please stop making anime

Chapter 152 Why Don't You Believe It?

Chapter 152 Why Don't You Believe It?

The animation "Assassin 567" Zhao Ran hasn't had time to make a promotional video, so he can only sketch a poster to participate in this comic exhibition.

Other animation production companies will put up a promotional video when they are on stage, cutting out the most exciting parts of their works for the audience to watch. Like Zhao Ran, they directly bring over a poster and appear as the finale. I feel a little embarrassed that the work cannot be produced, but Zhao Ran is very calm.

"The Festival Club came too hastily this time, didn't there even be a promotional video?"

"The promotional video is second. Look at the poster. I think it's a battle this time! The character in the poster is holding a long knife."

"Fighting? Let's fight to make you depressed! I'm guessing, how many people will die this time! Or, all of them?"

"The painting style of Jie Cao Society has changed this time. For example, the characters in the magic circle are all cute, but this time, why does it look like a fantasy movie?"

"You guys still guess? Didn't the final result of Zhao Gou's anime make the audience cry? Apart from the first "I Like You in vain", which one would you feel better after watching? Even "Summer" Doesn’t the healing episode of Rabbit make people cry?”

"The name is really sloppy, just like Zhao Ran's sloppy participation in this manga exhibition. If it weren't for the quality assurance of the Festival Society, I couldn't help but want to classify this anime as a waste of time."

"Anyway, "Assassin 567" can't be a joke!"

Is the Festival Club so scary?This is obviously a silly happy show!Zhao Ran felt a little helpless, and had to correct their inherent impression of the Jie Cao Society!
If they keep thinking that the Jie Cao Club only produces works that make people uncomfortable after watching, and then they will produce Yu Fan in the future, how can it have unexpected effects?
It's time to move these audiences from the depressing to the joyful and then put them back from the joy into the depressing
Let them burst into tears!

"Hey? I haven't started the introduction yet. Why do you all say this is Zhiyu Fan?" Zhao Ran touched his head and smiled silently.

"You're so embarrassed to say, do the math, how many Zhiyu movies have you made? Crazy knife, my favorite paper man's wife!"

"Watching Second Five made me doubt the relationship between my girlfriend and my girlfriend from a different place. After watching Zhanmei, I could immediately think of the plot in it when I ate a lollipop. After watching Magic Circle, I just gave up. Watching anime about magical girls and watching "Fate", you fucking drove me crazy!"

"Stop talking, I'll get the tires punctured later! Is there a group? We can just unload the tires on his battery car!"

The audience's crusade against Zhao Ran turned a blind eye, these are the audience's deep love for him!
Just like the entertainment industry, you can actually tell whether a star is popular or not. The more the audience discusses, the more popular the star is. works are very popular.

"Actually. This time the work is really not Zhiyu Fan. You all misunderstand me too deeply." Zhao Ran smiled shyly, showing a harmless expression.

"En?" Li Tong on the side turned his head and looked at Zhao Ran suspiciously.

Not depressing?

This time "Assassin 567" Zhao Ran hasn't explained the content in detail to Li Xuan and Li Tong, and the production of the whole work has not officially started, so they don't know much about the plot inside, but they know that the president of their family is also Came up with an anime.

wrong!The president wants to cheat me!

After the doubts, Li Tong immediately felt the cold air rushing up the spine and up to the skull. Last time, the president of Moyuan's own family cheated him once. This time, is he going to cheat him again? !

"Look at the expression of the little sister next to Zhao Ran, that bitter face makes people feel distressed."

"Come on, I can tell from the expression on my little sister's face what kind of work this time is. It's definitely depressing. Everyone, get your blades ready!"

"Miss Sister: Isn't it Yu Yu? Why is it so difficult to tell the truth?"

Zhao Ran looked at the audience and didn't believe it!He turned his head and glanced at Li Xuan and Li Tong again. Unexpectedly, the two of them didn't believe it either?

"Actually, it's okay to tell you guys. The theme of this work is actually cheerful and funny." Zhao Ran originally wanted to hold back and wait for the animation works to be released for the audience to watch by themselves, but seeing the current situation, Zhao Ran felt that it was still necessary explain.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha, a cheerful and funny work? This is the funniest joke I've heard this week!"

"Zhao Ran's understanding of a work is different from ours. His cheerful and funny words may mean cutting off the heroine's head and laughing at us."

"Zhao Ran: I am a sweetheart who loves, and then he made "Magic Girl Madoka"."

"I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than Zhao Ran's mouth! He is a man who thinks Cupid dolls are cute!"

"Master Zhao Ran, just confess, is it that difficult to admit that you are better at "depressing" others?"

I am really happy and funny this time!You have to believe me!

Zhao Ran waved his hand and whispered a few words to the host: "Do you have a piano here? Let me play a tune."

Since you don't believe what I said, let me play a soundtrack for you to listen to. Such a cheerful soundtrack must be a joy!

When the music started, Zhao Ran, who was sitting in front of the piano, seemed to be a different person. The fans in the audience screamed instantly, and the gentle and refined young man showed a look of enjoyment on his face.

He is enjoying the beautiful notes, and as his slender fingers dance like butterflies, the music nourishes the hearts of the audience like spring water.

At this moment, Zhao Ran is no longer the "Zhao Dog" that the audience chanted, nor is he the "Soldier of Love" passed on by word of mouth. He is now more like a musician, a person who only brings music to the audience Come cheerful music creator.

"One word, handsome!"

"Zhao Gou is so scary when he is serious (don't hit me on the head)!"

"I've never heard of this song before. Did Zhao Gou create it himself? It sounds so good!"

"Don't you know? Zhao Ran is an all-rounder. You only see his animations are good-looking, but you don't know that this guy is actually a musical genius!"

"I love it, I love it, so talented, and a straight man of steel, he is a natural idol!"

"Please don't compare idols with Zhao Gou! This is insulting Zhao Gou! Those idols will never be able to compose the songs that guy created casually!"

"Come down! Come down! Hurry up and ask for an autograph! Don't squeeze me, you big cow! Also, don't use your beep to rub Mr. Zhao! Damn it!"

(End of this chapter)

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