please stop making anime

Chapter 216 It's time to collect blades again

Chapter 216 It's time to collect blades again
"President, good morning."

"Ah, hello, President!"

"The president has worked hard."

As soon as Zhao Ran walked into the festival club, all kinds of little fans stared at him and surrounded Zhao Ran to greet him.

Men always say that women are too reserved, chatting with her every day, she is still motionless, without any hint, that's because they haven't seen those women when they take the initiative.

Zhao Ran has long been annoyed by these active women, who surround him every day to try to make himself unspoken rules. Zhao Ran is a gentleman, how could he do such a thing?
"President, I have your courier, and I will sign for it for you." Li Xuan came to Zhao Ran with a box and said.

"Express delivery." Zhao Ran thought of the past years, the time when he made his fortune by relying on blades. Isn't this box of express delivery blades?

"The president isn't guessing if it's a blade, is he?" Li Xuan glanced at Zhao Ran's expression and said.

cl The plot of this anime is written like that, and Zhao Ran advertised in advance that it is a work that is easy to enjoy. At this time, it would be strange if the audience didn't send the blade after watching it.

As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is any. The works produced by Zhao Ran himself this time are much better than those produced by Li Xuan. It should be said that they are not of the same grade at all.

There are still many things to learn in the future
Zhao Ran opened the box and saw that there was a bright blade with a letter written on it.

I opened it out of curiosity, and it read: "Is this what you said about ease? Zhao Gou, you are indeed my enemy for life! Be careful with your electric car, and see if I don't pierce it ten times or eight times."


My electric car messed with you again?Zhao Ran couldn't figure out why his electric car provoked those audiences. He used to get tires punctured every day, so Zhao Ran finally got a vip membership card from the old electric car repairer to repair the tires.

"The audience is very enthusiastic." Li Xuan stretched out his small head and glanced at the contents of the letter and said with a smile.

You girl can still laugh?Didn't you see that your president has received threatening letters?
"President, do you need a bodyguard to protect you?" Li Xuan asked.

In the past, when Zhao Ran made several Zhiyu episodes in a row, the bodyguards were always there. At that time, Zhao Ran was very afraid that a furious audience would suddenly appear from a small corner and put him in a sack and beat him up.

"The blade has been sent successfully. I hope Zhao Gou will give me a face and a smile after seeing it."

"Is it the season to blow up the cesspit again? Has anyone organized a group to go? The last time the cesspit was blown up was a bit unsatisfying. This time, the festival was directly blown up, and everything was thin and thick."

"Shouldn't tires be punctured? Exploding dung pits always feels disgusting. Although I like to hear it, I especially want to see Zhao Gou's distressed face."

"You are not allowed to bully my husband! Although... I am so angry after reading his works! How can the plot be written like this? It is really crying!"

"Zhao Gou is still awesome. He can annoy hundreds of thousands of viewers within a few days, and he can also make these viewers obediently shout Zhao Gou is awesome within a few days!"

"Creative player, his works are very good, although sometimes he is quite annoying, but his works are undoubtedly excellent."

Li Xuan turned on the computer on the desk and asked Zhao Ran to read the comments from the audience. After reading the comments, Zhao Ran felt a little ashamed.

You seem to have provoked everyone's anger?However, the score of this anime is not low, and it is very stable within nine points. This score is enough to show the excellence of this anime. Zhao Ran dared to be so raunchy because of the continuous wonderful works. abandoned by these audiences.

"President, do you want me to check the courier sent to you in advance? I'm always afraid that these audiences will send something amazing." Li Xuan touched his chin and said.

Zhao Ran also had this consideration. Wasn't Jingani burned in the previous life because of some trivial matters?Half of the manuscript was destroyed, and many people were killed or injured.

"Just be careful in the future." Zhao Ran said, "By the way, how is JingAni's production of the second season of "Date A Live" going?"

When the Festival Club was desperately trying to catch up with the schedule, Jingani was not idle.

"This animation has really high requirements for funding. The funding you gave, the president, is not enough." Li Xuan covered his face, and made it according to the screen of the first season of "Date A Live". Zhao Ran's funding is indeed a bit Straightforward.

