please stop making anime

Chapter 173 The World Owes Little Monsters for a Wedding

Chapter 173 The World Owes the Little Monsters for a Wedding

"The college entrance examination is finally over!"

A candidate who took the college entrance examination left the examination room and did a split in the air.

While the festival club was in full swing for animation creation, the high school candidates on the other side finally ushered in their graduation.

Tearing books, confessing confessions, ktv business is booming these days, sixteen and seventeen-year-old boys and girls are indulging their youth in the best years of their lives.

At this time, they still don't know the helplessness of reality. At this time, they still don't know that Chaoyang himself will eventually become a social animal without dreams.

They believe in themselves, believe that one day they will earn a lot of money in the future, and the goddess in their dreams will throw themselves into their arms.

However, the reality will be very helpless, and the society will wear off their water chestnuts. They dream of becoming billionaires, but in reality they only have a salary of 5000 yuan.

It's time to let them know the helplessness of reality!
Youth will end, and dreams will eventually be broken.

"Tomorrow, the section of the Festival Society will release an animation movie, do you want to watch it?" The graduates howled and sang out-of-key songs in the ktv, and a boy asked, patted on the side .

"Branch of the Festival Club? Jingani?" The boy was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't laugh or cry: "You don't mean to say Dragon Clan, do you? You just graduated, and you are happy. It would be a good idea to go to see Dragon Clan, right?"

JingAni arranged the release time of the film very cleverly this time. Two days after the college entrance examination, while the candidates were still packing their things and busy with the party, the work was put on the screen.

"I'm a Dragon Clan fan! I have to go and see what I say, and besides, even if it's very depressing, it's something worth remembering when we watch it together and cry together." The boy said.

A group of people left in a panic, wanting to go to the cinema to see KyoAni's new work.

The Warrior of Love combined with Jiangnan, this work, it is always a pity not to watch it, and this time the animation is well promoted, the story of Eri Yi and Lu Mingfei.

There are too many regrets in this novel of Dragon Race, one of which is the love between Eriyi and Lu Mingfei.

This time, JingAni intercepted and selected the novel Dragon Race, and then only used the relationship between Lu Mingfei and Erika as the main line of the movie.

There are still quite a few people who have heard of the work of Dragon Race, and many of them are die-hard fans of the novel Dragon Race.

The movie theater was full of people, most of them were students, boys and girls gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

"The picture is not bad, and the theme song is very Zhaogou style."

"Two hours? Only two hours to tell the story between the two of them? It seems that KyoAni only extracts the essence of the Dragon Clan."

"Am I the only one who doesn't dare to watch it? Zhao Gou's production of Zhi Yu Fan is scary just thinking about it."

The so-called psychological shadow is nothing more than that. Two-dimensional fans have already grabbed tissues and waited for the tear-jerking episode to wipe their tears.

The movie almost completely restores the original plot of the Dragon Race anime, but slightly changes the details.

Because of the large proportion of women, KyoAni is good at expressing emotions, various details, and the interaction between characters is also very heartwarming.

Uesugi Erika is probably the most distressing character in "Dragon Race", and it should also be the most crying character in Jiangnan's works.

Like Lu Mingfei, Erika's fate was arranged by others before she was born, and she never broke free from the mercy of fate in her whole life.

She is a knife in the hands of the dark forces, an invincible knife. Sadly, this knife is out of her control, and she may lose herself at any time.

Erika had no other extravagant wishes, she only wanted Sakura, but God was unwilling to satisfy him even for such a simple wish. In the end, Erika was killed by the "Justice Ultraman".

That sentence, "If you don't see all the red cherry blossoms, you will see the pear blossoms lightly painted with tears on your clothes." Yes, tears on your clothes, I don't know how many readers have broken their hearts and shed tears.

"04.24, go to Tokyo Sky Tree with Sakura, the warmest place in the world is at the top of the Sky Tree."

"On 04.26, I went to Meiji Shrine with Sakura, where a wedding was held."

"On 04.25, I went to Disney with Sakura. The haunted house is scary, but with Sakura here, it's not scary."

"Sakura is the best."

