Chapter 210

"Puff! Puff! Give me a bunch of Kuangsan's posters!" Guo Meng said to the bookstore owner out of breath.

"Sorry, this store is sold out. Sir, you can leave your contact information and we will contact you when the goods arrive." The girl at the front desk showed a professional smile and said slowly.

Hearing this, Guo Meng turned around and left, cursing and saying: "How can I repair it! Are these people beasts? They sold out the posters so quickly?!"

Guo Meng has been to at least four or five bookstores to buy Kuangsan's posters, but every bookstore is sold out of Kuangsan's posters?

Guo Meng had to hurry to the next one to try his luck. In fact, Guo Meng could buy it online. The Jie Cao Society has an online store, but if you buy it online, you have to wait a few days for the poster to arrive. Meng is an impatient man, and he doesn't have that patience at all.

As a die-hard fan of the Essence Club, Zhao Ran's works by Guo Meng have all been read, and more than once.

In Guo Meng's heart, Zhao Ran exists like a god, as long as he makes a move, it will definitely be a high-quality anime!Who can do it in China?No one can do it except Zhao Ran!

Zhao Ran's works must be supported. This seems to be a consensus reached by Two-dimensional fans long ago. Not only Guo Meng, but too many Two-dimensional fans bought the posters of the Festival Club as soon as they were sold.

At this time in the Festival Club, the entire building was also filled with a tense atmosphere.

All departments are adjusting to try to produce the most perfect work within the planned time.

Zhao Ran sat in the office rubbing his hands, not because he was cold, but because he was really nervous.

In my previous life, several production companies closed down because of the production of "Date A Live", and most of the reasons for the closures were that they could not make enough money to invest, and the surrounding income was too low.

"How about the sales of the posters and other peripherals we invested this time? Haven't there been any results yet?" Zhao Ran asked.

"Why is the president nervous? The sales must be exploding! You haven't watched this anime, it has already surpassed [-] million hits!" Li Xuan couldn't stop smiling when he mentioned Dating Battle.

As long as the president of the company takes the initiative, the animation will be high-quality and stable, and there is no need to worry about the grades. Li Xuan can't figure it out, why is the president so nervous?Do you feel that your grades are not good?If this grade is not good, how can other people live?
"A lot of clicks doesn't mean you can make money!" Although the Festival Society has other projects to support it, it is better not to lose money if it can not lose money.

Zhao Ran was also frightened by the fate of the anime "Date A Live" in his previous life. Whoever does it goes bankrupt, and that's okay.

In the previous life, the production company of the first season of Dating A Live announced its closure after producing this anime, and the production company of the second season could not escape a similar fate. In the end, the third season of Dating A A Live came out after the previous life festival club collapsed the anime. .

It stands to reason that this animation in the previous life was a mess in China, so it should be able to earn back its capital, right?However, the domestic industrial chain is not complete, and it does not have a complete industrial chain from top to bottom like Neon in its previous life.

Now Zhao Ran's work sells peripherals relying on the huge population base in China to earn income. As long as there are enough viewers who like this animation, the number of people who buy peripherals will not be too small.

I'm afraid that those viewers are prostitutes who like to pirate, so Zhao Ran has nothing to do.

Whoring for nothing is for nothing, and some whoring parties not only do it for nothing, but also give bad reviews to their works, which makes Zhao Ran a little unacceptable.

And at ten o'clock in the evening, the statistical results of "Date A Live" finally came out.

"The number of hits is 1000 million, the posters have been sold out, and the figures are on sale."

Holding the report sheet in his hand, Li Xuan reported all the data of the anime "Date A Live" to Zhao Ran.

The results are amazing, maybe the number of clicks is mixed with water, but the surrounding area is real money, and now this anime has only played a few episodes, and it has already achieved such a good result.

This result was within Li Xuan's expectations. First of all, the president of his family is very famous. In the domestic animation production industry, few people have the popularity of Zhao Ran. Some viewers have even classified Zhao Ran as "National Treasure Artist", although Zhao Ran thought he was not worthy of this title, Zhao Ran felt that if he wanted to win this title, he must at least have a famous work like "Castle in the Sky" both at home and abroad.

Secondly, the Jie Cao Society is very famous. Many passers-by have never watched the animation produced by the Jie Cao Society. However, if you catch a young man on the street, most of them have heard of the name of the Jie Cao Society.

Of course, no matter how famous the name is, the quality of the work is useless. It can be said that Li Xuan personally participated in the whole process of making this animation. Every detail of this animation is extremely strict. There is no other company other than this one, and JingAni can't do it either!

JingAni may be very strong, but that is relatively speaking. Compared with other animation production companies in China, JingAni easily beats them by ten blocks. Ani's parent company, a lot of talents were transferred from the festival club, plus the boss of the festival club, Zhao Ran, was in charge, so it was really hard to surpass for a while.

Unless Zhao Ran came to JingAni, in that case, Jie Cao Club would become a branch company, and JingAni would become the parent company.

After hearing the sales volume, Zhao Ran slowly loosened his clenched fists. No matter what, high sales volume is a good thing.

It's better not to lose money if you can't lose money, although Zhao Ran just started making this animation just for his feelings.

Looking at the current sales volume of this animation, it is not a big problem to earn the production expenses and other expenses.

The other staff members of the Festival Club also heard Li Xuan's report. They were stunned when they heard it, and then they couldn't help showing joy on their faces. This kind of sense of achievement of personally participating and being recognized is very fascinating.

"Another masterpiece? The president is really amazing!"

"The number of hits has exceeded [-] million? It's only been a few episodes? Why is it so fast?"

"The work is good, haven't you read the audience's comment section? It's almost all positive reviews!"

"It's great to be able to work in the Essence Club. It's a great sense of accomplishment! And I learned a lot. The president really teaches everything. As long as you want to learn, just ask the president. He will tell you what he knows. you."

"The sales of the peripherals are also booming! I heard that the peripherals of those bookstores are sold out, and we are just waiting for us to ship them."

Everyone cheered and jumped for joy, discussing enthusiastically about the Festival Club and Date Battle.

They have long regarded the Jie Cao Club as another family, and Zhao Ran smiled, enjoying the quiet time.

(End of this chapter)

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