please stop making anime

Chapter 196 Works Worth Seriously Reading

Chapter 196 Works Worth Seriously Reading
ps: There are two chapters repeated, I can't delete the result, sorry, everyone don't decide!

In the previous life, "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" was serialized on "Juvenile Jump" in 1987, and it was transferred to "Ultra Jump" in 2005 to continue serialization. Until Zhao Ran came to this world, JOJO was not over yet.

It can be said that it is an ancient masterpiece, and there must be too many merits in it.

Its author, Hirohiko Araki, is known as the perfect creature, and "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" is also jokingly called the autobiography of the perfect creature.As for the reason?This author is simply an immortal monster.

The story begins in Britain during the period of Jack the Ripper and is closely integrated with the legend of vampires.In an English manor in the nineteenth century, Jonathan Joestar's father took in an orphan named DIO and raised him.Since then, the fate of George's son Jonathan Joestar and DIO have been closely entangled.

DIO came to the Joestar family in order to seize the family property and enter the upper class. For this reason, Jonathan, the sole heir of the Joestar family, must be destroyed. In order to break Jonathan's confidence, DIO killed Jonathan's pet dog; in order to break Jonathan's spiritual sustenance, he kissed Jonathan's girlfriend Alina.

After the incident was revealed, he put on a stone ghost mask in order to get revenge, and became an immortal dark creature. He gained incredible power and began to do whatever he wanted.

But Jonathan didn't get up after a setback, nor did he give up because DIO became a powerful vampire.He is not only to avenge his father, but also to prevent DIO from causing harm to the world.Jonathan was lucky to get the help of Qi Beilin, and learned Ripple Qigong from him. Later, with the sacrifice and help of his friends, Jonathan used Ripple Qigong to melt DIO's body as a human being and shot him off the cliff.

But who would have expected that DIO cut off his own head and miraculously survived.

Later, when Jonathan was on a steamship honeymoon with his beloved wife Alina, the carotid artery was pierced by DIO who came to revenge with only his head left.The ship that was about to be destroyed was full of dead people, and Jonathan, who was stabbed in the trachea and unable to breathe, did not give up at the last moment.

Facing the coming of death, he has no fear, and still firmly holds DIO's head tightly to prevent him from causing harm to the world. Jonathan is a real gentleman!

And Elena was finally saved holding the baby girl, and she was pregnant with Jonathan's child, which was what Jonathan hoped for.

Jonathan Joestar's life just disappeared on the far side.All of this will become a dark history unknown to the world. Perhaps this extremely noble life story of his will not be passed down to the world, but his descendants will definitely hear it clearly.

Facing the evil that is countless times stronger than himself, JOJO never shrinks back, but chooses to do his best. If it is still not enough, he will make up for it with courage.This is the "golden spirit" passed down from generation to generation by the Joestar family, which is the courage to never shrink back in the face of evil.

Speaking of this, Joseph is also a hero.In his first appearance, he rescued Smokey who robbed his wallet from two social crumbs.

In Smoky's eyes, this ancestral 1-meter-tall man is so brave and possesses superpowers.But he saves himself as a thief, much to Smokey's bewilderment.After getting along for a while, Smokey uttered a sentence in his heart that would make Big Joe die in shame, "This Englishman doesn't look like a gentleman at all."

Alas, poor Big Joe.

After Stray's arrival, Joestar's blood in Joseph's body involved the originally unrelated Pillar Man and the British hooligan who immigrated to the United States.The extraordinary fate of the Joestar family begins again.

The awakening of Zhu Zhinan became the reason for the start of Er Qiao's wonderful adventure, and at the same time Er Qiao also began his growth, from a hooligan to a fighter.In the German base, Er Qiao met Santana, the first pillar man.Santana has a strong learning ability and a strong desire to survive.

Having said that, Santana is actually a mob who gives experience and triggers the plot.It was also in this battle that Er Qiao saw the courage of human beings, and Shuttrogheim was willing to sacrifice his spirit to destroy the man of the pillar.This spirit is a spark, hidden in Er Qiao's heart, and when the time is right, it will burn all the enemies of mankind.

In Rome, the three Pillars were revived because the German army made an empirical mistake. Erqiao, Xisa and others came and ran into the Pillars who were about to leave!

