please stop making anime

Chapter 156 A Zhen fell in love with A Qiang

Chapter 156 A Zhen fell in love with A Qiang

The first episode is full of laughs, of course, besides the laughs, the battle scenes are also very exciting.

The funds were burning, and the audience ridiculed one after another. After Wu Liuqi and SpongeBob SquarePants had a real fight, the audience also discovered that Wu Liuqi's force value is actually not low. Some viewers even speculated that this Wu Liuqi Who was Qi before he lost his memory.

At the last moment, Masked Thirteen made a shocking attack, and SpongeBob SquarePants exploded, which raised the level of the entire animation a lot. Maybe the audience is used to the exquisite and extremely exquisite painting style of the Festival Society before, and changed to the current one. Still a little uncomfortable, there are a lot of black fans in various screens, Zhao Ran chooses to ignore those remarks.

Of course, overall the first episode is still very successful. First of all, it made the audience realize that the Festival Society can not only produce tear-jerking and depressing episodes, but also make funny and silly episodes handy, and Zhao Ran also took this opportunity as a successful transformation. If anyone still calls him a "soldier of love", Zhao Ran will refute him with this anime!
"President, in fact, we can use a more refined style of painting for this animation, and the Festival Club is not short of funds." Li Tong sat in front of his laptop and frowned as he looked at the audience's comments: "FGO, we don't make a lot of money. Less, enough for us to squander."

"It's not necessary, and I've said it a long time ago. You don't need to read the comments every day. Some comments are made by the navy." Zhao Ran shook his head and replied.

The Jie Cao Society has made too many enemies. It can even be said that the colleagues want to kill the Jie Cao Society, and they all hope that the Jie Cao Society can produce a garbage animation, and they can also take the opportunity to rise.

Not to mention the DD company, because the style of the festival has changed too much this time. Compared with the previous style that is so exquisite that it can be used as a wallpaper if you take a screenshot, now this one really gives people a strong taste of bad movies, so , DD Enterprise directs the official website of this work, Amway, and wants to flog the corpse festival.

Someone Cai directly liked it on Weibo, and forwarded the comment "Ms. Zhao really deserves to be an anime genius".

"It's not that Jie Cao Society can't produce works with exquisite painting styles. This time, this style of painting is used to make the whole anime look more silly. If you don't use this style of painting, then you can only use embarrassing ones. The second-year remarks are funny." Zhao Ran thought of the anime "Man's Daily", in which the line "The wind is very noisy today" is impressive.

Continue to read the anime. This time, the Festival Society is very generous and directly broadcasts three episodes in a row, allowing the audience to watch it non-stop.

And the name of the second episode is very interesting, it is called blind your dog's eyes, and it tells the story between dogs and cats.

As for Wu Liuqi, Xiao Mimi, the leader of the cats, invited him to blind the eyes of the leader of the dogs. There were plenty of laughs, especially the name of the leader of the dogs—Wang Crazy.

That's fine, the point is, this silly dog ​​still plays rock and roll, instantly reminding the audience of that rock singer!
Unexpectedly, Zhao Ran played so smoothly!The audience watched happily, with colorful barrage swiping across the screen.

Wu Liuqi was very well prepared for this assassination, the cat and dog relationship was a bit weird for the audience, but the plot was very smooth, just when Wu Liuqi was about to start, he found that he couldn't beat it at all Wang crazy!
This is very embarrassing.

In order not to be deducted money, Wu Liuqi decided to pretend to be Wang Xingren, Wang Feng, to find Xiao Mimi, and resolved the war through a touching performance. There were a lot of laughs, but there were also many plots that made people feel quite touched. deep.

As for the third chapter, it was directly followed by the second chapter. Because of Wu Liuqi's coquettish operation, the hatred between Wang Feng and Xiao Mimi was resolved, and they quickly fell in love. Although a cat and a dog Falling in love seems a bit strange, but the audience still wishes from the heart.

But at this moment, a tall and slender woman appeared on the stage—Plum Blossom Thirteen.

She was ordered to come to take Wang Feng's dog's life, and at this time she happened to meet Wu Liuqi who was disguised as Wang Feng, and then, a beautiful misunderstanding unfolded between them.

In the process of being hunted down by Meihua Shisan, Wu Liuqi turned into various things. Among them, the famous scene of two dogs surrounding a lump of corn made the audience laugh non-stop.

Constantly chasing and killing, Wu Liuqi changed in various ways until...
"Ah-Zhen, fell in love with A-Qiang."

"On a starry night."

"aircraft from"

Accompanied by the sound of this bgm, plum blossom thirteen who failed to kill but was kissed, and the raised calf, the two of them are full of husband and wife, and there are even flamboyant pink petals floating around the screen.
Then, the barrage exploded!
Mei Hua Shisan blushed from embarrassment, while Wu Liuqi looked happy and tasteful. The whole painting style was full of the sour smell of love.

"This episode is so good! It's so funny, have you seen Meihua Shisan's raised little hind legs? It's so joyful!"

"Wu Liuqi is so funny. After being kicked by Meihua Shisan, he still said it tasted good? Didn't he see Meihua Shisan's eyes that wanted to kill someone?"

"What's this? Didn't you see that Wu Liuqi introduced himself when he was picked up by the speedy little flying chicken? He also mentioned his contact information and I said I learned it!"

"This bgm is definitely the funniest thing I've heard this month. When I heard it, I spit water on the screen!"

"When it comes to coquettishness, we still have to count Zhao Gou! The funny show is also so tasteful, I praise it directly!"

"Sorry, I'm back again! I was young and ignorant, and I actually canceled Zhaogou's Weibo? My fault!"

"This ever-changing gaiba egg is really fun, Wu Liuqi can transform into a lot of interesting things with it, especially the part where the dog wants to pee on the stone that Wu Liuqi turned into, it's so funny!"

"Wu Liuqi's penis on that dog is the funniest part! Especially Wu Liuqi's expression at that time."

At the end of the third episode, many viewers were not optimistic about this anime due to the problem of the painting style at the beginning, but now the public opinion has directly turned back, and all kinds of praise.

Someone in Cai also silently deleted his comment.
"Hurry up and update, Mr. Zhao! Three episodes are simply not enough!"

"Hurry up and create with full horsepower! As much as you have, I will see as much as you want!"

"Zhao Gou, your creative speed is too slow!"

"Just keep the funny plot as it is now, don't join the depressive plot! I have a bad heart, I'm afraid of being scared!"

Countless viewers commented on Zhao Ran's Weibo and hoped that the Festival Society would release the latest episode as soon as possible. These three episodes were simply not enough for me to watch, so I watched something soon.

"I've said it all, you have to trust my judgment." Zhao Ran shrugged and glanced at Li Tong who was adoring.

"The president is amazing! I'll make wolfberry tea for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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