"Don't worry too much about the funding of this animation. You can apply directly after KyoAni runs out of funds. The most important thing is the quality of the works. You can't ruin your reputation. KyoAni has made too many minor changes recently, and the quality levels are uneven. , can just use this anime to make Jinganilar popular." Zhao Ran said.

The content of "Date A Live II" is the continuation of the first season, and the first season was followed in such a short period of time because it wanted to gain the popularity of the first season and lay an audience foundation for KyoAni.

The content setting of the second season remains unchanged. In order to save the girls called elves from being killed by humans, the male protagonist Wuhe Shidao has to date them and make them shy, and then seal their elf power by kissing .

After what happened in the first season, Shidou's life has returned to calm. In order to meet the upcoming school trip, Shidou has made preparations early, and Tohka and Shishino, who are staying at Shidao's home, are still going on. Adding trouble to Shidou.

In order to prevent the spirit power of the two from flowing back, Shidou also carefully took care of the two.

In the last season, Origami, who was a member of AST, was punished for attacking Shidou's sister. Fortunately, Aizhak from DEM interceded for Origami, so Origami's punishment was not so severe.

Worrying about the estrangement between Shidou and Shidou because of the previous incident, Origami invited Shidou out. After Shidou left, Tohka, who was watching the TV series at home, was affected by the plot of the TV series. Afraid that Shidou would leave, Tohka came to Shidou's room and found Shidou's suitcase mistakenly thought that Shidou was leaving.

Although Shidou was comforted for the first time, Tohka's own uneasiness, coupled with the accident, still mistakenly thought that Shidou would leave her.

The uneasy Tohka made the sealed spirit power flow back into her body, and the alarm that the space quake could not be controlled also sounded.

Fortunately, Shidou finally explained to him and resolved the incident, but because of this accident, the DEM people noticed the existence of Tohka, and turned their target to Tohka.

Under the arrangement of DEM, the originally planned school trip to Okinawa suddenly changed places, and followed the arrangement of the school to the destination island, but Tohka felt that someone was watching them, and the two left the team. Unexpectedly Then suddenly two hurricanes hit, and then appeared two elf girls.

Yamai Yaguya and Yamai Yuzuru were once an elf, but they derived two personalities in order to become an elf again.

Yaguya and Yuzuru are constantly fighting duels. The winning side will continue to exist, while the losing side will disappear, but the two have not yet decided the winner. After meeting Shidou, Yaguya Suddenly decided to have a charm contest, and whoever defeats Shidou first will win.

Shidou was also forced to become the referee of the duel between the two, while Eren, the world's strongest magician under the DEM company who was monitoring Tohka, was also quietly acting.

Although Yaguya and Yuzuru are competing on the surface, in fact, they both like each other very much in their hearts. In private, both of them secretly asked Shidou to let him choose the other party, which made Shidou suddenly helpless.

At night, Tohka looked at Shidou, who was unhappy, and asked him to go for a walk by the beach. Shidou told Tohka what was on his mind, but he didn't expect to be heard by the two sisters, Yamai. The two decided not to rely on outsiders to decide the outcome, and fought again. Get up, and the two decide that the loser will live.

At this time, Allen from DEM also started to act. They said that Tohka caught him, and in order to protect Toka, Shidou summoned the Killer, stopped Alan, and at the same time stopped the fighting Yamai two sisters, under Shidou's persuasion The next two also chose to believe in Shidao, and were successfully sealed by Shidou in the end.

After the end of his school trip, Shidou ushered in the "Tianyang Festival". As the largest festival jointly organized by ten schools, Shidou was elected as the executive committee member of the school. suddenly sounded.

On a stage, Shidou accidentally discovered Miku who was seduced by the spirit. The first time he met Miku, he was very disgusted with Shidou. Later, he found that she was a member of Rindouji Women's Academy, which was merged with the festival. After learning that Miku Hating boys, Shidou pretends to be Shiori and gets close to Miku and also wins Miku's favor.

After getting close to Miku, Shiori also discovered that Miku could manipulate others with his voice, and because of Miku's selfish character, Shiori showed disgust for her.