———Eri Uesugi
This is Erika's wish, how cute, innocent and simple.Yes, Sakura is the best, at least in this beautiful girl's mind, that's how she feels.

In fact, maybe Lu Mingfei himself never thought that such a salted fish like him would one day occupy such an important position in a certain girl's heart. To be loved, yet afraid to be loved.

In fact, Lu Mingfei's consideration is also correct. After all, logically speaking, how could someone think that a dispensable salted fish is very important?How could someone fall in love with a coward?
But fate is so strange, all the things you think are impossible, at a certain moment, have a chance to become possible.

The reason why Lu Mingfei felt that he was not worthy of being liked was because he once thought that there could be no more lonely and sad person in this world than him.Until he met Erika, the little monster in the eyes of the world.

Uesugi Eriyi may be the only Lu Mingfei of the same kind in this world, even she is more lonely and sad than Lu Mingfei. Before meeting Lu Mingfei, her whole world was nothing more than a small room and a pile of hair. plush toys.

Until Erika Uesugi found Lu Mingfei, and then Lu Mingfei became her whole world.

Lu Mingfei, who is also lonely, must have been amazed when he first saw Erika in this world.

Because Erika is such a beautiful and lovely girl?Anyone who meets her for the first time will be amazed by her beauty.

It's just that Lu Mingfei, a fool, didn't notice the girl's beauty or cuteness at first, but——the same long wine-red hair as Nuonuo.

In this way, the story of the two of them was destined to end in tragedy before it even started.It’s just that Lu Mingfei in Erika’s eyes is the best Sakura in the world.

Yes, the cherry blossoms are of course good, so gentle, so romantic, so beautiful, so charming, whenever the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, people in Tokyo will dance in the cherry blossom rain.

Erika, a traditional Japanese girl, has been listening to people around her tell the beauty of cherry blossoms since she was a child. She doesn't know anything more beautiful than cherry blossoms.

It's like the rain after a long drought, once a person stays in a lonely environment for a long time, as long as someone stretches out his hands to her, those hands will become her whole world, and Lu Mingfei just gave Eri Yi a pair of warm and And thick palms.

So Lu Mingfei became the whole world in Erika's eyes, and playing outside with Sakura became the happiest thing in her short life.

There are always people who come from far away for you, and there are always people who exist for you. Eliyi exists for Lu Mingfei, and Lu Mingfei also exists for Eliyi.

After the two met, Erika let Lu Mingfei's low self-esteem feel for the first time, and possibly the last time, the feeling of occupying an important position in a girl's heart.

And because of the appearance of Lu Mingfei, in the world of Erika, a ray of sunshine appeared in the darkness of loneliness and sadness all day long, so that Erika's life finally felt the beauty of the world before the end of her life, which is as gentle as cherry blossoms beautiful.

Maybe it was the wrong time to meet, maybe the other party showed up too late, Erika eventually showed up too late.

On the night when Lu Mingfei played the clown, on the romantic night when Zhao Menghua confessed to Chen Wenwen, the proud, beautiful and sexy little witch Nuonuo with wine-red hair broke into Lu Mingfei's world like an angel. It filled Lu Mingfei's entire heart.

Although we can assume that if Erika appeared in Lu Mingfei's world earlier than Nuonuo, if Erika's life was not so short, maybe the outcome of the story would not be so sad.

Because of Erika, it was the first time that Lu Mingfei felt the feeling of being cared about, the first time he dared to disobey the orders of his boss and senior brother, the first time he was so serious that he stopped talking bad words, and the first time he confronted him so hard. Rika made a promise: "If the world really doesn't like you, then the world is my enemy."

Because of Lu Mingfei, Erika went out to play with him for the first time, felt a certain emotion called happiness for the first time, felt the tenderness of this world for the first time, and wrote "I want to go to Sakura" so seriously. in my heart..."

Lu Mingfei and Erika are the only ones of the same kind in the world. Both little monsters like this world so much, but they are monsters, and the world doesn’t like them. The only thing they have is each other, and only the two of them can Hug together for warmth.

It's just that the little monsters are all going to be killed by Ultraman, Erika is dead after all, and the story between her and Lu Mingfei also ends in tragedy.

