please stop making anime

Chapter 187 Don't Ask, Asking Is Depressing

Chapter 187 Don't Ask, Asking Is Depressing

"Boys, if you were asked to save the world, what kind of ability would you choose that is different from ordinary people?"

Zhao Ran has a lot of followers. As soon as Weibo was released, it immediately attracted the attention of a large number of fans. At present, Zhao Ran's new work has become popular, and countless viewers are guessing what type of Zhao Ran's new work is.

Love?After all, looking at the poster made by Zhao Ran, the characters are so exquisite, a bit like the heroine of a love affair.

But there are also audiences who speculate that it is the fighting fan. After all, such a good-looking female character, it is a pity that she is no longer a knife.

Of course, many viewers speculate that this anime is a silly show. Aren't good-looking and silly female characters more interesting?
But now, the original author Zhao Ran jumped out, and the audience couldn't hold back their curiosity for a long time, and left messages on Zhao Ran's Weibo, asking about Zhao Ran's new work.

"What kind of new work is it? We should be prepared!"

"Don't ask, asking is depressing!"

"When you come to another world, do you want some ability to save the world? I'm familiar with this. Isn't this the setting of all online novels? Start with a golden finger, and then pretend to fight monsters and upgrade all the way."

"I want a strange fire, can this be okay? The kind that stretches out the hand and directly gives the opponent a second, I think it's so handsome!"

"In terms of handsomeness, isn't it more handsome to have the ability to control thunder? The whole body is filled with silver-white thunder light. If you add a handsome face, the sense of substitution will come directly."

"The setting of Thunder is too common. Generally, those who master Thunder are supporting roles, right? I wish I was a supreme mage who is invincible in melee combat."

"When you come to a different world, shouldn't you control the army and conquer the different world? What kind of world to save! The more chaotic the world is, the better. Wouldn't it be better to take advantage of the chaos and conquer the whole world?"

"Prince and general, would you rather be kind? It's really good to control a powerful army that only has your heart. You can use this army to fight in all directions."

Zhao Ran's question gave the audience unlimited room for reverie. Now the society is under great pressure and there are so many people in the country, but most of them are ordinary people. They also hope to change their current status and become a master.

Young people like to fantasize about their significant other who loves the country and only loves themselves, and that they are a bigwig who is rich or powerful.

Of course, some viewers are more realistic, what saves the world?What does that have to do with my salted fish?Now I just want to be alone in a rented house and grow old slowly.

"Save the world? We don't want such an opportunity. Maybe Zhao Gou will cheat us again."

"Isn't the blow from society enough? You are still fantasizing about these unnecessary things."

"Even in troubled times, do you think it's possible to become a big boss with your abilities? If you can become a big boss in another world, then in the real world, it's impossible to be so bad!"

"I'm an old salty fish. In today's society, only by working hard for the bosses can I barely have a meal."

This part of the people who have been severely beaten by the society has already seen through the world of mortals and life. They buy three meals a day without giving up. How can they dare to talk about dreams. Although fantasies are beautiful, they are impossible to realize in the end. It is better to give others down-to-earth Earning a few thousand dollars from a part-time job is real.

Zhao Ran rubbed his eyes and looked at the negative comments on his Weibo. What's wrong with people nowadays?Don't even dare to have fantasy?

There is no way, people used to dream of becoming a scientist or a person useful to society, but now, people just want to own a house of their own.

Even if the house is small, it means that you have a nest and a place to rest.

The rapidly developing society is using housing prices to squeeze people who are struggling to survive in every society.

It seems that they have to add some serious information to them. For these unmotivated viewers, only prizes can make them participate.

"Don't you really want to guess the method used by the protagonist of the new work to save the world? Now go to the homepage of the official website to register and participate in the "Guess Guess, I want to have the protagonist's ability" activity, and the audience who guess the protagonist's ability to save the world , the moral society will present a set of exquisite [senior sister's severed head] figures."

Zhao Ran posted another microblog, which can be regarded as adding some enthusiasm to his new work.

As for the figurine of the senior sister, Zhao Ran spent a lot of money designing and producing it, and it has not been released yet. That is to say, this figurine is still in a state of mystery, and the audience has never seen its mysterious veil.

"Huh?? Persecuted my senior again? Zhao Gou, does senior have a grudge against you!"

"When will my sister's party stand up? Zhao Gou, the creator, persecutes my sister every day. I will remember this grudge."

"Oh, Zhao Gou also came up with a guessing activity. Is it because you feel that fans have less interaction with you and are not satisfied?"

"Give up, Zhao Gou, do you think we will participate in this event if you give us the "beautiful" figure of [Sister's severed head]?"

"As a rich person, I don't bother to participate in such activities at all, hand-made? I just can't buy it?"

The way the audience got along with Zhao Ran was like this. Fans were always happy to dismantle Zhao Ran's stage, wanting to see the embarrassment of him not getting off stage.

In a certain university dormitory, Guo Meng had a computer in front of him, and his fingers were tapping on the keyboard like flying.

"Guess what about the prize-winning event? Zhao Gou actually came up with such an event this time, that is to say. This time, his ability to set the protagonist to save the world will surprise many people?"

Guo Meng, as an old fan of the Festival Club, is very familiar with Zhao Ran's style of not playing cards according to routines, such as the various reversals in the magic circle, and the Bone King, who pretends to be coercive in a very different way. However, he can always attract the audience with the bright setting, and make the audience look forward to how the plot will develop next.



"Infinite strength?"

"Control the army?"

"Or longevity?"

Guo Meng stroked his chin and thought for a long time. He felt that the settings he thought were too common. How could Zhao Ran use such settings?Although the Jie Cao Society has sufficient funds, it still cannot afford Zhao Gou's toss.

Just imagine, if it is to control the thunder or the army, there must be a lot of viewers who guess this kind of setting, so how many gifts should the festival society give?

Thinking of this, Guo Meng took another look at the cute and charming poster character, such a beautiful girl, I can't find it in [-]D!How wonderful it would be to have her!

No, since Zhao Gou is said to be an anime work that saves the world, then, as the male lead, he will definitely have rights and unrivaled strength, according to the setting of a vulgar online novel, a harem fan?

Guo Meng felt that he had discovered a blind spot!
However, the setting of the main character in the harem is too much!
Still can't figure it out!Surely the protagonist can't kiss any female character, whichever heroine falls in love with him, and then use these female characters to save the world, right?That would be so nonsense!

(End of this chapter)

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