please stop making anime

Chapter 145 The Impossible Miracle

Chapter 145 The Impossible Miracle
Incompetent fury!
This plot, I wrote better than Zhao Gou!
Countless viewers were going crazy at this moment, what the hell kind of plot is this?It can make people look depressed to death!
Even writing a Mary Sue is better than now!
The old fans who have long been familiar with Zhao Ran’s consistent style are calmly eating potato chips and drinking Coke. This plot, sprinkled water, and the magic circle of killing sisters have survived. At most, "Fate" made me write more in a small notebook Zhao Gou made a sum, that's all.

But those who just entered the pit couldn't accept the current plot for a while. Most of these people were recommended by their "good brothers" or watched anime after playing FGO.

An angry Matou Kariya strangled his most beloved woman to death with his own hands. At this time, under the support of the secret technique, he used his last vitality to burst out with his last strength, forcing the consumption of Lancelot's magic power.

Faced with the accusation of his most beloved woman, the painful Matou Kariya finally lost his reason and killed Tohsaka Aoi whom he had a crush on.

Of course, this is not over yet. Zhao Ran knows that some old fans will definitely be calm after seeing this scene, so the following plot makes the depression even deeper.

Zhao Ran is serious about "healing" people's hearts.

Looking at Aoi Tohsaka who was killed by himself, Kariya Matou couldn't help shouting. It can be said that watching the scene can feel the pain in Kariya Matou's heart. Some soft-hearted viewers couldn't help it I turned my head and couldn't bear to look any more.

Staggering out of the church, Matou Kariya still had concerns in his heart at this time, and that was Matou Sakura, so he couldn't die yet!
As long as that child is still there, Matou Kariya still has hope in his heart, he wants to protect that child, he wants to watch her grow up, as long as she is still safe, then his actions are meaningful.

He still has hope in his heart, and he is also full of fantasy at this time.

A disharmonious picture appeared on the screen. Kariya Matou and Aoi Tohsaka's two children smiled happily under the blue sky and white clouds. The faces of the three were full of happiness and warmth.

And this is just a fantasy, the reality is different from what he imagined.

It was nothing more than a unilateral fantasy, and this poor man finally ushered in his death.

In the worm warehouse, Matou Kariya was standing beside Matou Ying. At this moment, he had a smile on his face, and his heart was full of hope, because Sakura was still there.

The next moment, Matou Kariya fell down the stairs, and in an instant, the sea of ​​insects engulfed him.

"You deserve it, who told you to fight against grandpa."

Matou Sakura, who was standing aside, said the words that let the audience listen to the chilling words, and put an end to Matou Kariya's death.

"Zhao Gou, what the hell are you doing wrong!"

"Kill, kill, kill! I'm going to kill Zhao Gou! How could he arrange this plot like this?! It's really a hundred times better than the current plot to find anyone!"

"It's too miserable, Matou Kariya's ending is too miserable, and Matou Sakura, whom he regards as hope, looks at him falling into the insect storehouse and ridicules him."

Matou Kariya's ending really made me cry, I gave everything, and it was the ending. This man, he gave too much for his beloved woman and her beloved woman's daughter. His life is for others. of.

Seeing the woman he loves marrying someone else, and later walking into the magician world he escaped for the daughter of the woman he loves, he regrets, regrets the self who escaped at the beginning. If he hadn't chosen to escape at the beginning, then neither would Matou Sakura Learn dark magic and be devoured by bugs.

He decided to face up to his own destiny, in order to atone for his sins, in order to save the girl named Sakura Matou, so he turned white all night, forced to learn magic, and became that person, ghost and ghost to participate in the Holy Grail War!
He thought that he could change his own destiny, he thought that when he became stronger, he could save the fate of the girl who was devoured by bugs, he thought that when he became stronger, he could do his part for the woman he loves.

And Zhao Ran told him that even if his strength becomes stronger, his fate still cannot be changed!

He killed his most beloved woman with his own hands, and at the last moment of his life, the girl he regarded as his hope not only did not help him save him when he fell into the worm storehouse, but instead sneered and sarcastic, the only possibility that could give the audience a little comfort It was that Matou Kariya died very quickly, and he didn't hear Matou Ying's merciless mockery.

Otherwise, Matou Kariya will die even more painfully.

Of course, tragedies are still happening. The gentle woman Irisviel finally ushered in her destiny as a puppet, because the Holy Grail appeared in the summoning of Kotomine Kirei, and Irisviel, who was the container of the Holy Grail, died as a result. .

"I am a little afraid to watch the next plot."

"This person died a little too fast. He died as soon as he said he died. Hey, I feel depressed after seeing it."

"If it wasn't for my liking to play FGO, I wouldn't watch Zhao Ran's anime even if I was killed!"

Emiya Kiritsugu, who said that he would kill his wife himself, did not fulfill his promise, which made the audience feel better. However, Emiya Kiritsugu's fate was not good either.

Although Kotomine Kirei summoned the Holy Grail and killed Irisviel in the Holy Grail container, he still lost to Emiya Kiritsugu in the end.

Of course, the price Emiya Kiritsugu paid was not small, and he barely won, but when he entered the interior of the Holy Grail, the problems he faced made this man extremely painful.

When Emiya Kiritsugu asked about the wish in his heart, the answer given to him by the Holy Grail was very different from what he had originally imagined.

"Don't you already have an answer to this question?"

This is the Holy Grail's answer to Emiya Kiritsugu using the image of Irisviel.

If one wanted Emiya Kiritsugu's inner peace, then the Holy Grail would be realized in the way Emiya Kiritsugu had always used.

When Emiya Kiritsugu heard this answer, his face was full of disbelief. Will he use the method he used to achieve world peace?How is that different from killing all humans? !What he wants is not this miracle!

However, what the Holy Grail said is not wrong. Where there is light, there will be darkness. As long as there are people, there must be struggles, and there must be struggles. How can there be peace?
If you want peace, you must kill all human beings!This is the fastest way to peace and the only way!
Survival of the fittest, human beings are still animals after all, even if they have wisdom, they will only try to make themselves able to live better in this world, but resources are limited, human greed is unlimited, people want to get more If the resources live more comfortably, then there must be struggles, otherwise, how to allocate those resources?
Therefore, Emiya Kiritsugu's wish is a bit whimsical, and even the Holy Grail cannot perfectly realize this wish.

(End of this chapter)

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