeared in the magic girl Madoka that appeared on the post, and was a little hesitant.

If Guo Meng is asked to choose at this time when Guo Meng has watched the first two episodes and has not watched the third episode, then Guo Meng will definitely choose Yuan Xue without hesitation. The performances are all the best, the strength and charm have attracted a lot of fans, but the senior sister has not survived the third episode.
And from the fourth episode, the plot began to describe the character of Sayaka in a large space, which also made Guo Meng start to like this character full of justice and stubborn character, willing to become a magical girl for the person he likes, and fight those witches.

It's just a pity that Sayaka turned into a witch in the eighth episode.

This is outrageous!But when he thought that the author of this animation was a hot man, Guo Meng immediately felt relieved.

As for which character Guo Meng likes most now, if he was asked to choose which character he would most like to be his paper man's wife, then Guo Meng would definitely choose Xingzi.

Maybe everyone has the same thoughts as Guo Meng, the number of votes for choosing Xingzi as the paper man's wife is far higher than the number of votes ranked second!It is really what everyone expects, so many people choose apricots!

This is also normal. When Kyoko first appeared on the stage, the audience actually didn't have a good impression of this character, but after the next plot develops step by step, after the audience understands Kyoko's experience, they are instantly fans of this character. And fell in love with this character!
Guo Meng was no exception, he took the mouse and decisively voted for Xingzi.

After voting for Xingzi, Guo Meng couldn't help but start to worry, for example, how many episodes will his wife live?As for the extravagant wish of being able to survive to the finale, Guo Meng no longer has any expectations.

Haven't you seen that the character of Kyoko is so popular?Guo Meng has already summed up the rules, as long as a character is very popular with the audience, then this character will definitely end in misery.

However, according to Guo Meng's guess, the character Xingzi can live for at least three episodes!This is the conclusion given by those animation analysis up masters on the Internet, and Guo Meng also agrees with their point of view.

First of all, "Magic Girl Madoka" is still Zhao Ran's work. It can be said that this work is his child, so Zhao Ran will definitely show mercy to the characters in it. Even if he doesn't show mercy, Zhao Ran will let them Killing in the plot also needs to give a suitable reason, but now the reason for killing Xingzi is obviously insufficient!Because Kyoko is alone!
Besides, if someone died in the last episode, then the next one will have to be at least two episodes later. Otherwise, the death of two consecutive highly popular characters will directly burst the audience's mentality.

Time passed slowly, and the latest episode of Magical Girl Madoka finally started to play. Guo Meng refreshed his hands and waited.

The plot connects to the end of the eighth episode, and Sayaka has changed from a magical girl to a witch at this time, looking weird and dangerous.

The various notes and rails in the enchantment are related to Sayaka. The notes are because she used to choose CDs for the person she likes, and the rails are because she punished two scumbags.

Sayaka's body fell slowly from mid-air at this time, Kyoko was a little confused about the situation, but she transformed into a magical girl for the first time and caught Sayaka's body.


Roaring and shouting in pain, the witch had a hideous face at this moment.

"What?" Kyoko hugged Sayaka and looked at the witch, and already had a guess in her heart.

The witch directly attacked her, and because Kyoko was still holding Sayaka's body at this time, she couldn't use her full strength and could only fight back passively.

In the end, the appearance of Xiaomeiyan solved Kyoko's crisis. While explaining the situation, Xiaomeiyan took Kyoko out of the barrier, and the two had to leave temporarily.

And the heroine, who was in a bad mood because she couldn't find Sayaka, saw Xiao Meiyan and Kyoko who was holding Sayaka's body, and realized that something was wrong with Sayaka, so she quickly ran forward and asked, "What's wrong with Sayaka?" ?”

"After the soul gem is blackened by dirt, it will become a seed of lamentation. At this time, the magical girl will become a witch. Her soul stone has become a seed of lamentation, and then a witch is born and disappears." Xiaomei Homura replied Said: "This is the fate that magical girls cannot escape!"

"Is it a lie? Is this a lie?!" The heroine is a little unbelievable, but Xiao Meiyan and Kyoko are silent, which can be regarded as acquiescing to the explanation given by Xiaomeiyan. Crying and saying: "Why is this? Why? Sayaka just wants to protect humans from the witches, and wants to be a partner of justice. That's how she wants to become a magical girl."

