please stop making anime

Chapter 119 Rumors 4

Chapter 119 Rumors Spread
After coordination among all parties, the review department finally notified the Festival Club that the broadcast can continue after a two-week delay.

As for the fragments that failed the review, Zhao Ran divided them into small fragments and played them by cutting and other means, while the "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" sold abroad was not cut. Watch online.

This result is also the result of mutual compromise between the ethics club and the audit department.

Of course, after the announcement of the two-week postponement was issued on the official website of the Festival Society, the incident was also discussed on the Internet, and all kinds of rumors came out, such as why the ending was so miserable, why Zhao Ran had a car accident, What kind of ethics club was pushed by someone? Wait a minute.

"No way, no way, Zhao Ran really had a car accident?!"

"Probably not. That's fake news. There was no news about Zhao Ran's car accident at all from the Festival Club."

"What's going on here? Why didn't the Festival Club quickly play the rest while its popularity is at its peak? I always feel that there is something strange in it."

"It seems that this half a month can only watch Slam Dunk to relieve boredom"

"It should be that the good grades put too much pressure on the festival club. In the past two weeks, the festival club should adjust the last two episodes. I think so."

"I hope the ending is a good ending. Although the hope is a bit slim, I still don't want anyone to die!"

"You're thinking about farts. Do you think Zhao Ran will give this anime a happy ending with Zhao Ran's pissing nature? It would be nice if he didn't kill all the characters in it."

Those up masters were not idle either, something happened to the festival club, and it was time for the up masters to reveal the black history of the festival club to collect money. Among these up masters, a few guesses won the support of the audience.

Among them, the analysis video with the highest number of clicks is an all-round, multi-angle, and in-depth analysis of the most fundamental reason why the festival's postponement of the work "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" this time.

This video clearly pointed out that the magic circle could not be aired because it was too dark. Zhao Gou couldn't bear the pressure and had to rectify the next two episodes.

Originally, the audience didn't quite believe the speculation of the up host, but the up host directly presented his own evidence to prove his point of view, witnesses and physical evidence, as well as the revelations given by the good brothers of the internal staff of the festival, etc., were all displayed to the audience Those people who eat melons, this time directly gave the conjecture that "the follow-up content of the magic circle is too dark and has to be postponed for rectification" to the real hammer.

Everyone is a long-time fan of the Essence Society. Thinking of Zhao Ran's usual style, it is really possible that he had to rectify because of the darkness.

"Boss is amazing! Just give the ending of the magic circle a real hammer! I really admire you, I have a big baby here and I want to show the boss!"

"I always feel that the ending will be complete annihilation. Xiao Meiyan died because of the night of the witch, and the heroine finally became a witch, and then the world was destroyed."

"Xiao Meiyan is mortal. There is no doubt that she will be killed by Zhao Gou. If you look at the tenth episode of Magic Circle, it can be said that the whole episode depicts this character. According to Zhao Gou's urine, whoever uses it on which character If Zhao Gou didn’t kill her, then he would not be called Zhao Ran anymore.”

"Actually, when I saw the tenth episode, I had already sentenced Xiao Meiyan to death. Even though I like this character very much, I would still say that this character can't live anymore. Don't be too affectionate about this character. Otherwise, Zhao Gou will definitely make you feel uncomfortable."

"However, isn't it being rectified now? Maybe there is hope, the character Xiao Meiyan will not die in the end, and the whole story will eventually have a perfect ending."

"Even if Xiao Meiyan doesn't die, she will end up half dead in the end, trust me."


"I bother!"

"The world has misunderstood me too much!"

Zhao Ran was speechless looking at the comments of those silly netizens. Is his image in their hearts so terrifying?Obviously I am just a sweetheart soldier who wants to promote love and bravery!
clap clap clap!

Zhao Ran picked up the keyboard in his hand and typed. He thought it was necessary to explain this postponement.

"I've said it all, I'm a sweetheart of love, how can you think of me as evil? Also, this extension is not what you think! The ending is very warm and not dark at all, you guys Believe in love, believe in courage, maybe darkness will come, but after the darkness passes, dawn will also come, and light will cover the earth. In short, the ending of the magic circle is not what you guessed. As for the specific ending, I won’t reveal the drama, you will know when the time comes.”

As soon as Zhao Ran's Weibo was posted, it was pushed to the top of the hot search list in just ten minutes, and Zhao Ran has become accustomed to this.

A certain person who was thousands of miles away from the dish let out a bit of resentment when he saw that the trending search that he had finally paid for was knocked down by someone for more than ten minutes.

Zhao Ran didn't say the specific reason for the postponement. It's better not to say some things. You know what I know. It's best to know the world, otherwise there will be big problems.

Of course, Zhao Ran is also trying his best to save his image in the eyes of the audience. Zhao Ran is not willing to, when people mention him, they will say that this guy is so bad, and the animation he made makes people feel uncomfortable. In fact, Zhao Ran is still pretty I hope others will look forward to him when they talk about him, that man’s animation works have brought me laughter, he has brought me love and courage and so on.

After the news was released, the audience discussed it enthusiastically, but almost no one said that Zhao Ran's works brought them joy, which made Zhao Ran feel a little uncomfortable. words.

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, the Chaste Club was busy, and Jingani would come to the Chiss Club to help when she was free, and everything seemed to be calm.

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, two weeks will pass, and the latest episode of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" will be broadcast.

After two weeks of postponement, although the popularity rate has dropped slightly, it is still very popular. In order to publicize the finale, Zhao Ran also sent two sisters, Li Tong and Li Xuan, to appear on variety shows to collect money for advertisements.

Now the two sisters, Li Tong and Li Xuan, are very popular among the audience. Compared with Zhao Ran, the original author who was called a pit by others when he opened his mouth and shut his mouth, Li Tong and Li Xuan are much more pleasing to the audience.

The audience is very strong, as long as the shows they participate in are very popular, and they are not inferior to those first-class stars, the discussions about them on the Internet are also very lively, but the topics discussed around them will never be separated from the latest works of Jie Caoshe.

Finally, the latest episode, much awaited by all Madoka Magica fans, is here.

(End of this chapter)

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