please stop making anime

Chapter 237 Your work I just want to see my life end all the time!

Chapter 237 Your Work I Just Want To Keep Watching My Life End!
Guo Meng sat on the sofa anxiously waiting for the last episode of the second season of CL.

I hope Zhao Gou can be a human this time. Guo Meng prayed in his heart. The tragic death of the heroine and daughter Xiaoxi made Guo Meng feel resentful towards Zhao Ran. perfect ending.

From the No.16 episode of the second season of cl to the No.20 episode last week, Guo Meng didn't know how he survived during this period.

It stands to reason that the last episode should not fall, right?Since Zhao Ran said that it is possible to bring the heroine back to life, and the plot has the setting of Guangyu, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for the ending to be completely wiped out
Of course, Guo Meng can't guarantee that, after all, it's not like Zhao Ran hasn't done a work with a total annihilation ending.

For example, the final outcome of Zhanmei is almost the same as Quande.

However, if the anime of cl ends in annihilation, then Zhao Gou will not be able to live a good life in the future.

While the thoughts were turning, the last episode of the second season of cl was broadcast.

The beginning of the plot is still the old rule. First, there is a story about the little girl and the robot, but this time the story of the little girl and the robot is a little different from before. In the past, the story of the little girl and the robot usually only lasted one or two minutes, but this episode , the plot of the little girl and the robot lasted four to five minutes.

Originally, Guo Meng couldn't understand the story of the little girl and the robot at all. In almost every episode of CL, there will be a little girl and a robot, but the audience thinks that this has nothing to do with the main storyline. They were at a loss, but it wasn't until the last episode that they gradually understood.

It turns out that the world where the little girl and the robot live is the adjacent world mentioned by Qin Mei, and the little girl and the robot correspond to the daughter Xiaoxi and the male protagonist respectively.

All kinds of foreshadowing have been recycled in the last episode, and many pits in front have been filled.

And at the end of this episode, the little girl hummed the tune of "The Big Tuanzi Family", and then a strong golden light penetrated the dark clouds and fell on the little girl and the robot.

"Goodbye, Dad."

This was the last sentence the little girl said, and then everything was wiped out in a strong golden light.

Then the screen switches, and the screen returns to the scene where the hero and the heroine met for the first time, but at this time the scene of the first acquaintance between the two is a bit different. The hero did not talk to the heroine, and the two passed each other.

The male protagonist who returned to consciousness saw the female protagonist and quickly turned around and shouted: "Zhu!"

After shouting, the male lead dropped the bag, then rushed towards the female lead and hugged her.

Although the picture is a scene of first acquaintance, the hero and heroine seem to have the memories they have experienced together, and the two are talking to each other about happiness.

And then Guangyu, who was able to fulfill his wish, began to play a role, and the scene switched to the day when his daughter Xiaoxi was born.

Originally, after the birth of her daughter Xiaoxi, the heroine's face was abnormally pale and dying, and she passed away after saying a few words to the hero, but this time, although the heroine was weak and her face was covered with sweat, she didn't Did not die as a result.

"Mother and daughter are safe, sir can rest assured." The doctor said with a smile.

And at this time, the hero's hanging heart finally settled into his stomach.

Seeing this, the audience couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The heroine is really resurrected!
Zhao Gou is a real human being!

The second half of the plot is full of warm and healing content. Looking at the warm scene, Guo Meng found that the corners of his eyes were moist.

Very moved.

Watching the final prompt, Guo Meng leaned on the sofa, feeling a little lost.

I don't want it to end, I still want to watch it, and I still want to be abused.
What is going on with this mentality?

This is probably the charm of a masterpiece. I cried bitterly when watching it, and felt that I didn’t see enough after watching it.

Guo Meng lit a cigarette and sat on the sofa reminiscing about the amazing work of CL, and then turned on the computer to see the comments of netizens on this animation.

The comment area is very lively, and those viewers who have not watched this anime for a long time have already started to discuss enthusiastically:
"I'm such an idiot. I thought the first season of CL was a masterpiece. Now that I watched the second season, I found that the first season was weak!"

"Zhao Gou turned out to be a human being this time, not bad! I won't send you blades this time!"

"Classic! This anime is simply a masterpiece! A milestone work!"

"After watching it, my heart is a little complicated. I don't want it to end so early! I hope it can be longer, but I am afraid to watch it and cry again."

"The ending is perfect! The plot is perfect! The picture is perfect! The dubbing is perfect! The soundtrack is perfect! For the anime CL, I really can't find any shortcomings!"

"I think this animation will still be full of emotions when I watch it in more than ten years. Zhao Gou is so amazing! This masterpiece can be produced."

"Are you still called Zhao Gou? Call me President Zhao Ran, hello!"

Zhao Ran probably didn't expect that, because the audience who used to disrespect him very much in the anime of CL, this time they stopped calling him Zhao Gou, and instead called him President Zhao Ran respectfully. He once had [-] comments and [-] The comments are all swear words, and now the style of the comment area has completely changed!
It's all praise, and if anyone dares to criticize Zhao Ran, a group of netizens will attack him.

And the comment with the most likes in the comment area is the comment "Writing CLANNAD, reading it as life".

The audience agrees with this comment very much, saying that they have learned a lot after watching this anime, and the plot of the male protagonist feels like it happened in real life, and it feels like life to people.

There are also many viewers who are lucky. Fortunately, they did not hold back their curiosity and watched this work. Some people commented that this will become his precious wealth in life and so on.

In short, the audience spoke highly of this animation, and countless audiences brushed the phrase "writing CLANNAD, reading it as life".

Zhao Ran used this animation to tell all the audience and other animation production companies that animation ghosts are still animation ghosts, even if other animation production companies spend money to borrow public opinion, they are still vulnerable to absolute masterpieces.

Guo Meng flipped through the comments silently, and gave a wave of likes to the wonderful comments of several netizens.

The comments of silly netizens are sometimes extremely talented, which makes people's eyes brighten, and there is even a feeling of epiphany.

After reading it, Guo Meng thought it was such a wonderful work. If he didn’t tell me what he felt after reading it, he would be a little sorry for this work, so after thinking about it, he also wrote his own comment:

"I've been chasing the works of the Festival Club all the time. President Zhao Ran's works are very exciting, especially this CL is very touching. I was tortured and cried many times by the plot in it. After the anime ended, my heart was also the same as that of the general public. The audience is the same, it’s different, it’s over! I just want to watch it until the end of my life President Zhao Ran, now that your work is over, do you have any plans to make new ones? I’ll follow as many as you make!”

(End of this chapter)

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