Er Qiao was blown away after a witty show of a wave of operations.As a last resort, Er Qiao used the forbidden technique to escape and successfully lured Wamuwu away.Even if he escapes, he will not lose his qualifications as the protagonist. He uses courage and quick wit to create a chance for his partners to survive.At the same time, after gaining insight into Wamu's character, he decisively resorted to aggressive tactics, making Wamu make an agreement to fight a duel in 33 days.

When facing a strong enemy that he couldn't fight against, he still spit out a slot casually.It's like a five-ton truck coming straight at you and you're thinking your Coke isn't ice-cold enough.But Er Qiao's indecency dilutes the oppression and fear brought by the third brother. This is Er Qiao's unique way of thinking. He relaxes himself and his opponents with jokes, lays out the layout in relaxation, and defeats the enemy with wisdom.

In order to deal with the duel, Er Qiao and Caesar learned Ripple from Lisa Lisa.So the stalk of the offspring of a gentleman peeping at his mother taking a bath was born. When the 33rd day was approaching, Estes came to capture Ai Zhe's red stone. Although Er Qiao used his wisdom to defeat and destroy his body during the graduation trial, he successfully sent Ai Zhe's red stone away and moved the plot forward smoothly. A big step forward.

After a fierce battle for redstone, the protagonists came to the boss level.Because of family hatred, Xi Sa beat him without hesitation.Although Er Qiao and the others disagreed, they could only keep up, but they came a step late, and Xi Sa left.Caesar's departure aroused Er Qiao's hatred, and the battle of revenge was also the beginning of the war that decided the fate of the world.The spiritual fire started to burn, waiting for the final battle.

In the battle of wits and courage with Wamu, the two established a wonderful friendship.Wamuu was a respectable fighter, a pure fighter.Live to fight, die to fight.Although the positions are different, the spirit is refreshing.

In the final battle, Lisa Lisa was captured, and Er Qiao fought to the death.Fortunately, Schuttrogheim's immediate reinforcements controlled the miscellaneous fish and gave them a chance to fight the boss.But also because of Schottheim's mistake, Katz became a perfect creature.It's like a football is about to hit the opponent's goal, but is kicked back by one's own big foot.

The perfect Katz has no weaknesses, and Er Qiao drives a fighter jet, trying to rush into the volcano and die with Katz.Katz is not a vegetarian either, and has found a way to survive in the magma.When Kaz attacked Er Qiao with ripples, Er Qiao blocked it with Ai Zhe's red stone.The effect is outstanding!The volcano was detonated and Kaz went to heaven.This is also in my calculations!Kaz!

In the third part, in order to save his daughter He Li, he took the lead in forming a DIO team, using his rich combat experience to defeat the empress and so on.Cough, it's Jotaro who is mainly in the limelight.In the fourth part, in order to find the transparent baby, he cut the artery and let blood, and gave some life guidance. Finally, he pointed out that everyone in the small town has a golden spirit, and then his son stole the wallet.

Although Jotaro Kujo's surname is no longer Joestar, the blood of the Joestar family still flows in his body. DIO occupies Da Qiao's body, and after seeing the light of day again, the descendants of Joestar's family are affected, and the double is awakened.San Qiao's mother and Er Qiao's daughter He Li are dying because they can't bear this power.In order to save his daughter, he ended the fate between Joestar and DIO, and at the same time saved the world.

These three Joes are the main c in the group, just like Bei Yuan in the animation department.Most of the problems are solved by Sanjo.And Er Qiao is a support, mainly responsible for money and spying on DIO, and the number of shots is pitifully small.Bobo, Kakyoin, and Abdel are deputy cs, and they can stand alone.

This team is like the Tang monk and his disciples who went to the west to learn the scriptures, going west to Egypt to fight DIO.The team gathers around Er Qiao as the center, and all kinds of emotions unite the whole team. The ultimate goal is to defeat DIO.

Here San Qiao is to save his mother, and Er Qiao is to save his daughter.Kakyoin seeks revenge on DIO.Abudel decided to help Er Qiao fight DIO because he was afraid of DIO's success.In order to find the murderer who killed his sister, Polnareff followed JOJO because of the fetters between his partners.Iggy was dragged into the pit, but after walking together for a while, he also started to fight with Bobo.The relationship between the protagonists is equally deep. Abdel saved Polnareff from the gun of Hal Hess, but fell to the ground after being shot; San Qiao risked everything and succeeded in driving mad Darby to save his partner; Kakyoin Defeating Grim Reaper 13 alone, being misunderstood by his companions means laughing and laughing, etc.

