please stop making anime

Chapter 189 Nothing is more inspiring than a slam dunk

Chapter 189 Nothing is more inspiring than a slam dunk

When the festival club was busy with the anime "Date A Live", JingAni was not idle either.

At this time, the game between Xiangbei and Shanwang in "Slam Dunk" also affected the hearts of countless people.

KyoAni is extremely good at details, which makes the anime of Slam Dunk a little different from the previous life. In order to make the atmosphere more exciting, KyoAni has increased the intensity of competition in the basketball game a lot, and the blood of the people watching it is boiling.

And after layers of cruel elimination, this national competition attracted the attention of countless audiences from the very beginning.

The strength of Shanwang Middle School is quite good. In the anime introduction, it is the number one winning team in the country, and it is also the most powerful boss team in "Slam Dunk".

And Xiangbei can only be regarded as a "second-rate" team in the eyes of the outside world. What's more, the most unfavorable thing is that Xiangbei won the tragic match against Fengyu Middle School in the first game of the national competition. Rukawa Feng, the absolute main force in Xiangbei, was injured in his eyes.

Although the eyes have been treated and swollen in the end, it still cast a shadow over this game.

"Fortunately, it was produced by Jingani. If it was the festival society, Zhao Gou would definitely let the audience experience the result of the protagonist without the halo of the protagonist. However, Li Xuan is now in charge of this animation, that is to say, in the end Xiangbei will definitely win, but I'm afraid it will be a tougher battle than Fengyu."

Now this anime has become one of the favorite anime for those teenagers, so before the start of this long game, there have been very intense discussions on various forums.

"Don't worry, I will definitely win! If Xiangbei loses, I don't know what expression to use. This is the last chance for the orangutan captain, Mitsui and Mumu to participate in the high school basketball league. If they lose, how sad they will be! "

"Thank you KyoAni for letting us see such an excellent work! I have been chasing this anime since the beginning, and until now, I haven't missed a single episode!"

"I'm afraid you have forgotten that the scriptwriter of this animation is Zhao Gou. I think it's a bit confusing."

"Miss Li Xuan is super nice! You have to trust her! Not only is she good-looking, but she is also very gentle. I heard that she is capable of housekeeping!"

"I've heard that Li Xuan cooks for Zhao Gou every day. I feel sore for the kind of hard-working, Zhao Gou is really lucky!"

"If you have the looks, figure, and talent of Zhao Gou, you will also have a lot of beautiful young ladies."

"Really, it's a pity that Zhao Gou is so good-looking, but he doesn't wear women's clothes. It's a pity. I really want to see what Zhao Gou looks like in women's clothes."

"Sorry, as long as I look good, I don't care whether it's male or female. We're not picky."

The level of stupidity of netizens can always refresh people's lower limit. Some netizens are inherently funny, and reading their comments makes people laugh.

On the anime side, the audience felt a dignified atmosphere from the beginning of the story. KyoAni is extremely good at describing the details, and described the situation on the eve of the game as very tense, which made the audience feel that the game was very unusual.

In "Slam Dunk", Xiangbei vs. Mountain King, the two teams were full of gunpowder from the very beginning, even the audience outside the screen can clearly feel it.

It's not the finals yet, but the tense atmosphere made the audience feel a taste that only the finals can have.

"Hey, hello! Isn't it a little inappropriate to put this game here! This is only the top sixteen! I don't think it's too much to put this game in the finals!"

The biggest challenge in Xiangbei has come!Regardless of Akagi or the audience who are watching the game, they all think so.

In the end, can Xiangbei win?


Su Yiwen is a cute-looking ordinary female high school student. Except for being able to cook, everything else is average. She is not tall, only a little over 1.6 meters, and she is relatively petite, weighing only 89 catties.

Now, the whole school is going to hold a women's basketball game. She doesn't know why the school is inexplicably holding such an event. She only knows that she seems to be unable to escape this basketball game, which in her opinion is a complete disaster.

She was selected, she was not tall, she was the lightest in the class, and she wanted to represent the whole class, and this was the unanimous request of the boys in the class!Obviously her neck has almost shrunk to the bottom of the table!
Yes, she has learned basketball and played it very well, but so what?She will not do this kind of work that is only hard work without any reward!
"Have you seen Slam Dunk?"

