please stop making anime

Chapter 161 Special Number

Chapter 161 Special Number

It has to be said that Zhao Ran's coquettish operation directly made the audience dumbfounded.

Explicit?Isn't it just blatant, there is only a skeleton left.

The black fans and keyboard warriors who were clamoring non-stop before chose to remain silent, while Zhao Ran's fans were directly overjoyed.

"Ahaha, Zhao Gou is really skinny."

"This guy is a ruthless character who can kill all the characters. Besides, don't you know that Zhao Gou likes not to play cards according to the routine?"

"Zhao Ran: I just don't play according to the routine! What can you do to me?"

"DD company has lost a lot this time, and advertised for the festival club for free."

Fans who had long expected that Zhao Ran could use his work to hit those keyboard warriors and unscrupulous media faces were crazy, and the barrage frantically swiped the screen.

"President, those black fans have chosen to shut up now, should we take some measures to motivate the fans who are so desperate to protect us?" Li Tong said while holding a folder and standing next to Zhao Ran in business attire .

Although this debate did not go into detail, the situation was extremely tragic, and Zhao Ran's fans were finally utterly utterly useless by the blood sprayed by those keyboard warriors. To be honest, Zhao Ran was still very moved.

Motivate?They should indeed be given some small rewards!
In fact, Zhao Ran only needs to give those fans who are desperately defending themselves a little bit of specialness, and the loyalty of those fans to him will increase exponentially.

"How about this, you pick out a hundred viewers who have the best evaluation of the Festival Club, and then give them something special, for example, give them titles." Zhao Ran tapped his fingers on the table and said slowly: "The title is called the guardian Zhao Jiajun, the number of people is slowly advancing, we can't just give titles to one hundred viewers, we will give them when we have a chance in the future."

The so-called particularity is enough to give them a title. This particularity is enough to make them feel very honored, and they will devote a lot of emotion and energy to this particularity.

"OK, I'll do it right away."

Li Tong nodded, this matter is easy to handle, just need to tell the relevant department, and then use the official Weibo of Jie Cao Society to notify this matter.

The most important thing is to talk about how to get the title. One hundred people is definitely too little, and we need to wait for a while before giving some places to those audiences in batches. Of course, there is also a cancellation system. People are fickle. After a while, they will not If you like the Festival Club, then you must ask for their title.

"I'm going? Why is my barrage different from others? I'm confused and even a little bit at a loss."

"Brother, so is mine. Why is the color of my danmaku different from other danmaku? It looks so out of place among all the danmaku."

"The font of this bullet screen is a bit big, even bigger than those of those senior VIP members. Moreover, the color is a bit aggressive! I'm a little panicked. There are dozens of comments on the screen, only mine is different. Do you feel like you're standing out from the crowd?"

After the design department picks out those who are the most fans of the Festival Exercise Club and gives them titles, the audience who have won the titles are still at a loss.

Because there are too few places, and there are many people watching the anime, good guy, at least millions of viewers are watching this anime, the barrage is like snowflakes, and at this time, a big black spot appears in the snowflakes, then It's hard not to notice a comment.

"I'm excited!"

Li Tong was very fast, and directly posted the actions of the Festival Club on the official Weibo, and then many people knew the reason why those barrages were different from other barrages. The audience who won the title were naturally happy and went crazy Sending barrage, making other friends very greedy.

"Long live the Essence Society!"

"I'm just different from you scumbags!"

"I didn't expect that my uncle could be so awesome on the Internet!"

When the audience who won the title happily posted the barrage, some rich bigwigs started to talk about it. I am so rich, why am I not?Bought his number directly!

"Brother, brother, can you sell this account? I will pay a high price!"

"I'll double it! I just want to ask, how much money can buy your number, as long as you offer the price, I can find a way to buy it."

"Don't listen to them, I have a lot of money, sell it to me, I can make good use of this account."

Because of the particularity of the content, Jie Cao Club has a particularly sticky audience. Other video platforms mainly focus on TV series and variety shows. Even station B, which was very popular in the previous life, is also famous for ghosts and animals in this life. The real ones are only about animation works. At present, there is only Beikabeika in China.

Therefore, those viewers who like to watch anime will download this platform, and if, on such a platform, they become a "highly anticipated" existence, wouldn't it be a big deal on this platform?Especially barrage is special than others, this kind of temptation
Zhao Ran didn't expect that after he gave those fans titles, a secret transaction had already begun. The domestic economy is very poor. If one account is exchanged for a villa, then would you exchange it?Most ordinary people will definitely choose to exchange without hesitation.

Zhao Ran didn't care who those accounts ended up in. He just wanted to show the viewers that the audience who worked hard to maintain the Jie Cao Society would be rewarded. The audience who enjoyed the sweetness will encounter the next time when the public opinion of the Jie Cao Society is unfavorable. will choose to stand up.

"Damn it, the transaction is successful! Click here!"

"It's still cool to use this barrage! Well, you can start spraying now! I am very rich, if I choose to spray, then I will use my pocket money to buy sailors!"

"No. Have these special numbers changed owners now? There are so many rich people in the country! I'm so sore, what kind of social animal can stand up!"

"Brother, don't panic, look at the meaning of the official website, and the next wave of special numbers will be issued, and those rich people just got them one step ahead of us! It's no big deal, they use their banknotes ability, we directly take it!"

The black fans who were already in an unfavorable trend were immediately frightened by the current situation. In order to get a special number, the Two-dimensional fans went all out with all their firepower, and sprayed directly when they saw bad reviews.

The disfigured black fans who were sprayed ran away in desperation, there was no way, they couldn't do it at all, those Two-dimensional fans were like having a complete and efficient organization, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas .

In the end, they really couldn't swallow the bad breath, and they chose to complain about those unscrupulous media. The two sides began to kill each other from a united front, and Two-dimensional fans were very happy to see this situation.

People like to watch the fun most!

(End of this chapter)

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