In the battle of the end, Izzy desperately rescued Polnareff, and Kakyoin exchanged his life for information about DIO's substitute.After that, San Qiao confronted DIO. After DIO sucked up Er Qiao's poisonous blood, San Qiao ran away.So there is only one reason why DIO lost - that is, you pissed San Qiao off!

In the end, only three members of the expedition survived.The friendship of fighters lasts forever!
When the first volume of the booklet was released, the old demon Araki mentioned the hymn of human beings in the author's message-to sing human beings through the comparison between non-human beings and human beings.Even he himself didn't expect this theme to run through his subsequent comics career.

Under the big theme of human anthem, the most important and consistent sub-theme is undoubtedly "transcendence".What is the limit of human beings?It is time, people will grow up and get old gradually; it is space, the body closes and restricts people.

In the first part, DIO realized the limitations of human beings and chose to wear a stone ghost mask to surpass human beings.DIO who became a vampire will not age, and can survive in a different body, breaking through the limits of time and space for human beings.But JOJO has always stayed at the limit of human beings, fighting as human beings.

This contrast between human beings and non-human beings highlights the nobility of the human beings.The basic condition of being a human being is to have a sense of pain.Black Knight Brajo said after being defeated by JOJO that this pain is the feeling of life.There is pain, there is joy, there is this feeling to be called human.

So when Brajo changes "LUCK" to "PLUCK", he is noble, and dying as a human being is the best salvation for him. As a vampire, DIO has nothing to do with death; as a human, JOJO cannot escape the result of death.So at the end of the story, he used death to defeat the inhuman DIO. This kind of JOJO is undoubtedly the most "human".

Although the first generation of JOJO has died, his descendants have inherited the spirit of opposing "evil".Everything starts here.The first generation of JOJO and the subsequent JOJO have broken the limitation of time on human beings, that is, spiritual continuation, which can also be called "continuity of existence".

In the third part, the substitute combat is introduced. The so-called substitute is also called You Ripple, which can be regarded as an ability to transcend the spirit and body.And the final boss, DIO's substitute "World", has the ability to suspend time, which is undoubtedly a head-on confrontation with the limits of human beings, against time.In the masterpiece "Faust", the protagonist Faust said "World, stop time".

Dio said the same thing.But the meanings expressed by the two are completely opposite.Faust is willing to sacrifice his own soul in order to obtain the most authentic beauty in the world, which is a kind of selfless joy; but DIO only contains the selfish desire to become the ruler of the world. Can see through.

DIO's stand-in is at best an ability built with subtle calculations, and this kind of cold calculation cannot calculate the complex emotions of human beings.This is why Jotaro wins. Emotion is not only emotion but also emotion. Emotion unites people. Emotion pulls us to build a bridge to victory. Emotion is the evidence of us as human beings.

Zhao Ran surprised all the netizens once again, the anime jojo pushed fans into this bottomless pit in an alternative way.The whole anime is not lacking in strategy, and there is no lack of commentary and various show operations in the strategy. Since getting to know this anime, the audience has felt a new way of expression.

And the commentary that should only exist in the hearts of the onlookers or the narration should have been uttered by the supporting actors or the occasional protagonist, but at this time, it also bursts out with an extraordinary attraction.

The well-timed commentary in this anime not only prevents the anime from having a sense of disobedience and affecting the atmosphere of the battle, but also subtly blends it with the plot of the anime, and then transforms the atmosphere The contrast is even more intense!
Just like the live commentary in the finals of various competitions, this is an unprecedented visual experience.

Can you still play like this?Colleagues dropped their jaws in amazement when they saw the various settings in this anime. Why didn’t I expect such a setting?And the onomatopoeia in it, why can't I stop listening to it?

As long as you have watched this anime carefully, you can instantly fall in love with "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". It is full of literary reflection and analysis of human nature. This is not just an anime, but the connotation is the core content.

Of course, most viewers simply like this world, the characters in this anime, and the wonderful stories brought to them by the characters in this anime.

This is a work worth watching seriously!

(End of this chapter)

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