The monitor told her so.

Slam dunk?What is a slam dunk?The girl was puzzled, but the boys around said that the girl was like the girl named Haruko Akagi in Slam Dunk.

They both know how to play basketball and look good when they smile.

KyoAni?The company of Zhao Ran, the president of the ethics club?
The girl couldn't help frowning when she watched the anime recommended by the boy. She had heard about Zhao Ran, who was handsome and good-looking, but he had a scumbag face, which made him unreliable at first glance.

However, the girls around seem to like him?The girl heard girls discussing about Zhao Ran every day in the dormitory.

"I'm not like Akagi Haruko, I'm like Rukawa Kaede!"

The girl said so, she doesn't want to be labeled, just like a commodity, it feels uncomfortable to be admired on the counter.

She disdains Zhao Ran very much. Boys with good-looking faces like this are usually bothered, but... this guy's work is really good!

The girl is a little obsessed with "Slam Dunk" and can't extricate herself. Is this blood?Is this youth?Is this basketball?
At the beginning, she liked Rukawa Kaede, and thought his calm appearance was very attractive. Later, after reading the plot of the slam dunk, she began to like Yingmu Huadao, and even specially bought a team uniform of the same style as Sakuragi Huadao.

This is not over, she even wanted to kill Matt directly, and wanted to dye her hair as bright as cherry wood, like a red flame full of vitality, but after thinking about it, she still stopped herself The thoughts that are just around the corner in my heart.

"Shanwang is an old-fashioned team. It must be very strong and extremely stable. If Xiangbei wants to fight against Shanwang, it must not fall into their rhythm!"

A group of boys next to it were talking about the national competition. The girl listened to it, was very interested, and then expressed her opinion.

The girl is still very professional in basketball research, which has something to do with her native family. Her father loves basketball and even taught her.

It has to be said that even from a professional point of view, the animation of Slam Dunk is a very classic sports animation. KyoAni Productions is capable of handling the details of the basketball game and even the application of basketball tactics. Very high feasibility, and even examples can be found, which shows that the original creator is a basketball fan and a deep-rooted party.

"That's right! If a strong team adopts a steady and steady strategy, it will be extremely disgusting to the opponent. It is the kind of team that makes fewer mistakes than anyone else, and crushes the opponent forcefully with strength, leaving the opponent powerless to fight back." The boy Nodded in agreement.

"And in this case, the strong team will give the opponent a kind of invisible serious psychological pressure, especially for those rookies, this kind of psychological pressure will even directly weaken the genius. It’s hard to feel good, and it’s easy to lose points,” said the girl.

"A newcomer? Sakuragi doesn't need to worry about this. He won't have any psychological pressure at all. Rukawa Kaede is full of arrogance. Fighting against a strong enemy will make him more motivated. The only thing to worry about is Mitsui Hisashi. He has been neglected for two years. As a newcomer, his psychological pressure is the greatest." A classmate said.

"To be honest, if you want to beat a strong team like Shanwang with a stable style, you only need to not fall into their rhythm to have the hope of victory. That is to say, this is a competition of control over the rhythm of the game. The control over the game is stronger, as long as the rhythm of the mountain king can be disrupted and the mountain king and the others become uncomfortable, then Xiangbei may win."

"Looking at it this way, then Xiangbei is simply the natural nemesis of the king of the mountain. Only Mugure and Gorillas can play and are stable in this team. As for the rest of the starters, Rukawa Kaede, Miyagi, Sakuragi, and Mitsui are all good players. It’s a character full of variables.” The classmate next to him said with a smile.

"This can only mean that there is a chance to win. As for whether they can seize the opportunity, it depends on their performance."

"One side wants to be stable, so as long as Xiangbei doesn't let them be stable, speeding up the pace of the game is the simplest and most effective way. If it were me, I would choose fast break! Use fast break to disrupt their rhythm." Another The classmate said so.