The two made a bet, whoever's school won the first place on the stage of the festival will be the winner. If Shiori wins Miku, he will be sealed by him. If Miku wins, Shiori and the spirits under him will belong to Miku .

However, on the day of the festival, DEM dispatched again to capture Shidou and Tohka, and Origami fought alone to protect them.

Shiori and Miku's stage performance ended with Miku winning, but Shiori's school won the first place in the school's comprehensive score. Miku, who failed, did not intend to fulfill her promise and Shiori's identity was exposed.

Then Miku used her ability to control everyone in the arena except Shiori. Fortunately, Tohka was spared because she was wearing headphones, but Alan who broke in later took Tohka away.

In order to save Tohka, Shidou had no choice but to join hands with Kurumi, and had a fight with Miku before their actions were hindered.

During this battle, Miku's mood was affected by Shidou, and Miku also came forward to assist in the subsequent rescue of Tohka, but Aizhak of DEM killed Shidou in front of Tohka, but fortunately Due to the power of spirits, Shidou did not die.

But Tohka turned black and attacked the people around her, but with Shidou's efforts, she still called Tohka back, and because Shidou protected Miku, fulfilled her promise, Mijiu was also influenced by him and finally sealed the power of the spirit.

The content of the second season is still very good, don't worry about word of mouth, as long as the picture quality is good.

Li Xuan listened to Zhao Ran finish explaining the anime "Date A Live", and then said: "By the way, the release date of the anime cl has been confirmed."

"Can't you handle this matter yourself?" Zhao Ran was taken aback for a moment. In the past, Li Xuan and Li Tong discussed things like this around, and Zhao Ran usually didn't get involved.

"It's like this. In order to stimulate sales, your cooperation may be needed."

"Cooperation? What kind of cooperation method? You don't want my portrait photos? Then forget it, I might as well find a few models for my portrait photos." Zhao Ran made a small joke.

"Actually, this is a good way. If your photo shoots are sold, the sales will explode. Even if the audience doesn't want to buy them, they will probably buy them when they see your face, and then stuff your photo photos into the toilet." Li Xuan complained.

Looking at the audience's remarks on the Internet, many people want to find Zhao Ran to chat with him, and talk about their feelings after watching CL. If these fans get Zhao Ran's photo, there is a high probability that it will be ruined.

"I'm a little unhappy when you say that." Zhao Ran showed a sad expression, and then asked: "Since it's not mine, who wants it? I can call her over to ask for help."

"Are men really thinking about their lower body? I just said that I need your cooperation."


"I don't understand, President, how did you come up with a photoshoot?" Li Xuan couldn't help complaining.

"Isn't this a routine operation? Look at those who advertise, don't they always ask a good-looking traffic star to endorse, we don't look for traffic stars for the sake of sales, so we always find a good-looking lady to put it on. " Zhao Ran replied.

Men are all visual animals, maybe they can't help but want to buy it when they see the beautiful young lady on the box.

There are many beauties in the Festival Club, young and beautiful, just find a few to take a photo and put it on the cover.

I don't know the reason, but the ratio of men to women in the morality society is seriously out of balance, with more women than men. Besides the married women, there are also quite a lot of unmarried girls, and each one is more beautiful than the other.

This is probably the charm, Zhao Ran touched his face, and squeezed the money in his pocket by the way.

Li Xuan naturally didn't know Zhao Ran's careful thoughts. She first glanced at Zhao Ran with a strange look, and then said: "CL is not a harem animation, why are you looking for a photo of a young lady? Didn’t degenerate to the extent of using beauty to attract the audience, isn’t that kind of behavior of using a photo of a beauty as a cover is only done by small workshops?”

Zhao Ran stopped joking when he heard the words, and said seriously: "In this case, how do I cooperate?"

"President, your signature is much more valuable than the faces of those beautiful models. Many viewers dream of wanting your signature. That is a real benefit. By the way, if you have time, it is best to draw a few more posters." .” Li Xuan replied.

"Is that so?"

This is a trivial matter, Zhao Ran nodded and said: "No problem, I will solve it for you right away."

(End of this chapter)

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