please stop making anime

Chapter 218 Fuck Domineering Attack and DD Tsundere Shou

Chapter 218 Domineering Attack and DD Tsundere Shou

Time passed quickly, and after a short break, the Festival Club stepped into the fast-paced production.

cl Because the first season of this anime has already been produced, the artists and various departments are obviously more handy in the production of the second season than the first season. The personnel have not changed much, and the production efficiency is very high.

Considering the reason why there may be branches in the future, such as the separation of the Bones Club from the Essence Club, during the production of this season, Zhao Ran also arranged for those interns to learn more from those old painters.

Of course, there is still pressure. The Internet is not optimistic. This kind of public opinion pressure makes the members of the entire community nervous. They don't understand. The first season has achieved such a good result, why do they have to make the second season? According to the past, even if there is a second season, wouldn't it be enough to leave it to KyoAni to produce?In this way, the pressure in their hearts is not as great as it is now.

In the entire production company, only Zhao Ran was calm. He was drinking tea while others were busy, and eating snacks while others were discussing how effective the production plan would be.

In fact, Zhao Ran also understands the psychological pressure of these employees. The performance of their previous works was too high, which made their vision very high. If they suddenly produce a work that is not good for the audience, this kind of frustration will be unbearable for a while. The myth of the society may be broken.

Maybe it's because Jie Cao's name is too big. Many small animation production companies tried to stagger the release time of this anime when they heard that Jie Cao was going to produce the second season of CL.

No animation production company wants to be massacred by the festival club.

This is the same as online novels. There is always a period of time when the great masters get together to publish new books. At this time, those writers who rush to the street dare not move at all. The best choice is to wait for these great masters to write new books after the new book period is over.

Of course, there are also accidents, such as DD company, DD entrepreneur has a big career and doesn't care about money, so this company confronts the festival club every day.

Zhao Ran said that the second season of CL was going to be produced, and they had already worked overtime and held meetings to discuss how to give the Jie Cao Club a backstab.

According to the gossip, this time DD company decided to abandon the previous creative methods, come out of the operation mode of big ip + traffic star + public opinion bombing, and create an original animation work of its own. For this reason, the creators of DD company discuss every day Setting, Zhao Ran heard that these creators almost fought over a certain setting.

The audience who had no expectations for DD company had a heated discussion about the actions of DD company this time. While looking forward to the full bloom of animation, the audience also sweated for the festival.

Zhao Ran is indeed very strong, but DD Enterprise is rich!As long as you are willing to burn money and directly burn the scene, such a work meets the taste of most people.

Just like Hollywood popcorn movies, the box office is very high, and those award-winning literary and artistic movies accidentally lost their pants.

DD Enterprise's new work pv has been released early. Zhao Ran, who didn't feel too much pressure at first, became more stressed after watching DD Enterprise's work.

Really willing to burn money ah!As soon as it came up, there were a few big explosions, and the funds rose slowly. Several black dragons rose into the sky, and a sense of wildness came over us. It was full of traditional culture. This time, DD Enterprises put a lot of effort into it.

The audience who were not optimistic at first expressed their expectation after watching the new work of DD Enterprise:
"DD Enterprise is rich! I can already feel the taste of krypton gold from this picture."

"There is a smell of traditional culture, and suddenly I am looking forward to it. This time, the DD company has to get serious."

"Don't, the work hasn't appeared yet, and we haven't seen the feature film yet, so don't comment that this anime is good-looking or something, maybe the pv is fraudulent."

"To be honest, it's actually not difficult for a DD company to produce a masterpiece. DD company used to be too opportunistic, and always wanted to use the least amount of money to get more profits."


"President, the work of DD Enterprise is very good." After watching the pv, Li Xuan praised: "This time I invited a master."

"It's not that I hired a master, but this time DD company made it carefully. DD company is not short of money, and naturally it is not bad for good creators. As long as you have money and excellent creators, then good works will naturally be easy to produce. .” Zhao Ran said.

"Is the president not worried? The market share of childbirth will be squeezed out by DD companies." Li Xuan turned his head and asked.

"Competitive relations exist in any industry, especially in this kind of cultural industry. There is no way to monopolize it at all, and it is impossible to monopolize it in China. Therefore, it is impossible for the Festival Club to firmly occupy the leading position all the time. What we have to do is to always Keep making progress, and never give up even if you encounter setbacks." Zhao Ran said: "It's a good thing that the two companies are not producing the same themes this time, otherwise the pressure of competition will be even greater."

"President, you can think about it."

Even if you can't think about it, what can you do, Zhao Ran muttered in a low voice, animation production can only go out of a unique route, which is the best way for a production company to win.

Soon, the Festival Club also put the PV of the second season of CL online.

Because of the popularity accumulated in the first season, the audience paid a lot of attention to this anime in the second season. Once the pv was posted on the Internet, it had millions of hits.

"The flowers you've been waiting for all withered and finally came out. The tissues are ready, please make me cry!"

"There are more and more strange people these days, and there are still people who want to be abused?"

"Isn't the reason to watch CL just to cry? If the second season doesn't cause tears, then what's the point of watching it?"

"Upstairs, do you watch this anime just to make you cry? This anime has other meanings!"

"To be honest, this time DD Enterprise is going to take on the morality club again? The two have fought so many times, but they all ended in failure."

"But it is undeniable that the anime produced by DD is getting better and better. I used to watch the first episode and I didn't want to watch the next episode, but now I can finish it! Isn't this also a kind of progress?"

"Probably abandoned the previous creative techniques, and the pictures are beautiful, and the funds are crazy. Although it is much worse than the integrity club, it is much better than those other small production companies."

In the comment area, the audience was discussing the Ethics Society and DD Company, and some people even anthropomorphized the two companies, which made the two companies' open and secret struggle seem a bit human.

Soon, various discussion posts appeared.

"Which is stronger, the DD company or the morality club?"

"The reason why DD's progress is so fast is because of the pressure from the moral society?!"

"DD Enterprise and the new work of Jie Cao Club, who do you support more?"

"A love story that has to be told between Domineering Gong and DD Tsundere."

"I was blown up. After seeing the grievances between DD Company and the Jie Cao Society, I went crazy about these two companies. What's going on?!"

(End of this chapter)

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