please stop making anime

Chapter 199 Master of Origami

Chapter 199 Master of Origami
Time passed quickly, and when the anime "Date A Live" started to air, the TV series "Slam Dunk" was already scheduled to start.

This work has already attracted too many people's attention before the filming started. Those actors and stars are desperate to play a cameo role in this work. Now, among all domestic film and television works, this one has the highest traffic and the number of fans is extremely high. horrible.

It can be said that as long as this TV series is filmed, no matter how good the acting skills are, it will definitely become popular.

Of course, because of the selection of roles, the actors often secretly intrigue, and some actors who seem to have a good relationship on the surface directly turned against each other because of this work.

The entertainment industry is a vanity fair, and there is too much darkness in it. Some people seem to have a bright future on the surface, but they don't know what the hell they are secretly.

In the office of the Festival Society, Zhao Ran was lying on the table and writing quickly, when Li Xuan knocked on the door and walked in.

"President, the audience has a lot of grievances about the casting of TV drama actors." Li Xuan said holding his laptop.

"Ah? Is there any problem?" Zhao Ran was a little confused, so he said, "I think the selected characters are pretty good-looking, and the appearance is qualified. Besides, it's just a TV series, as long as the protagonist is handsome, it's not Movies have high demands on art."

"That's not what I'm talking about. There are more good-looking people in the entertainment industry. Those female fans are all clamoring for their brother to play the leading role, and those stars are also secretly doing tricks. During this period of time you I have been busy with work and may not know what happened outside because of this work, many actors have begun to expose each other's background and tear each other down in order to grab the important roles in it." Li Xuan helped his eyes: "And your diehard fans I think you are suitable to play the male lead or the female lead, they are more inclusive, if you play the male lead, they will watch it, if you play the female lead, they will raise money to buy you a new electric car.”

Mistress?My women's clothing is only worth an electric car?How can it be repaired!

"It's impossible to play the leading role. At most, it's just to make an animation and entertain life. As for the heroine? They want peaches to eat!" Zhao Ran put down the pen in his hand, and then asked: "The "Date A Live" movie How is the reputation of anime?"

This is what Zhao Ran cares about. Zhao Ran doesn't care about other things. For example, those actors are now fighting for a role. superior.

"Date A Live? The word of mouth is quite good!" Li Xuan smiled and said: "Although the setting of the younger sister at the beginning caused some audiences to complain, but the subsequent development of the plot surprised the audience and received rave reviews. Now there are many The forum is discussing the next plot of this anime."

The performance of Zhao Ran's work has never worried Li Xuan. As long as Zhao Ran intervenes, then that animation will definitely be a good work, unlike her, who often has ups and downs in performance.

Li Xuan's JingAni has recently adapted a lot of novels besides jojo, but the results are not satisfactory, and there are a few works with a score of just over five points, which can be said to have become the ranks of bad movies. With a few good masterpieces, maybe Kyoani will be scolded miserably by the audience.

In fact, I don’t blame JingAni for not being strong. There are many great characters in JingAni who adapt novels. If these people are serious, they will definitely make a work above the passing line. Or because the money is not in place.

Most of the funds were spent by the Chia Club, and Jing Ani could only eat the leftovers from the Chia Club. In order to save money, Jing Ani had no choice but to make rough pictures. I am used to the beautiful and picturesque pictures of the Chia Club. In the future, going to see KyoAni will make people feel a little bit uncomfortable, and the bad reviews were born like this.

"Sister setting? It's really too popular." Hearing Li Xuan's words, Zhao Ran immediately knew what made the audience complain. Isn't the setting of having a sister and a house at the beginning of the game the setting of an online novel?Viewers who have taken care of the online novel will definitely make fun of Zhao Ran after watching the anime with the same setting, but the next plot is the key point.

Cherish Wuhe Kotori, who is still a younger sister. Before long, the so-called younger sister status will surprise you for a long time.

"This anime gets more and more interesting as it gets to the end. At the beginning, the younger sister can only attract the audience with her beauty. After all, the setting of the hero as the winner in life will make the audience feel involved. If all kinds of things are messed up at the beginning, the audience will definitely be the first. I gave up after one episode." Zhao Ran, who was often in the online novel circle in his previous life, naturally knows the importance of the golden three chapters. In fact, anime and online novels have some similarities. Many, even if the ending is unfinished, the audience will scold the author at most, and watch what should be watched, but if the beginning is not good, the audience will give up the first episode decisively, and they will not bother to watch the ending at all.

