Chapter 136 FGO
At this time, Zhao Ran didn't have time to read the relevant comments of "Fate", he was very busy at the moment.

It's not about preparing for a new anime, but I'm busy with the game.

The anime "Fate" can't make much money, even if there are many more video platform members because of this anime.

The game is the big one. If the game is popular, then the money earned will be more than that of the animation produced by the festival. In some cases, the animation will lose money, and the production company has to launch related peripherals or games to make up for the lost funds.

Zhao Ran used a lot of money to finally produce the FGO game in a hurry. Of course, because the period was too tight, the FGO in this life looks like a castrated version compared to the previous life, but this is not a big problem. Just update slowly.

The content of FGO is also relatively simple, and Zhao Ran is very satisfied with the games produced by those game production companies under the temptation of money.

Now the anime "Fate" is extremely popular, just taking advantage of this small climax to launch related games, and it can also let the audience experience what it's like to be a master.

It's time for them to experience real happiness. The corners of Zhao Ran's mouth turned upwards. With the popular game, Zhao Ran didn't worry about those viewers not paying for it. In his previous life, Zhao Ran often heard many netizens discussing this game, especially It's a cat station, if the author there has never played FGO, then it is very difficult to get along in the cat station, unless you have played Yuanshen and Jianniang.

Now that the game has been produced, let's tell the audience. Thinking of this, Zhao Ran turned on his laptop and typed.

"Excuse me, are you my Master?" ", Saber is calling you, act quickly!"

Click Send.

Zhao Ran usually doesn't update his Weibo very much. After all, he is not a celebrity, and he doesn't have any products endorsed by him. Therefore, except for the new works produced by Jie Cao Society, or the new peripherals, etc., Zhao Ran's Weibo is almost very small. Post less dynamics.

However, not posting Weibo often does not mean that no one has followed him for a long time. Just 10 minutes after Zhao Ran posted Weibo, those people in the Two-dimensional circle were moved by the news, and quickly opened Weibo, wanting to see what the man passed on. what's the message.

As more and more viewers poured in, Zhao Ran's Weibo was also known by more people.

Obviously, Zhao Ran is too popular, and once again rushed to the top of the hot search list, this time someone is very lucky, but another traffic star who has only recently become popular is not so lucky, XZ looks at himself at this moment. The last time the hot search list was squeezed out in just half an hour, I was dumbfounded.

Seeing this situation, many fans want to pick up the keyboard and sneer at the person who dared to snatch their home war hot search, but when they turned on the phone and saw that the person on the hot search list turned out to be Zhao Ran, they couldn't help it. He put the keyboard back in his hand again.

There's no way, with good looks and talent, many fans have already rebelled. If any XZ fan girl dares to criticize Zhao Ran, the XZ fan girl might just split up and start arguing first.

The forwarding speed is very fast, which seems to have become the subconsciousness of Two-dimensional fans. Whenever Zhao Ran posts Weibo, those Two-dimensional fans will repost and comment on Zhao Ran's Weibo. Of course, Zhao Ran knows what netizens comment without guessing. what.

It’s nothing more than saying that Zhao Ran is too pitiful or showing Zhao Ran’s glorious deeds. Zhao Ran has long been used to it, just like writing an online novel. If you post it for others to read, then someone will definitely say it’s not good or the writing is too embarrassing. It sucks or something.

At this time, you must have the mentality of not being frustrated no matter what netizens say. If you think the views are good, you will accept them all. If you think the views are inappropriate, then you must selectively ignore them.

The official blog of the Festival Club also quickly forwarded it. Li Tong looked at Zhao Ran's Weibo and sighed. He had already told his family's president that if there is a united front, any new news must be posted on the official blog. And Zhao Ran always puts his left ear in and out of his right ear, and directly plays his Weibo account as the official Weibo. How can you embarrass the official Weibo of the Festival Society by doing this?

The number of followers on Zhao Ran's Weibo is more than 7000 million. Although this number is far from that of some traffic stars who buy accounts, such as the manga waist, it is already quite a lot for Zhao Ran, a literary practitioner. , 80.00% of the people who follow him are female beauty fans, and the other 20.00% are Two-dimensional fans.

However, the number of followers on the official blog of the Jie Cao Society is only a pitiful 500 million people. No matter how the official blog of the Jie Cao Society is operated, this number cannot be increased. Don't be ashamed here.

In fact, it is understandable that Li Tong wants to play the official blog of the morality club as a large one. Zhao Ran's Weibo is a private account after all. If those viewers use Zhao Ran's Weibo as an official account, then Zhao Ran's mood It’s not good, if you catch a netizen spouting for a while, it will have a great impact on the integrity club, and if you use the official account, you don’t have to worry about it, because the content uploaded on the official account is only uploaded after discussion.

The official Weibo and Zhao Ran's Weibo are two-pronged, directly bombing the entire network, and the hot man is back!

Is there a new work coming out?

Some viewers who didn't understand the situation first thought of this sentence when they heard Zhao Ran's Weibo update, and then they couldn't help but rubbed their hands with a hint of excitement on their faces, but after they saw Zhao Ran's message, they became confused again, it wasn't a new work ?Then this is.
"What does Zhao Gou mean by this sentence? He didn't give us a hint. Could it be that he wants to kill Saber?"

"I haven't heard from Brother Zhao for a long time. I really miss it. By the way, Brother Zhao's voice for Saber is really nice."

"Could you explain the plot? I really want to know the final ending of the women in "Fate". I beg Mr. Zhao to stop killing his sister to prove the truth! Enough is enough!"

"You're thinking about farts, look at the situation of the female characters in this anime, what do you think will happen to these women in the end? Don't guess, it will definitely end in annihilation again."

There are many audiences discussing the plot on Zhao Ran's Weibo. What Zhao Ran is an animation producer, he understands Hammer's "Fate" and other words. However, some audiences have already guessed what Zhao Ran said. really mean.

"Is this a game coming out? I suddenly looked forward to it, and I don't know if this new game is fun or not."

"Produced by Jie Cao Society, it must be a high-quality product!"

"I touched my wallet, and suddenly felt a little depressed. This guy Zhaogou not only made me cry and made my good mood worse, but also wanted to take away my pocket money. He treats me like this Unfriendly, but I am like a licking dog, not only working hard to maintain his image, but also becoming his loyal fan?! Well, I admit that I am cheap!"

(End of this chapter)

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