please stop making anime

Chapter 176 Coach, I Want to Play Basketball

Chapter 176 Coach, I Want to Play Basketball
Zhao Ran took Li Xuan to a university near the headquarters of the Festival Society.

Bang bang bang, the sound of the basketball hitting the ground, Zhao Ran hadn't touched a basketball for a long time, but after shooting a few balls, his touch suddenly improved, and he scored several three-pointers in a row.

In his previous life, Zhao Ran didn't know how to slam dunk, and his jumping ability was not good, but in this life, because the system has raised all the attributes of his physical fitness, he can easily grasp the skill of slam dunk.


Zhao Ran jumped up and dunked the basketball into the basket.


At this time, the boys who were playing basketball on the basketball court noticed Zhao Ran's movement and applauded.

"Brother, you play basketball very well, huh?!" A boy greeted Zhao Ran with a basketball in his arms, but he was stunned when he saw Zhao Ran's face: "I'll go! Zhao Gou?!"

The boy wanted to be excited, and the incident that Zhao Ran thought he might be beaten up by someone who recognized him did not happen. Instead, the boy enthusiastically wanted Zhao Ran to sign his basketball jersey.

"Da Zhao, I really like your work! Especially the recent Slam Dunk, it's so good! Especially the game between Hubei and Lingnan"

"I follow your works every day! The basketball department, the world in the anime is really good. There are basketball clubs, coaches, games, and fans! I like this anime so much!"

Having said that, the boy showed a longing look on his face.

"It's too boring without a game! Doesn't Mr. Zhao want to hold a basketball game? Like in Slam Dunk!"

The young man was chattering, his eyes were full of light, the sun was shining on his face, he looked so handsome, Zhao Ran wrote his name on his left chest clothes according to his intention.

"There is a chance to hold the basketball game again in the future. Many things in the festival club are not finished." Zhao Ran wiped off his cold sweat and explained, while other basketball courts also noticed the situation here, pointing and swarming up.

Zhao Ran was so scared that he almost ran away. He thought he would be beaten, but in the end, there were all kinds of condolences, chattering around Zhao Ran non-stop.

"Come one by one, we have everything!"

"Hey? Take a photo together? Yes!"

"Want to play a game with me? I'm afraid you want to be abused."

Zhao Ran kept his hands on his hands, answering the fans' questions to him.

Crazy, these fans are crazy!
And looking at the current momentum, the number of people is starting to increase.


"Game start!"

In the end, in order to get rid of those more and more fans, Zhao Ran decided to agree to those fans who wanted to play basketball with him.

It's time to torture them!

My basketball skills are super good!
Zhao Ran was running on the basketball court, surrounded by fans who took pictures and videos with their mobile phones.

"Zhaogou's basketball skills are so good? Isn't he hiding in the festival club every day to make animations? Besides, his physical fitness is a bit scary!"

"So handsome! So sunny! He has a different temperament from those traffic stars! If those traffic stars are described as sissy, Zhao Da is definitely a sunny boy!"

"I like watching boys play basketball the most! They are so handsome! And I feel that Zhao Da is so chic playing basketball! His dribbling movements are graceful and handsome, and his shooting movements are clean and neat!"

"Basketball skills are so good, no wonder you can create animation works like Slam Dunk."

Li Xuan held a towel in his left hand and a bottle of mineral water in his right hand, looking at the vigorous figure on the basketball court.

Is this how it feels?

This feeling of heart racing.

Li Xuan is so old, he has never given a towel and mineral water to a boy who is covered in sweat after playing basketball, and today is the first time.

The feeling inside is very strange, no wonder those girls like to go to the basketball court to watch boys play basketball, and if possible, give the boy they like a bottle of mineral water.

Then he looked up at his Adam's apple, he looked so handsome while wiping sweat while drinking water!
"Fuck! Zhao Gou is playing basketball on the school basketball court?! Tell me quickly! Which school is he in? I have a big baby for him to see!"

"Zhao Gou's basketball skills are good! He scored several goals in a row, and you see, he didn't feel tired at all! This physique is amazing!"

"Sunshine boy, so clean and sunny! I can't help but love her directly!"

It's gone crazy on the internet!Especially Zhao Ran's dunks and three-pointers. At this time, the audience suddenly realized that Zhao Ran is so good?Seeing Zhao Ran running on the basketball court for so long without being out of breath, some people who wanted to put Zhao Ran in a sack and kicked him were silent. If they fought Zhao Ran themselves, they might not be able to beat him. he?

How can it be repaired!He is the one who makes anime!Why is the physique so good? !
It stands to reason, isn't this kind of physique that doesn't leave the door every day and doesn't step out of the door all bad?Zhao Ran often doesn't go out for a few months and stays peacefully in the festival club to make animations. He doesn't exercise often. Isn't his physique just enough to knock him down with a single punch?

However, they didn't know that there was a system in Zhao Ran's body, and making anime for a long time would indeed reduce his physical fitness, but at that time, Zhao Ran would directly exchange his reputation points for his physical fitness.

With great effort, Zhao Ran finally got rid of those crazy fans, and he was exhausted enough to go back to the Festival Club.

"President, you're finally here! Now the news about you playing basketball is going crazy on the Internet, because a short video of your slam dunk rushed to the top of the trending headlines." Li Tong reported the situation.

"Of course, this is not the main thing. The number of parents who report the ethics club due to the animation of Slam Dunk has doubled. There is a high probability that the animation of Slam Dunk will not be able to keep it." Li Tong put the notebook in front of Zhao Ran and said. .

[There are the following points about why I suggest banning "Slam Dunk"]

A post was hung up high, the number of hits was astonishing, and the number of comments was more than the number of hits. Zhao Ran opened it and glanced at it, and knew that the comments on this post were full of gunpowder.