"As many people have been saved, they will bear the same amount of curses, and will harm the same amount of people in the future!" Xiao Meiyan continued, and Kyoko at the side couldn't listen anymore, and grabbed Xiao Mei Yan's neckline: "Who do you think you are? Do you know who she is? She is Sayaka's good friend!"

"Now you should be able to understand, right? What is the real appearance of what you are looking forward to." Xiao Meiyan said slowly, and then glanced at Sayaka's body: "Since you brought the body here, then take care of the aftermath Well, after all, it’s quite troublesome to just throw it in one place.”

With the end of this episode, the heroine returned home with a face full of disappointment, and at this time Chubby appeared.

"May I go in? I have something to say," it said.

"So you're still alive." The heroine was in a bad mood, extremely depressed, and asked after a while: "Is Xiao Yan right? Is it true?"

Chubby didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did, and then explained that all of this was actually to extend the life of the curse, and it also explained to the hostess the source of the power of magical girls, how magical girls were produced and how they are born. How meaningful is the sacrifice.

"One day you will become the most powerful magical girl, and then become the most evil witch. At that time, we will have unprecedented power. If you want to die for this universe, you can come to me at any time!" After saying this, Chubby disappeared, while the hostess curled up and cried alone.

In order to wake Sayaka up, Kyoko finds the heroine and hopes that the heroine can try to wake up the witch.

"Is this okay?" the hostess asked.

"How do I know?" Kyoko smiled, and then said: "I did it because I didn't know, maybe we cut the witch in half, and what rolled out of her body was not the seed of lament but Sayaka's soul As for gems, isn’t that what fairy tales say? About the story of love and bravery, I, at the beginning, dreamed of love and courage before I became a magical girl!”

Then Kyoko said: "This is a very risky attempt! Even I can't guarantee your safety, so if you don't want to go, I won't force you."

The heroine shook her head, and decided to go to help, and Xiao Meiyan in the school realized that the situation was not good.

On the other side, Kyoko and the hostess have entered the barrier. The hostess wants Kyoko to tell her heart, and Kyoko on the side tries to comfort her.

After the two arrived at the witch, the heroine was in charge of calling Sayaka, while Kyoko was protecting the heroine while fighting. The witch is very powerful, and Kyoko was no match for her at all.

"Is this your revenge? Speaking of which, when we first met, our personalities didn't match. That's why you looked stubborn. No matter how I beat you down, you stood up in the end."

"That's right, you are very angry, right? You can't forgive it? I understand, so if you can vent your anger and wake up like this now, if you are satisfied in your heart, please open your eyes!"

However, no matter what Kyoko tells, it is impossible for Sayaka who has become a witch to hear, and even if she can really hear, it is impossible for her to wake up.

Kyoko was already at a disadvantage and couldn't be beaten at all. The witch stretched out a hand and grabbed Kyoko who was shot down to the ground. At a critical moment, the heroine replaced Kyoko and was caught by the witch.

Kyoko hurriedly stepped forward to help, cut off the hand that was grabbing at the hostess, and finally tried to save the hostess, but Kyoko was also seriously injured by the witch.

When Xiao Meiyan finally arrived, Kyoko handed the heroine to Xiao Meiyan: "Ah, let her accompany me to do stupid things, this child will be entrusted to you in the future, your ideas are right, you just Want to protect the only thing in your heart that you want to protect, maybe, I should have thought like you a long time ago! You go away quickly and give her to me!"

When the heroine and Xiao Meiyan left, Kyoko prayed, looked at the witch and said slowly:
"Is it lonely?"

"Sayaka, you must be lonely by yourself, right?"

"Okay, just let me be with you, let me be with you forever, my best friend."

After all, Kyoko kissed her soul gem, and then used all her strength, the soul gem burst instantly, and a picture like a nuclear explosion appeared, Kyoko. She and Sayaka's incarnation of the witch died together!

Seeing this, it can be said that the entire audience was stunned. In fact, when Kyoko chose to stay alone, some audiences already felt that something was wrong.

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Guo Meng almost smashed his cell phone into pieces: "Ah! My wife made of paper! Damn Zhao Gou, I am at odds with you!"

He just voted for Xingzi with his mobile phone, and Zhao Ran wrote his favorite female character to death? !
I really want to catch him and beat him up!

ps: My back hurts these two days. I cut the wheat
(End of this chapter)

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