please stop making anime

Chapter 201 Rejection

Chapter 201 Rejection
"That's it? It's this rubbish novel that was pushed by Dafeng? This is completely a shady story, a hype by Zhao Ran to fool everyone!"

After Zhao Ran sent the novel "Day on Campus" to the big page, people immediately broke out such remarks on the Internet.

This level of recommendation directly affects the performance of a book. The last time Dafeng pushed, the monthly manuscript fee was more than [-] yuan.

Because Zhao Ran directly used his privilege to give the best recommendation to the works he admired before the essay solicitation started, so the old authors, especially those who had written high-quality novels, were instantly unhappy.

"I'm afraid I am here to entertain everyone this time. I am really disappointed with the Ethics Society!"

That person directly typed the post he wrote to the platform's main website, and countless readers who watched the excitement clicked in, and more and more comments made this post higher and higher.

"Don't complain about the shady scene in the Essence Club! Although I'm not an author, I'm still a bookworm for many years. I read the essay, and the quality is pretty good. Anyway, I enjoyed reading it."

"That is, complaining about the platform because I don't have the ability? Good books will not be buried. If your book is not good, you can only say that you are not good."

Zhao Ran has a lot of fans. When seeing someone scolding Zhao Ran, countless fans flocked to him, and then the author was attacked by netizens.

Just when everyone thought that the author would choose to give in, the person who posted was not afraid at all.

"Huh? I'm not capable? I can't write? What are you kidding! Although I'm not one of those god-level figures, I still earn tens of thousands of yuan in manuscript fees every month!"

After speaking, in order to strengthen his persuasiveness, he also posted a screenshot of his manuscript fee.

Those netizens who attacked in groups were silent when they saw the manuscript fee posted by the other party, and the monthly manuscript fee could reach more than 5 yuan!No matter which platform the manuscript fee is placed on, it is at the first-tier level.

"I heard about Zhao Ran's name, so I came here to test the waters to see if I could become a god with a book, but this is the result? Is it a shady thing? My monthly manuscript fee is 5 yuan! Who thinks I can't do it?!"

With a monthly manuscript fee of 5 yuan, the largest novel platform in China can still squeeze into the top [-] best-selling list, which is naturally not enough.

Most novel authors are full-timers, and the monthly manuscript fee is only 4000 yuan, which is barely sufficient.

"I know this author! I've read his novels. They are written with passion and the style of writing is quite good. People who read them are excited."

"Eh? His book is really good, and he has reached the level of a quasi-master on a certain website. I heard that when the monthly manuscript fee is the most, he can get 18 yuan, and the code word is very fast. It's a good code word girl."

Someone opened the other party's novel and carefully read the novel "Day on Campus".

"There is indeed a gap. Did Zhao Gou make a mistake? This "Day on Campus" is obviously written by a newcomer. The writing is immature, and the plot is not perfectly grasped."

"It should be that the setting is relatively novel? But I don't see anything novel."

"Zhao Gou doesn't need to offend Internet writers for a newcomer. Believe Zhao Gou, he must see the difference and bright spots in this novel."

Fans still choose to trust Zhao Ran unconditionally. They feel that Zhao Ran recommends this novel because there are some things in this novel that Zhao Ran is satisfied with.

"I need Zhao Ran to give me a reason!"

The other party obviously didn't want to stop there, and Zhao Ran and Li Xuan also noticed this post.

"This author is also an old author, and the books he wrote are almost all high-quality books on a certain website, and his strength is very good." Li Xuan said.

"Let me take a look." Zhao Ran took the computer from Li Xuan's hand and re-read the old author's article.

The characters, plots, conflicts, and golden fingers of the three golden chapters are all perfectly matched, and the sense of substitution is very strong, which is very suitable for old bookworms to read.

The writing style is also excellent, and this old author is very fast. At first glance, he is a full-time author. He writes tens of thousands of articles every day, and sometimes he can update [-] articles a day, which is terrifying.

It's just that it's too routine, just like a novel template. This is a routine essay, as if it uses a frame that breaks the sky, and then adds your own things to the frame. It's really refreshing, but it doesn't have much spirituality.

"Are you qualified?" Li Xuan asked.

Zhao Ran shook his head, too routine and lack of spirituality, not suitable for anime adaptation, not long after, Zhao Ran posted a comment below the post.

"This call for papers is based on innovation and attractiveness as the main review criteria, and your work has been verified to lack spirituality."

As soon as Zhao Ran's comment was sent, the other party replied immediately.

"Lack of spirituality?!"

"I don't agree!"

"Readers' eyes are discerning! A good work is one that adapts to the needs of the market! Whether it's refreshment or rhythm, which aspect of his work is better than mine? His works are as exciting as mine? His works are as exciting as mine. How cool is my work?"

The other party's words were extremely fierce, and a large number of netizens were paying attention to this matter, waiting for Zhao Ran's opinion on this matter!

Although they were Zhao Ran's fans, it was precisely because they were fans that they hoped that Zhao Ran would not do anything that disappointed them.

"A work is not only cool enough, it is an excellent work that meets the market requirements. Although some works have many poisonous points in them, they are innovative and aura. I think such works are more valuable than so-called cool writing."

"The same routine framework, just change the skin and say it's a new book. What's the value of such a work?"

"Hahaha, you actually said that my book is worthless? My monthly manuscript fee is 90.00 to [-] yuan! It surpasses [-]% of domestic online writers!" The other party replied.

"So what if the manuscript fee is too much? It's just a routine. A work like yours has no value in adapting animation! I hope you can take a serious look at Dafengtui's work, the aura in it is worth learning."

"I'm going to study? I'm so strong! I'm just a rookie."

"It is precisely because he is a newcomer that his works are not limited to routines, and his works can make people feel aura. Although his writing style is immature, the aura is enough to make up for the shortcomings of his writing style. Your writing style is very good. Not bad, but the work is too routine. To put it bluntly, any old author with writing experience in your work can write works similar to yours. This kind of cookie-cutter novel is really annoying to read, and the plot is too old-fashioned , the character design is very pale, the main line is not clear, to be honest, I seriously doubt how your [-] draft fee came from."

Zhao Ran's words were deafening. He couldn't see what kind of person was on the other side of the network, but since Zhao Ran posted a comment, the other party never replied, as if mysteriously disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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