The beginning of Guilty Crown in the previous life attracted a large number of audiences. Although it was unfinished in the end, it still couldn't stop the audience's love for this anime at that time.

Bad movies come out with burning songs. Sometimes you can guess the quality of an anime by listening to the theme song. The most brilliant part of some anime is the theme song.
"Humans are still animals after all, and all their behaviors will obey the laws of nature. In order to reproduce more offspring, males will pass on their genes, so they will be especially fond of the harem." Zhao Ran glanced at the harem. Origami Master: "Especially good-looking girls. The girls in "Date A Live" are more beautiful than each other. Such cute girls will love them from the bottom of their hearts just by looking at their faces. Then, How could it be possible not to give good reviews about their stories?"

Yatogami Tohka, Wuhe Kotori, Origami Master, how long has this anime started?Pretty and cute girls popped up one after another.

Now that the anime plot has been broadcast to the stage of the Origami Master, the audience saw the cute and three-nothing appearance of the Origami Master, and they were instantly captured by her.

"Zhao Gou, why did you secretly paint my wife's portrait?"

"I'm sorry, my wife, I'm ashamed of everyone, I'll take her away now."

"Don't just drink alcohol, eat more cephalosporins! Are you starting to get dizzy? It's my wife, okay?"

"There are so many girls rushing in the direction I didn't expect in the whole anime, I'm a little scared, Zhao Gou won't be next to the knife, right?"

"You don't know that Zhao Gou is a sister-killer? Anyone who the audience likes will probably not survive three episodes! I guess your paper man wife will die a miserable death! Maybe Zhao Gou will cut off his head and then hang on the railing."

"Hey, hey! Can you stop mentioning sister Qie! It's already miserable enough to die!"

All kinds of comments on the barrage are being discussed, swiping the screen frantically, and overwhelmingly want to watch the plot in the anime, but they have to turn off the barrage.

Zhao Ran is very popular, and the top traffic stars in the country are no more than that. Many economic companies have tried to make Zhao Ran debut as an idol. Zhao Ran directly looks at those company personnel like an idiot, idol?Do you make anime incense?
And Zhao Ran's works are also word-of-mouth accumulated through one work after another. Some viewers seem to recognize the brand, watching anime and only watching the works that Zhao Ran participated in the production of.

With such popularity and word-of-mouth, the number of people who read Zhao Ran's works is naturally countless.

According to the report of the anime "Date A Live", the broadcast volume of the first episode has already reached tens of millions!What is this concept?In other words, this animation can steadily reach the level of over [-] million hits!

And so much popularity can bring a lot of member users to Bee Ka Bee Ka.

The current composition of the company's capital income is a part of KyoAni's animation production, a part of figure peripherals, a part of game adaptation, TV series adaptation, and movie adaptation, and a part of novel platform and 咔咔哔咔.

Eggs are not put in one basket. Some income components lose money, and other income components can make up for the lost money.

"When will this girl appear on stage? I always feel that she is a very important character, otherwise Zhao Ran would not have chosen her when he promoted this anime. [Attachment Crazy [-]]"

"Heroine? The heroine should appear at the beginning of the game, right? So, Wuhe Qinli is the heroine? (Gentleman laughs)."

"The girls who appeared on the stage are all very beautiful. Although I haven't figured out their personalities clearly, just looking at that face, my three views have already followed their facial features."

"The last woman who can survive! It must be like this, and the female characters who appear on the stage will be killed by Zhao Ran in the end!"

The psychological shadow brought by Zhao Ran to the audience is still remembered by the audience, even though Zhao Ran has produced many animation works without too many depressing elements.

If you really want to get depressed, can you bear it?If Zhao Ran saw the audience's discussions, he would definitely look weird and complain like this.

Zhao Ran still has a lot of super tear-jerking animation works in his hand. According to Zhao Ran's current popularity in China, the number of people following his works is at least a million!In other words, an anime that tortures millions of viewers?It's really exciting to think about it.