"Fast break? This is indeed a good way. Shohoku also has this strength. Miyagi, Rukawa Kaede, and Sakuragi are all very fast, and the gorillas are also very dexterous. Mitsui's shots are very accurate. If mistakes are ruled out to grab points If there is such an influence, Rukawa Kaede, Gorilla, and Mitsui will be the key to winning this game."

"Sakuragi has been playing basketball for too short a time. Although Zhao Ran has already opened a cheat for him, what we often see is a basketball player who often makes mistakes and is unstable. If normal people look at it, Sakuragi cannot constitute threaten."

"You guys are underestimating Coach Anxi. This coach has a vicious vision. He knows Sakuragi's potential and his talent. If Sakuragi doesn't make mistakes, he can become a very terrifying existence. Wait for Yamanaka After discovering Sakuragi's talent and rearranging the defense, their rhythm has been disrupted at this time, and at this time, the pressure on Rukawa Kaede, Gorilla, and Mitsui Hisashi will be much less." Said the girl.

"So, will the core of this game be Sakuragi? I'm looking forward to the development of the plot more and more." A classmate interjected.

"You said, in a basketball game, what score is the fastest?" The girl smiled mischievously: "It's a three-pointer."

"So, what's the best morale booster? The answer is slam dunk!"

In a basketball game, nothing can excite the audience and teammates more than a slam dunk!

"So, you know so much, and you still don't want to win honor for the class?" A head popped out from the crowd who were discussing, and the girl saw that it was the class leader who persuaded her to play.

"Playing basketball is very tiring. After a basketball game, I am so tired that I can't move. Moreover, it is very troublesome."

The girl refused, since playing with such a small body can directly dehydrate her. Playing for 1 minute is fine, but if the time is longer, she will be so tired that she will be out of breath.

Although the other classes are very rookie, the girl has the confidence to play and win the championship. This is the self-confidence that often plays basketball at home to exercise her body.

There is a basketball court next to the house. Whenever the weather cools down in the afternoon when she returns home, she will hold the basketball and play for a while, throwing a few balls. As time goes on and there are people to guide her, her basketball skills will improve.

She definitely can't do a slam dunk, but she slips very well in a three-step layup!It looks more chic and graceful than some boys.

Let's not mention the boy's fancy way of persuading the girl to play a women's basketball game on stage.

At this time, there is a lot of discussion on the Internet about the game in Slam Dunk, and just as the girl said, Sanwang did not pay enough attention to Sakuragi. Miyagi pulls off a perfect alley-oop!

Bang! !

The ball went in!Animation screen freeze!The audience is watching with enthusiasm at this time!

"What a shot!"

Countless viewers couldn't even sit still, they just stood up and shouted happily like the audience in the anime!

As the girl said, what scores the fastest?That must be a three-pointer!
And want to boost the atmosphere and boost morale?There is only one answer, dunk!

"I can't believe it! The first ball was actually a slam dunk by Sakuragi!"

"Sanno didn't focus on Sakuragi at all, and now Sakuragi has become a variable! Sanno's rhythm may be disrupted by Sakuragi!"

"Arrogant and domineering! I think of my lost youth! This is what young people should look like!"

"Handsome! When I saw this ball, I stood up excitedly!"

"By the way, have you watched that short video on the Internet recently? A video of a girl playing basketball! Super handsome! That three-step layup is called a slip, and it directly smashed the opposite side by more than 80 points!!! A psychological shadow!"

"Now the national basketball is hot! Don't talk about it, I want to play basketball! It can't be worse than girls!"

In the anime Slam Dunk, Xiangbei played the first ball against the Mountain King, and Xiangbei staged a flawless alley-oop in the incredible shock of countless people!

And the national competition, the desperate duel between Xiangbei and Shanwang, kicked off with this alley-oop!
At the same time, the national basketball fever is also spreading in major colleges and universities.

And a girl who single-handedly smashed the opponent by more than 80 points and cast a psychological shadow on the opponent has also officially become popular through the fermentation of the Internet.

Just imagine, a petite girl repeatedly jumps horizontally among several tall girls, scoring points one after another in a playful posture. It is difficult for this video to make people feel that there is no impact!
(End of this chapter)

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