please stop making anime

Chapter 229 Zhao Ran, please be gentle!

Chapter 229 Zhao Ran, please be gentle!

The audience was also watching the interview about Zhao Ran. When the audience saw Zhao Ran's explanation about the heroine, the audience cheered and swept away their previous depressed mood.

"Great! I thought the heroine was really going to die, but luckily she won't die."

"Zhao Gou only said that there is a possibility of resurrection, we should not be too happy too early, if it is not resurrected in the end, wouldn't it be a waste of love?"

"Anyway, it's a fact that Zhao Gou made me feel bad. It's impossible for me to forgive him, unless he really brings the heroine back to life. Otherwise, I'll give you the blade."

"So, should we praise Zhao Gou? If we continue to scold, I seriously doubt that the heroine will not be resurrected."

Guo Meng looked at Zhao Ran's interview in a daze.

What are you doing, Zhaogou?Write the heroine to death and then resurrect it, in order to earn tears from the audience? !

Can't believe Zhao Gou's nonsense!Maybe he has some new plans!Guo Meng remained skeptical about Zhao Ran's interview.

As an old fan, Guo Meng has been pitted by Zhao Ran too many times.

In Guo Meng's impression, Zhao Gou has an extremely bad personality and takes pleasure in playing tricks on the audience. If it weren't for the fact that this guy's works are so good-looking, his attitude will be criticized by the audience every minute.

However, the anime of cl said that it was a bit too much to play with the audience, because there is indeed a foreshadowing of Guangyu in this anime, but the audience did not think of it. Now after this interview, Zhao Ran personally pointed it out, and the audience suddenly realized.

At the same time, the DD company next door was originally happy because Zhao Ran wrote the heroine to death, and when there was a lot of condemnation on the Internet, it got the news that the heroine might be resurrected.

How can it be repaired!
Originally, he planned to take advantage of this wave to snatch CL's audience, but now, the audience's appetite has been whetted by Zhao Ran. Now the audience wants to know whether the heroine will be resurrected, and if so, in which episodes.

"President, the mood of the audience has been appeased." Li Xuan felt a little emotional in his heart. His own president is amazing, but he said something vaguely that the heroine might be resurrected, so he sent those audiences who wanted to come to him My mood was soothed.

"Well, that's good. I wanted to collect a few more boxes of blades, but it seems that I have no chance these days." Zhao Ran nodded and said.

"There will be more opportunities for them in the future." Others don't know the plot of this anime, but Li Xuan knows it all!

The more it gets to the later stage, the more tear-jerking this animation is, what is the plot now!
"The audience is really looking forward to the plot direction of the latest episode." Li Xuan opened the notebook and let Zhao Ran read the audience's discussions in those forums.

This anime is very popular now. There have been over ten thousand comments on this anime on the Tieba forum, and the number of views has reached tens of millions.

The up owners also used the CL anime to make money. Zhao Ran did not stop those up owners. Their explanations will undoubtedly give free advertisements to this animation, especially those up owners with a high number of followers.

"The little girl who appeared in the preview of the latest episode is very cute. She looks like the heroine. Is that the child of the heroine?"

"I was also skeptical. I feel that the latest episode should be about the story between the hero and his child. It should be very warm."

"It must be watched. I also want to see the change of the male lead. I think it will be very difficult to lose the female lead and bring up a child."

"The trailer is still very warm, the hero will become stronger."

Because the audience was confused by the heroine's death before, many people didn't notice the latest episode's trailer at all, but now the audience noticed the No.17 episode when they learned that the heroine might be resurrected trailer.

Zhao Ran did not show the original trailer. The original trailer of CL depicts that after the hero loses the heroine, his life becomes gloomy and depressing.

Zhao Ran changed the trailer to the interaction between the hero and his daughter. In order to attract the audience, Zhao Ran also specially extracted the most heartwarming clips of their interaction.

In order to keep the audience and appease the audience's explosive emotions, Zhao Ran took great pains.

The latest episode was played on time, and the audience had a different mentality when watching this episode.

When watching the episodes before the second season of CL, the audience still wanted to drink Coca-Cola and eat potato chips, but when it came to the episode after the heroine’s death, the audience seemed to have made an appointment without being notified, with tissues on hand .

Those old fans thought that they had seen so many works of Zhao Ran, and they were invincible, but later they found that they still underestimated Zhao Ran.

At first they thought they had adapted to CL, but after the first season of CL, they could watch the second season without moving a muscle, but in the end, they were crying miserably.

The plot of the latest episode describes the life of the hero after losing the heroine. He is gloomy, sad and decadent, as if he has lost the whole world. He works overtime trying to make himself forget those sorrows through work.

And the male protagonist who didn't know how to smoke didn't know when he started to learn to smoke.

The audience couldn't help feeling distressed when they looked at the now decadent male lead and then at the previous male lead.

Zhao Gou, please be gentle!

The hero is miserable enough!

Look at what the heroine looked like when the heroine was still there, and now, Zhao Gou!Just because of your knife!The story has become what it is now!
As for the hero's daughter, Xiao Xi, was fostered at the home of the heroine's parents.

Since the heroine can't help but think of the heroine Xiaozhu when he sees his daughter, he doesn't know how to visit the heroine, but the heroine's mother will occasionally bring Xiaoxi to him.

In the following plot, the heroine's mother deceived the hero and let the hero and his daughter Xiaoxi be alone.

The hero's daughter, Xiaoxi, is very cute, well-behaved and sensible. She is strong and will not cry even if she falls down.

The audience squatted in front of the screen and watched patiently. The barrage had also become silent from the previous twittering. They were watching the interaction between the hero and her daughter.

After the two spent the night, on the second day, the hero decided to take his daughter on a trip.

At the end of this episode, the audience may have gotten used to the death of the heroine, or they are still looking forward to the resurrection of the heroine in the future, so not many audiences ridiculed Zhao Ran, but praised a lot, saying that Zhao Ran is so much Awesome, how cute my daughter Xiao Xi is.

Zhao Ran is also patiently watching the audience's evaluation. Although he doesn't care about the evaluation, Zhao Ran can feel the situation he is in from the audience's evaluation. If it is all ridicule, then it is dangerous and he should buy insurance up!

This is the instinct that Zhao Ran slowly developed in this world!

(End of this chapter)

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