In fact, to be honest, there are many scenes in the anime "Date A Live" that make the tear glands uncomfortable, and people who watch it in many places can't stop their tears!
For example, the female character Tobiichi Origami who is appearing now.

Tobiichi Origami is undoubtedly the heroine of "Date A Live", her identity and status in the work is no less than the official heroine Yatogami Toka!
Although origami is indeed not as popular as other elves, the master will always be your master, and there is always something attractive and admirable!

And just such a strong and beautiful girl, she is a tragedy in and out of the play!
In the play, the experience of the origami master is really sympathetic!Five years ago, Origami was a child with a happy family, but she witnessed her parents being killed by elves!So from that moment on, Origami hated the elves deeply in her heart, and even entrusted Shidou with tears and smiles to kill the elves, leaving only anger to herself, and lived with the only anger for five years year!

During the five years, as Origami told Shidou, she was constantly looking for traces of the enemy elves; after that, in order to obtain enough power to avenge the elves, she joined AST, constantly learning and practicing the skills of fighting the elves; and in order to obtain For the information of the enemy elves, Origami is willing to join the DEM club and be with Ike and others!
I thought that I could kill all the elves if I got the magic costume in the DEM club, but God will play tricks on people after all. Not only was Origami tortured to despair by the power of the elves, she even lived in the way she hated the most, being turned into a ghost by the phantom. Elf!

But just after Origami accepted the reality calmly, what she ushered in was an even greater tragedy!Origami returned to five years ago through Kuangsan's power. She wanted to kill her enemy and prevent her from killing her parents, but in the end she found that she killed her parents by mistake while chasing Phantom!And the so-called enemy she has been looking for and hating for five years is precisely herself who will become an elf five years later!Because she couldn't accept the truth, Origami also fell into despair in the end, and turned into the devil who saved the world!
And even afterwards, Shidou changed history and saved Origami's parents!But because the gods have the power to modify history, Origami's parents are still doomed!As for the karma in this, Origami is naturally borne by Origami. When Shidou sealed Origami, he also told Origami that the death of Origami's parents was a sin she had to bear!Therefore, the experience of origami seems to be a joke of the gods. What she has spent five years of painstaking efforts in exchange for is nothing but endless despair!

Of course, in addition to Origami's tragic experience in the play, Shidou's attitude towards her also makes people feel sorry for it!Before Origami became an elf, she had been silently paying for Shidou like Kuang San, not only singled out the elves many times to protect Shidou, but also resisted the order of the organization for Shidou many times.

Kashidou has always been in a state of indifference, and even wanted to break up with Origami in the Origami OVA!However, fortunately, in the origami chapter, Shidou finally paid for origami!
Outside of the show, there is no doubt that everyone has complained about the collapse of animation and painting for countless times!

Although it is not easy for Dating A Live to broadcast the third season of animation, it is really a misfortune like Seven Sins and Origami!Obviously they all ushered in their own home court, but in the end they collapsed unsightly. The seven crimes are actually easy to say, but Origami is really horrible.

The shape of origami's spiritual costume is in the original work, but its identification name is Angel (Angel), with a huge golden crown suspended on the head, wrapped in a white wedding dress, surrounded by many pinnae, shining light all the time, The overall feeling is that an angel has come to the world!But in the animation, the shape of origami's spiritual outfit is greatly reduced. Not only the clothes are like a few rags, but the weapons are also full of the smell of various plastic toys!
After Origami turned into a demon king, although her spiritual outfit didn't look so simple, her strength was greatly weakened!
The description of the strength of Reversed Origami in the original work probably means this: when Reversed Origami appeared, Tiangong City instantly turned into a hell on earth; and in the animation, the Tiangong City that everyone saw was not as miserable as imagined, This can't help but make people question the strength of reverse origami is a bit weak!
Of course, in addition to the problems of Honkai and animation production, Origami also received unequal treatment from the author. To be precise, the author is too partial to his own daughter Tokisaki Kurumi!
In the origami chapter, it is obviously his home field, but he has shaped Kuangsan almost perfectly, and his limelight in the origami chapter even overwhelmed the origami master a little bit!The audience was going to watch origami, but they were crazy fans!

In the face of Tokisaki Kurumi, who has always been popular, so seizing the limelight, as the home field and the origami master who has never been very popular, it is really miserable!

(End of this chapter)

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