In the end, the distance between him and her was only one step away, but Kee Rika climbed for a long, long time,

Just when Lu Mingfei was about to lose his grip, she opened her arms and hugged his neck. At this moment, the sun set, and overwhelming darkness swept the whole world.

When her pupils drank the amber sky at dusk and reflected in the eyes of another monster, was it sadness or joy?
She stretched out her hands clumsily to hug the sky, the sky is Sakura...

"We are all lonely little monsters who will one day be killed by the righteous Ultraman," she said.

He said "If the righteous Ultraman comes to kill you, I will help you kill the righteous Ultraman"

However, although Lu Mingfei promised to protect her, he failed to do so. The world owes little monsters a wedding, and Sakura owes Eriyi a lifetime of happiness.

"When the opposite sex gets along, men don't care about face. They take the initiative to cater and say a lot of sweet words. This is often the reason: they really like each other and want to give her warmth. They really love women, regard women as the love of this life, and want to be women An indispensable part of life, so we will get along like this. Have strong feelings, decide your own heart, don't want to leave regrets and sorrows, will find a reason to contact, let two people have more intersections, I think, this An anime movie is released at this time, and KyoAni is very terrified, is this trying to persuade senior high school graduates to graduate without regrets?"

"I just want to be the focus of everyone's eyes. Why is it completely different from what I imagined? I cried when I watched this anime. Jiangnan doesn't understand dragons at all! Thank you Jingani for bringing me the best work of this dragon fan! Very happy It smells like Jiangnan!"

"The girl's death caused the boy unprecedented pain. Even if he turns into a ghost, he will kill everyone!"

"It's hard to win, why is it different from what I imagined!"

"I think that Jiangnan must have experienced some of the things that happened in the book Dragon Race. Maybe Jiangnan is sometimes as lonely and inferior as Lu Mingfei. Anyway, I feel that I am quite similar to Lu Mingfei. when."

"I think Jiangnan wrote about each of us. We are not Caesar, nor Chu Zihang. We are just ordinary "bad kids" in the world, so the ending of Lu Mingfei and Eriyi is sad. It is also inevitable. Just like what Lu Mingze said, they are like two pandas, the caretakers sent each other to them, and they only know how to protect themselves carefully."

"I just want to go to where Jiangnan's house is!"

"I cried a lot when I was reading a book, but now watching this anime movie, I burst into tears!"

"I can't stop crying after watching this anime! Thank you Zhao Ran! Thank you JingAni! We are all bad kids! I want to muster up the courage to confess to the girl I like when I graduate, and I don't want to leave regrets in my youth!"

"Come on! Blessings! If you don't fight hard, you don't even know that you are not that cowardly!"

"After Eliyi died, I really felt that Jiangnan was a ruthless killer!"

"Jiangnan: I only realized that my book has so much connotation after reading you."

"It feels like Lu Mingfei is doomed to be alone forever."

"I don't think there is love between them, but I feel sorry for Eri Yi. It's too miserable. This anime film adapted by KyoAni is very good. It almost completely restores the plot of the Dragon Race novel, and uses the protagonist The interaction between them makes the audience feel that the protagonists like each other! It's great KyoAni!"

Li Xuan probably didn't expect that because of this animation movie, the number of people who confessed their love after graduating from high school would double, some would be rejected, and some would become lovers. Because the student had money at this time, he wanted to collect a wave of money to complete what Zhao Ran had told him.

Originally, Li Xuan wanted to change most of the plot of this novel, but Zhao Ran denied it. Zhao Ran just asked Li Xuan to find a way to increase the interaction between the protagonists, so that the audience can experience the relationship between them through interaction. Emotionally, it turned out to be a success!
Last time because of Second Five, many couples who were at odds with each other began to think about the reality between themselves and their partners, but this time, the singles who had no courage chose to confess in order not to leave regrets, which contributed to many couples. The crimes committed in five seconds.

In order to take care of the audience's emotions, Zhao Ran also arranged a wedding for Eri Yi at the end of the movie. Although the plot is a bit uneven, viewers who haven't watched the anime of Dragon Race are a bit confused, but they have watched Dragon Race The audience of this novel is satisfied.

Even if the wedding is just an illusion, that's enough!
(End of this chapter)

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