"Since my son watched this "Slam Dunk", his academic performance was excellent, but now he plays basketball every day. Although his grade has not dropped to the second in the grade, his score has dropped by ten points!"

"Holding the basketball every day and never letting go, there is still a slam dunk poster in the bedroom. That's fine. He even had a little girlfriend recently?"

"High school students should study hard! If you don't study hard at this age, how can you fall in love like those bad boys!"

"I want to sue the Essence Society! It is destroying the next generation by producing the animation of Slam Dunk! Does Zhao Ran want to produce an animation that will increase the domestic juvenile crime rate like Young and Dangerous?"

"If any parent is worried about their child's future and doesn't want their child to go to jail for fighting in the future, let us unite!"

The owner of the post was filled with righteous indignation, and dismissed the work Slam Dunk of the Festival Club as useless. Countless parents liked it, saying that the owner of the post was very conscientious, and hit the impact of Slam Dunk on domestic teenagers.

"I will seal Nima!"

High school students and junior high school students are not happy anymore!Cursed directly below the post.

"You parents, besides caring about your child's study, what else do you care about? I just want to ask, what do you think of your child? An extension of your dream? Control him in the name of love?"

"Even if their views are wrong, they will still instill their views in their children!"

"What's wrong with Slam Dunk? It's going to be blocked just because of some plots in it? Why don't you take a look at the core spirit of this anime? Actually, I want to ask, don't you have youth? How do you spend your youth? Studying every day? Doing questions day after day, year after year? We have long been tired of this kind of life, the old-fashioned and boring life! Is it wrong for us to just want to sweat in the short-lived youth? "

Yeah, what's wrong with them?To them, the slam dunk may be youth!
Everything, they have to arrange it clearly, they are workers, and their children are handicrafts they play with at will, so the children want to resist and think about freedom!Thinking about doing something crazy in your best years!

The more you don’t let me watch it, the more I want to watch it!

[Parents please read this work carefully! ! ! 】

Correspondingly, another post also rushed to the trending search with an astonishing number of hits and comments, stabilizing the parent's post.

"You have only seen the puppy love, violence, and bloodshed in it, but you have not seen the core content of this anime-youth and redemption!"

"Love? Violence? If Zhao Ran just wanted to promote these two elements, why did he spend so much money to produce such a long novel? Doesn't Zhao Ran understand that puppy love and violence are not suitable for teenagers? He knows! But he still made it like this!"

"This anime clearly tells about everyone's youth!"

The post is full of more than 1000 words, and every word is written with sincerity. I hope those parents who sue the festival society will take a good look at this work. What a treasure in this work that is worthless in their eyes!
The characters in it are too touching, how many people's youthful years are written in the plot, but it is such a work, but some people want to block it? !

"Zhao Ran is indeed the number one animation master in China!"

Most of the parents who complained about the Festival Club didn't read this work carefully, they only knew that there were various elements in this work that would affect the growth of their children, and then they requested to block it.

Do such parents only let their children watch news broadcasts?There is still negative news in the news broadcast, and only let your children study textbooks?End up being a nerd?

Flowers grown in greenhouses cannot experience wind and rain, they are only worthy of being watched and cared for.


"Coach...I want to play basketball!"

When Mitsui Shou knelt on the ground and said this sentence with tears streaming down his face.

He is not only recognized by other characters in the anime, but also loved and forgiven by the audience.

This plot has also become an eternal classic of this anime!

This scene, no matter how many years later, Slam Dunk fans will think of it.

Mitsui Shou, a real man!
Like all adolescent boys, he has done many things wrong and has too many regrets, but he is still like the boy who refused to admit defeat back then!
The so-called famous scene is nothing more than that.

The audience who are watching this animation, high school students, junior high school students, punks smoking cigarettes, or those hard-working office workers, when they see this, they all cry loudly with Mitsui Shou.

This kind of moving is youth and a kind of salvation!
The attitudes of the parents who originally sang against the morality club changed quietly because of Mitsui Shou's words: "Coach, I want to play basketball."

"I'm just a factory worker. I don't have much education. I just hope that my children can study hard and be successful in the future. Don't think of me like this, but ah! He is too playful, and he wanted to drop out of school when he was only in junior high school. I beat him up a few times. It doesn't work at all!"

"Later, he became obsessed with the ethics club, liked to watch Slam Dunk, and played basketball every day. I was so angry that I just wanted to go to the ethics club and beat Zhao Ran hard."

"Yesterday, he suddenly cried and said to me: "Dad, please give me another chance, I want to study hard!" ", this is the best thing I've heard recently, although his grades are not very good, but I heard from his teacher that he studies very hard and hard, and his previous bad habits are gone, and he works as hard as a good student every day Work hard!"

"Thank you very much for the Festival Club! Thank you very much, Teacher Zhao Ran! It is your work that made my child choose to re-enter the school! Now he studies hard! I am also motivated to work every day!"

"I wish the Festival Club will be better and better, and the works of Teacher Zhao Ran will gain more people's support!"

There are more and more supportive parents, and what they fear is not happening.

The so-called follow-up did not appear. On the contrary, some bad students began to study hard, which surprised their parents and teachers. After asking, I realized that after watching Slam Dunk, I felt that I could be like Mitsui Shou when I turned around. handsome.

Some people have been redeemed in this anime!
Especially those teenagers who were originally bad students picked up their textbooks and studied hard.

School violence did not increase because of this anime, but dropped significantly. This is the result of investigations by various schools. Those problematic students have become more obedient because of watching this anime. Although they are usually naughty, but Obviously restrained a lot, not bullying others like before.

(End of this chapter)

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