Chapter 171
Zhao Ran watched "When the Prison Meal Comes to Me" with such a good performance, he suddenly thought of a few stocks that are mainly white-haired lolita, such as Dragon King, this can be considered.

As an LSP, Zhao Ran's resistance has reached a negative value, especially with short hair and white hair. Zhao Ran is a short hair lover, and he likes short hair very much.

Long hair is sexy, but short hair is cuter.

"Brothers, I have spied on information from DD Enterprise! The voice of the male lead is someone Cai!"

"I was disgusted by that anime. It's really a masculine man. The male protagonist is so fierce. In addition, someone dubbed Cai, it made me vomit."

"I persisted for 3 minutes, but I couldn't go on anymore. It was too difficult for me. That anime reminded me of a certain online novel."

"Ahaha, the DD company was screwed by the ethics club this time. Zhao Ran said it was a macho fan, and they actually believed it? It's so simple, can you believe Zhao Gou's words?"

"DD Company didn't lose wrongly this time. Although the animation style is very exquisite, it is obvious that DD Company has invested a lot of money in this animation work, but other aspects are not satisfactory, especially the plot, which simply ruins the three views."

As the arch-rival of the Festival Club, DD Enterprise can be said to be on the same page with the Festival Club this time. For example, the official website of the animation "When the Prison Meal Comes to Me" released by the Festival Club said: We will see you tonight, DD Enterprise Immediately came the sentence: tonight, we shine brightly.

It can be said that the target is too obvious. Almost all audiences are looking forward to what will happen when the animations of the two companies are released. Of course, there is no need to say more about the Jie Cao Society. The strength can be said to be the strongest in domestic animation production. However, DD The company is not bad, with strong funds and a wide network of contacts. It also has the most popular stars in the country in its hands. Under the hype of public opinion, all the propaganda of the Festival Society is forced to a corner.

If it weren't for "When Prison Meals Come to Me" is so good, the Jie Cao Society might lose everything under such a swift and violent attack from DD Corporation.

There are many differences between Jie Cao Society and DD Company in terms of animation production. For example, DD Company focuses on publicity and uses its own resources to maximize profits, while Jie Cao Society pays more attention to animation itself, but does not pay attention to publicity. Hype, but compared with DD companies, it is nothing.

"To be honest, this animation work of DD Enterprise seems to be definitely above the passing line. Judging from the style of painting, DD Enterprise is full of sincerity this time. However, it is not unfair to meet the big devil Zhao Ran."

"The content has been adapted. This time, DD Enterprise is still using its inherent routine of big ip + traffic star + public opinion bombing. Moreover, I think this ip adaptation is quite successful. Please read the original novel of this animation, then Call it a disgusting one."

"Zhao Gou: That's it? That's it? Little brother, I've given you so many chances, why are you so useless!"

"I still like the works of Jie Cao Society, and I like the style of Jie Cao Society that doesn't play cards according to routines. The whole network thinks that Jie Cao Society will come out with a fist-to-flesh bloody battle, which will make everyone cry crazily. He sent the razor blade, and in the end, he actually gave us a prison meal? I dare say that everyone was dumbfounded after watching this anime."

DD Enterprise invested a lot of money in this anime, hired an artist, soundtrack, and various action guides. The whole team can be said to have directly reached the top level in China, and many traffic stars have joined It can be said that this animation work set off a storm on the Internet when DD Enterprise announced it.

In all aspects, the Festival Club was crushed, but the audience didn't buy it in the end!

"When I think of the promotion of DD company, I feel it's funny, and I swear that the morality society is nothing more than that. What kind of stuff is it made in the end?"

"I think Zhao Gou is also reading jokes. In fact, I think DD Company is not bad, but it just lacks a good story! Although the strength of Jie Cao Club is weak compared with DD Company, there is Zhao Gou, a super original master , good stories emerge in endlessly, and in addition, Zhao Gou has a lot of ideas, and he doesn't like to follow the established routine, and the opponent can't figure out the details of Zhao Gou at all, so DD Enterprise will lose."

"A good story? How can DD's consistent use of doctrine create excellent works? Their big ip+traffic star+public opinion promotion model will not change, and they will always be leftovers from others."

Many viewers are analyzing the reasons for the failure of the DD company this time. Although they are very sincere, the story of the work is not enough to give people an unexpected visual impact.

The story is very tacky, although it has been adapted very well, with superpowers and girls, young teenagers like this kind of story, but this kind of story is too common, and the audience is already tired of it.

In addition, the dubbing of a traffic star is easy to play, even if you have tried your best, but the audience still doesn't buy it, and they sprayed him badly in the comment area.

On the other hand, Jie Cao Club, although this macho show is quite different from what the audience imagined, it has an exquisite style of painting, which is no worse than that of the powerful DD company, and even more exquisite. It's not bad, it's relaxed and cheerful, and it gives the audience a good visual experience overall.

How many viewers watched this anime with idiots and wretched smiles?The audience who couldn't resist the cute things even writhed on the bed, laughing like fools.

Some families are happy and some are sad. When the morale society is full of energy, the boss of DD company is furious.

"Is this what you call a work that can crush the new work of the Festival Society? The score is less than six points and a passing score? Is this so embarrassing that it can crush the Festival Society? Look at the comments below the work, and they all say that this is a work." Garbage works!" The boss of DD company was full of anger, and reprimanded the leaders of the relevant departments.

The DD company invested a lot of money in this animation work in order to make a comeback. Is the morality club very powerful? The DD company is not convinced at all, as long as the animation has enough funds, it can produce a high-quality animation!However, people are more deadly than others, and goods should be thrown away. When comparing DD Enterprise's work with Zhao Ran's work that doesn't follow the routine, the gap immediately becomes apparent.

Countless viewers compared the good-looking of the two, and after confirming that the one from Jie Cao Club was more in line with their own tastes, the number of direct viewers dropped by 5%!Originally, because of the good publicity, the number of viewers reached more than 2000 million within 5 minutes of the first episode, while the festival on the other side had only over 100 million viewers within [-] minutes of the first episode. The gap between the two is twenty times!
As a result, after 10 minutes, the number of viewers on DD's side dropped by 5%!And the number of viewers at the Festival Society rose to 1000 million in just [-] minutes!

This is also the reason why the boss of DD company is so angry.

The click-through rate has increased, but the follow-up rate is low. Is there a yarn for it?

(End of this chapter)

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